MS release Office Mobile 10 Beta, confirm WinMo 7 for March 2010

19 November, 2009
Yesterday a Microsoft Vice President confirmed the rumors that the Windows Mobile 7 announcement is scheduled for Q1 2010 and more specifically it will take place during the Microsoft MIX 2010 confer...

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  • e
  • eternal_frost
  • 0T4
  • 23 Nov 2009

Noman, 22 Nov 20091. 65k is enough Are you mad? The iPhone had 16m colours... moreLook... everybody make personal choise-brand,design,display,OS,hardware,camera and...

I don't care of 16M colors of iPhone, because We must waiting a long time for 3GS version to know about full Bluetooth function... (I don't know what I say about missing videocalls functionality(just i used free this service) or internal card slot(just i have 4 cards for my work) on 3GS.)

I don't care who pay and how mach for OS. I look price of device for me. How much % of people you think used smartphones or pocketPC? May be more than 40%? ...and who is real consumers? This is mostly people hungry for knowledge,progress and hi-tech. They know about Wizbar,SPB,Touch-Flo-Sense-Wiz,X-panels and... btw illegal ROMs are too question of personal choise, and they are indicator for alertness...
All of this present profesional functionality,freedom and unity.
... and yes i forget 16M colors on my old Nokia E61(2005) and Fring with many bugs, and used just Skype for WinMo and I everyday send and recieve files. Enybody don't cares when WinMo7 started and what Steve Ballmer says... This is just statistics.

Finally I say... have a respect of any OS, but don't pls abuse WinMo.
I'm glad to see more OS... this is good for us-consumers;)))

Rspect Noman... and thanks for discussion;))) There is the truth;)))

    • a
    • apt.pupil
    • 9x1
    • 23 Nov 2009

    WTFone, 19 Nov 2009ah finally winmo 7 eventho it shud hv been released yrs ago... moredid you expect winmo6.5 to be revolutionary?

    i certainly didn't.

    i expected it to be more finger friendly(which i now find i can't use a stylus accurately on it- but my fingers work fine- even in the small spots), and it sort of is.

    i expected it to be easier to get to places, and with HTC, it is simple. when i turn off touchflo however- i find it almost counter- intuitive, since there seems to be a complete lack of organistation in how you arrange your today screen.

    on top of that- i expected to be able to utilize DLNA with windows 7, and guess what? i can do that.

    microsoft did SOMETHING right.

    plus if you use your windows live account, you can get 2GB free backup and file synchronisation. in addition to that, you can now remotely wipe the HDD of a lost winmo device.

    which is also a bonus.

    i also am aware that feature has been around since 6.1, but getting that stuff done was a little confusing. now it isn't.

    winmo 6.5 is doing as GSMARENA said, and saving steam for 7, though the longer they wait, the more market share the redmond company loses

      • N
      • Noman
      • mxI
      • 22 Nov 2009

      eternal_frost, 20 Nov 2009 1. "If it still only supports 65k colour then it will be ... more1. 65k is enough

      Are you mad? The iPhone had 16m colours in 2007 which was one of the biggest appealing features, can you imagine if it had 65k colours? That would be awful. Many others (Samsung Jet) have 16m Amoled.

      2. Hooo-hooo;))) which OS allow more modding ?

      You just don't get it do you? I said 'if MS take out modding'. Your suggesting here that I said Windows OS doesn't allow modding.

      3. " If we compare prices of devices without contract... where is the differences???

      Again you don't make sense. Everyone who has WM on their mobile like Samsung/HTC has to pay Microsoft. Did you think it was free?

      4. WM 6.5 is enough touch friendlly, most of people use many different shells... question of personal choise.

      Your talking about the 40% of people who know how to mod, what about the others? Plus, some modding like ROMS isn't entirely legal (although most, even MS don't care!).

      5. WM 6.5 is slow because I had it on my Omnia. Even with a 624mhz processor which is about the same on the iPhone. And is the iPhone slow? No it isn't so it must the the WM. Plus many people complain about this, even GSMARENA!

      6. Heeee;))) Almost all old app for WM 5,6,6.1,6.5 will work on WM7!

      Whats that got to do with what I said? I said that if WM7 is delayed then it might be too late for WM. Which is true since WM is losing market share even as I speak (or type!).

      6. Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) recently admitted that MS got it 'badly wrong' with WM. He even changed the staff at WM, and put new people in to fix the mess. So there you go...

        • e
        • eternal_frost
        • 0T4
        • 20 Nov 2009

        Noman, 19 Nov 2009Microsoft need Windows 7 mobile to be 'it'. They had 25% ma... more
        1. "If it still only supports 65k colour then it will be a total failure." - Yes, more colors is better... but 65k is enough especially for professional works...and WM devices is such exactly!

        2. "Also, if it takes out the modding capability, it will be a total failure". - Hooo-hooo;))) which OS allow more modding ? May be Android?

        3. "Price MS charge manufacturers like Samsung/HTC must be very low, I'm taking about a few pounds, because Android is FREE!" If we compare prices of devices without contract... where is the differences???

        4. "Interface must be decent (which it looks like being), touch friendly (which 6.5 is defo not)." - WM 6.5 is enough touch friendlly, most of people use many different shells... question of personal choise.
        5. "Fast, Android is but WM6.5 is slow as a snail..." which devices is slow? My be X2? New devices runs WM 6.5 with 1GHz processor! ... but in my hand i have Hero and just say: this is not UI speed like i want.
        6. "No delays, Android is going more ahead, by the time WM7 comes out, it might be too late..." - Heeee;))) Almost all old app for WM 5,6,6.1,6.5 will work on WM7!

