Leaked render shows BlackBerry Venice slider with Android

03 July, 2015
The upcoming handset has been a constant presence in the rumor mill for the past few months.

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  • j
  • jac91
  • vGn
  • 03 Aug 2015

Blackberry please dont go with Andriod. Keep up the standard. If you can reduce the price of the BB handsets most likely you can regain the market status. Even if you launch Android you need to make it very very cheaper as much cheaper android phones by different brands are in existence.

    • D
    • AnonD-359374
    • NwE
    • 10 Jul 2015

    Good move, just don't hire Elop..

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • j9s
      • 05 Jul 2015

      First of all, Replicant IS Android. It is one of many builds, and yes it is possible to have Android without Google Play. Malware and adware is easily countered by sticking with F-Droid and a custom hosts file. Open source Android is completely possible on dozens of phones with strong community support. If we are talking about true ownership of your phone (or pocket computer), there's one viable operating system to use today...not tomorrow or whenever Jolla and Firefox get their acts together.

      BlackBerry may have done their own thing, but my original point stands: BlackBerry have done a poor job keeping BB10 updated, even though they leech off open source projects like OpenBSD, Qt, OpenSSL, WebKit, and yes, even Android. There's also no audit trail available, no way to prove NSA is not I'm BB10, and no end to end encryption for non-corporate usersusers like ChatSecure. When the FSF pointed this out, Crackberry.com idiots considered the FSF a hoax organization because how dare anyone slander BBM.

      BTW, Symbian had its own share of issues (read the OSNews history of the fall of Symbian about six months ago), but kudos to you for sticking with it. E7 was a great phone even today, minus the USB charging issues that popped up on some phones. Here's hoping Nokia recussitates that design next year when they return.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • fuN
        • 04 Jul 2015

        this is what we call Bruce to Caitlyn Jenner sorry for blackberry lost now!

          • M
          • MdN8
          • akv
          • 04 Jul 2015

          Anonymous, 04 Jul 2015You are absolutely not linux user but ifan, Android is pure... moreTalking like that doesn't make you right but someone using poor research, big words and ad hominem attacks. Android is far, far from pure Linux - development was started by Google, not by open source - and I'm typing on a Linux machine right now (15.04 VV). iPhone is not even a real phone, why bring it up? Bloatware on Symbian? Yes, 2-3 apps that disappeared after a long press on the icon and "uninstall". Same goes for Windows Phone. It's easy to hack Symbian and do whatever you want with it. Rooting an Android? If you're lucky. There's not much open on Android no matter how much "USA did it first" propaganda you believe except "open for malware, advertisements and NSA". If you try using it as a pure open source phone you're stuck with less apps than S40. And yeah, Linux and Symbian are actually fun, thank you. I haven't had to reboot my N8 in 50 days now. p.s. "Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation have been critical of Android and have recommended the usage of alternatives such as Replicant, because drivers and firmware vital for the proper functioning of Android devices are usually proprietary, and because Google Play can forcibly install or deinstall apps and invites non-free software"

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0rS
            • 04 Jul 2015

            MdN8, 04 Jul 2015As a Linux user I have to politely disagree. Yes, there are... moreYou are absolutely not linux user but ifan, Android is pure Linux and there are huge amount of Android builds, You know nothing about anything.
            N8 was 2010 phone and limited support of OTG.
            Is there no bloatware on nokia (symbian), windows or ios phones? all of them are closed source!

            I let you alone with your beloved N8 and BB devices, have fun with thoose turtle speed phones.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • GTf
              • 04 Jul 2015

              Anonymous, 04 Jul 2015BlackBerry "security" is a myth. BB 10.3 is still... moreMuch of what you say isn't completely accurate...

              On depreciation: How does that matter? As new versions of OS' and development frameworks are released, old functions and procedures are replaced by new ones with more functionality.

              On BB 10.3 being built on Qt4.x: QNX dates back to the 1980. Qt4.0 was released in 2005. BB10.x was a complete rewrite of QNX for BB devices. The BBOS is not built on Qt, the Qt(4.8) libraries are used in QNX for the application framework (RT and development). Also, you do have a "path foward" for QT5.x, a developer includes the 5.x libraries with the application distribution. In addition, QT 5.3 SDK for BB 10.3 has been available for sometime (support now discontinued), giving you multiple paths. http://www.qnx.com/products/apps-media/download.html http://wiki.qt.io/Blackberry http://wiki.qt.io/Qt5_on_Blackberry10

              On the Open flaws and "ancient" firewall comment: what do you consider ancient? A version which is a year old? What flaws are known in the latest version?

