ARM announces the first mobile multicore processor - Cortex-A5
- V
- Vegetaholic
- nw}
- 13 Jul 2015
polo99a9, 22 Oct 2009i can't bellive how fast the mobile phone is evolving... 5 ... moreYou have way thru and yeah you right
- V
- Vegetaholic
- nw}
- 13 Jul 2015
Anonymous, 22 Oct 2009wow! now i'll wait for an anroid device using quadro or du... moreYou got your wish pal :)
- d
- donald
- f4P
- 12 Jan 2010
TaKiS, 27 Oct 2009That wont happen, due to screen & control limitations.wake up n smell development, don't say it won't happen. ITG in china have made smartphone running on windows XP.
- T
- TaKiS
- n7U
- 27 Oct 2009
mobilefreak, 24 Oct 2009i'm awaiting for the hand held "PC" generation(some are alr... moreThat wont happen, due to screen & control limitations.
- m
- mobilefreak
- w98
- 24 Oct 2009
i'm awaiting for the hand held "PC" generation(some are already in the market)how nice if your mobile phone runs on windows need for laptops,nettops...even a pc.Thats what i'am expecting
- C
- Chris
- n$f
- 24 Oct 2009
I think there's some misreading here. Cortex A9 is multi-core and suitable for mobile devices. Arm doesn't make chips, it delivers designs that others can use as building blocks for their own chips. If Arm is delivering something in Q4 this year, actual production silicon using that design isn't going to be available until 2011.
- S
- Sniper-->
- PXa
- 23 Oct 2009
ireDragon, 22 Oct 2009I acctualy used those 8088 and 8086 computers which are kno... moreI used to have a 80286 Desktop back in the early 90s, it was a 20Mhz CPU, with a 20MB HD wow!!!!!!
- S
- Shinigami
- 3Vn
- 23 Oct 2009
Introducing NEW Cortex A-13 ("minus thirteen") mobile processor with 16 cores bla-bla-bla better power efficiency bla-bla-bla able to work WHOLE HOUR while decoding Giga-HD video is real-time 120 frames per second bla-bla-bla.
Something's wrong with numbers here. Do they have Cortex A0 as the most powerful and aim to beat its performance while maintaining good old 5 hours during max load?
Besides, why not make the CPU with same power, which is enough for most (if not all) applications, while increasing battery life?
- J
- John Doe
- LaI
- 23 Oct 2009
ireDragon, 22 Oct 2009I acctualy used those 8088 and 8086 computers which are kno... more8086 cpu had a speed of 4.7 Mhz (but it had a 16bit bus, while the 8088 had a 8bit bus).
- h
- hadifa
- Pxv
- 23 Oct 2009
here is a list which simplifies the ARM processors standings in order of performance:
A9 netbook level performance and power consumption, no device available yet.
A8 high end-Smartphone, like Iphone 3Gs and Palm pre
A5 very efficient and cost effective solution with lower performance than A8 and faster than A11, just announced
A11, Basis for Nvidia Tegra which runs ZuneHd
- ?
- Anonymous
- tDx
- 23 Oct 2009
wow cool multicore on Smartphone. Multicore Processor + 3D Hardware Accelerator + Dedicated Audio Chip + Good Apps + Good Games + Multimedia Smart OS [Symbian] = AWESOME
- ?
- Anonymous
- mhJ
- 23 Oct 2009
Cortex A5 should also use even less power than an ARM 926 or ARM 1176!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mhJ
- 23 Oct 2009
As someone who works for a large semiconductor company that integrates these ARM-based system-on-chips to power mobile phones, I can tell you that the Cortex A9 will really be the first and most powerful multicore chip to power mobile phones.
The Cortex A9 is more powerful than the Coretex A5. However, the Cortex A5 is also an awesome chip - while less powerful than the A9, it is more power efficient and much smaller in terms of chip area. The Cortex A5 is also more powerful than the previous generation high-end ARM CPUs such as the ARM 926 or even ARM 1176.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nhc
- 22 Oct 2009
this is Moores law for cell phones. amazing!
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 22 Oct 2009
iPhone OS with Grand Central will be able to use multicore straight away.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iBJ
- 22 Oct 2009
what the... i wanted to buy the htc touch hd 2 but now when i hear this... :(
- s
- syd
- 3Jb
- 22 Oct 2009
ok calm down everybody. This chip in one core formation is designed to replace ARM11 chips. They just a teeny bit faster although much more efficient. In multi-core formation it will be ised in higher and higher end devices. In single core its not faster than cortex A8.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uij
- 22 Oct 2009
great to see the world moving on
- K
- Kris
- 3A2
- 22 Oct 2009
Gwapito, 22 Oct 2009What's wrong with the numbers? A5 is more advanced that A8 ... moreExactly
- F
- FireDragon
- tPF
- 22 Oct 2009
Anonymous, 22 Oct 2009like somebody already wrote. You want needed any pc longer.... moreWith this speed, there wont be any phone set, or well at least handset left in 2020. Lol. They might chip into new born babies and all you have to do later on is putting a sim-like card? Now that is scary.