        I just say... don't forget why MS are big!... they have potential...

        all best

          • o
          • ole
          • wYG
          • 20 Nov 2009

          i will try this WM7

            • H
            • Harsh Niser
            • tUs
            • 20 Nov 2009

            Awaiting the release..!

              • k
              • k
              • vx2
              • 20 Nov 2009

              Windows mobile 7 leaked screenshot doesn't seem to look's not appealing..seems to be more of a proprietary format than an Operating system upgrade...

                • M
                • Moscow
                • fws
                • 20 Nov 2009

                Is it possible to get it on the HTC Touch Diamond?

                  • a
                  • avg joe
                  • utX
                  • 20 Nov 2009

                  YES!!!! have been waiting for this........since sometime now....have a winmo5 imate....never upgraded as i never felt the need....but now with the new WM7,boy do i feel the need....just hope it lives up to the hype

                    • 5
                    • 5
                    • w0P
                    • 20 Nov 2009

                    Windows mobile 7 is coming next year. i hope it would do lot of changes for sure microsoft is losing the battle when it comes to OS superiority.i said it before for those people who already bought windows mobile 6.5 your in bad shape. 7 is already coming! but my concern is are they going to upgrade it? or they just add a little improvement to the windows mobile 7. if that's the case android is the way to go. android is fast! easy to use! a lot customization and much more appealing to consumers. the only thing that i like windows mobile is there mobile office that's it.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • mD6
                      • 20 Nov 2009

                      this is such a great news, I just cant wait for a SE phone with WM 7 OS

                        • N
                        • Noman
                        • mxI
                        • 19 Nov 2009

                        Microsoft need Windows 7 mobile to be 'it'. They had 25% market share a couple years ago but now it's 8%!

                        1. If it still only supports 65k colour then it will be a total failure.
                        2. Also, if it takes out the modding capability, it will be a total failure.
                        3. Price MS charge manufacturers like Samsung/HTC must be very low, I'm taking about a few pounds, because Android is FREE!
                        4. Interface must be decent (which it looks like being), touch friendly (which 6.5 is defo not).
                        5. Fast, Android is but WM6.5 is slow as a snail...
                        6. No delays, Android is going more ahead, by the time WM7 comes out, it might be too late...

                          • S
                          • Stevo
                          • 0Bq
                          • 19 Nov 2009

                          Somehow, I am beginning to feel sick of Windows. Don’t like them any longer, plus they are boring with always same interface Start, Programs, etc. And just have realised that comparing to other mobile OS, Windows doesn’t appeal. Sorry Windows and I hate the fact that you charge for your OS. I hope from mobiles to PCs, Laptops it’ll transfer to kill you off once forever.

                            • E
                            • Erick
                            • 3Jk
                            • 19 Nov 2009

                            The management of communications platforms continues. Processing power and user experience are paramount as is battery life.

                              • r
                              • reo
                              • Pxx
                              • 19 Nov 2009

                              i gonna miss the start menu button

                                • s
                                • svn
                                • tD}
                                • 19 Nov 2009

                                Uncertain future of winmo :

                                1)Several analysts from both Gartner and J.Gold Associates have expressed concern about the long-term future of Windows Mobile.

                                2)Motorola and Fedex said that Microsoft had given a commitment to continue supporting Windows Mobile, at least for use in rugged industrial devices.

                                3)On 25 September, 2009, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer indicated that the company "screwed up with Windows Mobile". He lamented that Windows Mobile version 7 was not yet available. He said he had recently changed the Windows Mobile team to try to recoup losses.

                                4)A survey by CFI Group showed that Windows Mobile users had a low level of customer satisfaction when compared to users of other smartphones. Out of a possible 100 points, Windows Mobile rated only 66, compared with BlackBerry (73), Palm Pre (77), Google Android (77), and iPhone (83).

                                  • W
                                  • WTFone
                                  • m{k
                                  • 19 Nov 2009

                                  ah finally winmo 7 eventho it shud hv been released yrs ago. better l8 than never but they will rly hv to convince the consumer that after the not so impressive winmo 6.5, winmo 7 is rly gna be worth it. just looking good is no longer enuf as many OSes do that. it has to be more user friendly (look it up microsoft, it might help), stable (no bugs, glitches, crashes - unless we can exploit them for personal benefit of course), and not cpu/gpu intensive (well i wud be surprised if 65k color screens need a lot of processing power, but microsoft has surprised me b4)

                                  anyway theres probably nothing htc cant cover/fix/enhance in terms of winmo 7 OS.

                                    • m
                                    • mia
                                    • tD}
                                    • 19 Nov 2009

                                    Anonymous, 19 Nov 2009Still use 65k color?are you kidding? of course it is 65k,winmo with more than 65k spec. is impossible,65k is in their vein,using more than 65k display will make their handset KA-Putt.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • tDA
                                      • 19 Nov 2009

                                      Still use 65k color?

                                        • 5
                                        • 5
                                        • w0P
                                        • 19 Nov 2009

                                        Finally! they decided to show there precious windows 7. for those people who already bought window mobile 6.5 its sad for you guyz. it better be good for the windows 7 it should be new! not old, it should fast! not slow, it should easy to use! not to hard to use. then i will buy windows mobile 7. but if not android is the way to go.