Android 5.0 OTA update for YU Yureka roll-out begins
- k
- kirat
- uus
- 13 Nov 2015
Yaseen, 09 Nov 2015i get the lollipop 5.0.2 update. my phone is switched off d... morei also lost this update
- S
- Sriram
- 7q9
- 10 Nov 2015
After the latest update in my yureka, i m facing lot of issue. Screen goes blank. Application not working properly. Device getting restarted automatically. Please suggest fix for this issue or the role back procedure.. Device was working fine before the update..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7q9
- 10 Nov 2015
After the latest update in yureka, screen for black very often. Pls advise solution for this...
- D
- Dheeraj
- uvA
- 09 Nov 2015
After getting update as on 7 November. 2015 automatically getting reboot ..again and again ....plz suggest solution from your end.
- Y
- Yaseen
- Khu
- 09 Nov 2015
i get the lollipop 5.0.2 update. my phone is switched off due to low battery. when i switched on the mobile it didnt show the OTA update for 5.0.2. how to get the update???
- D
- Dheeraj
- uvn
- 08 Nov 2015
After getting update as on 7 November. 2015 automatically getting reboot ..again and again ....plz suggest solution from your end.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vI0
- 07 Nov 2015
Updated with Lolipop and since then lot of issue in phone.
Extensive heating
Automatic screen goes blank
Issue while trying to recieve calls.
- a
- asif
- U@Z
- 07 Nov 2015
Update is not arrival to my mobile
- P
- Pavan
- Kht
- 07 Nov 2015
Akash, 06 Nov 2015updated my yureka just after update mobile started giving l... moreI'm also having the same problem
- A
- Akash
- X{j
- 06 Nov 2015
updated my yureka just after update mobile started giving lot of problems like automatically restart & before updation battery backup was almost 24hrs but after updation now it hardely 5 hrs.please dont update
- D
- Dipak
- 0Ck
- 05 Nov 2015
After Update My Mobile recently my mobile facing problem of reboot.My phone switched off automatically and Cyanogen appears after every 5 minutes. Please find some solution.
- R
- RK
- ITm
- 29 Oct 2015
RK, 29 Oct 2015after updating MY YU mobile to lolipop (5.0.2) I am getting... moreEven after clearing the cache of messaging, and disable google plus getting this error
- R
- RK
- ITm
- 29 Oct 2015
after updating MY YU mobile to lolipop (5.0.2) I am getting problems like message has stopped working, google play news stand is not working.. now i can't see messages which are recieved. I cna see just notifications
- N
- Nitish rathor
- utw
- 13 Oct 2015
I have version 5 in my yureka but not working properly how I can recover it can I update it again with version 5
- V
- Vinay
- 13 Oct 2015
In my mobile it is nt showing update option plsss help me
- N
- Nuthan
- PyR
- 08 Oct 2015
After updating my phone(Micromax Yurekha) from kitkat to lollipop I m facing many problems I m unable to receive call as the screen got black & USB storage is disappeared & my phone gets slow please help me .....
- p
- pankaj
- rAS
- 07 Oct 2015
After updating my phone from kitkat to lollipop I m facing many problems I m unable to receive call as the screen got black & USB storage is disappeared & my phone gets slow please help me .....
- j
- johnson
- t1$
- 03 Oct 2015
After the update of lollipop I am having many problems .like lagging , charging problem , highest draining .heating and many . pleas help me in recovering it please.....
- v
- veeru
- RK0
- 29 Sep 2015
my phone getting hang too much please help me also problem in dialer
- D
- AnonD-445682
- X0N
- 28 Sep 2015
Why the notification ligth is not blinking when any notification comes?