              On it using a 4.3x Android runtime with known vulnerabilities: Explain how vulnerabilities in a virtual Android virtual app process running on a BBOS create a vulnerability outside that process (think carefully about the differences between QNX OS architecture and Android architecture before you respond)?

              QNX is a microkernel OS, not monolithic like the major of the other mobile OS' and most Linux OS', meaning the processes in QNX run very differently than those other OS's. This requires a different approach to "hacking", "infecting" and "corrupting" the OS.

              On the last comment you seem to only be trolling. BB patched the OpenSSL flaw a couple of 10.3.x releases ago, so I'm curious what flaws your referring to that they haven't patched.

              Let me get to the point. Can you explain why you don't hear or read of the security issues on BBOS 10.x being exploited that you do with other OS'? Can you explain why it was Blackberry which was the first mobile OS officially sanctioned by agencies of the US Government for official use, which also includes BBOS 10? Blackberry's approach to OS security is that security is a core feature of the OS, whereas the other mobile OS' have taken the approach that the underlying Linux or Windows OS security is good enough (the only other "effort" to date has been Samsung's Android with KNOX).

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • TkQ
                • 04 Jul 2015

                Great news anything with new design is good news.

                  • B
                  • Bob
                  • H5D
                  • 04 Jul 2015

                  Headphone socket at the bottom?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 7Xp
                    • 04 Jul 2015

                    A slide out QWERTY keyboard? This could be my next device...

                      • C
                      • ChiraG.
                      • g37
                      • 04 Jul 2015

                      count, 04 Jul 2015black berry have learned from nokia.the mistake nokia did w... moreDude i think nokia will come with its own new OS so did not say that the nokia make the mistake or anything....

                        • D
                        • AnonD-78022
                        • 7X3
                        • 04 Jul 2015

                        Kangkung45, 04 Jul 2015i like blackberry 10 OS than Android... if this is true, i ... morewhat blackberry cares is about their profits.

                          • K
                          • Kangkung45
                          • KLS
                          • 04 Jul 2015

                          i like blackberry 10 OS than Android... if this is true, i would really disappointed...

                            • t
                            • thecosmicdroid_473
                            • PAD
                            • 04 Jul 2015

                            Good design....Blackberry eventually join the android is a interesting thing to carries the name of the android have more competition in the international market, not to mention Nokia that will shake the world, Android / Google indeed have a lot of quality whiz.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • XMF
                              • 04 Jul 2015

                              l love touch n type phone

                                • n
                                • nick
                                • kB6
                                • 04 Jul 2015

                                I'm still using my BlackBerry Torch 9810, I really like the idea, but a 5.4" display? That seems way to big to be a slider. Now if it was like 4.5" then yea. It seems Like a cool device, I hope it won't be Like $650.00 just because its unique and the screen size, anyway I'm excited to see the specs, comms, etc.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-178450
                                  • Y24
                                  • 04 Jul 2015

                                  AnonD-70078, 03 Jul 2015Sliders are one of the best phones. Compact when closed . Potrait QWERTY sliders are the best, but this one seems to be little too big at 5.4 inch and an inefficient Snapdragon 808 processor.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PYD
                                    • 04 Jul 2015

                                    Don, 04 Jul 2015Just what we do not need. Bloated Android spyware. We cer... moreBlackBerry "security" is a myth. BB 10.3 is still built on Qt 4.x which has been deprecated for many years, and no path foward for Qt 5.x (which breaks binary compatibility). It still exposes you to multiple flaws in OpenSSL. The version of PF, the OpenBSD firewall used in BB 10.3, is ancient. It still uses a 4.3x Android runtime with known vulnerabilities, specifically related to the browsing engine (which is used by multiple Android apps).

                                    The thing with Android, is there are multiple builds. Stock firmware no longer updated? Root and build your own. Don't want Google's services? Don't install them. 2011's Galaxy Nexus and 2012's Galaxy Note 2 still receive updated builds from the community. BlackBerry does not offer that. With BlackBerry, you are trusting that the company will provide patches for security flaws. They are not doing a good job so far.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-209261
                                      • 8Bk
                                      • 04 Jul 2015

                                      Ah will cost 1000 USD lol

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-152638
                                        • mhB
                                        • 04 Jul 2015

                                        I really hope it's true.
                                        Android really needs good qwerty devices again.

                                        Sliders are a good compromise. They still offer the same touch experience. The same large wide screen experience. But they have the benefit of a qwerty keyboard, when you write mails, texts, blog updates, edit text documents and so on.
                                        The classic BlackBerry qwerty type of phones, has too small screens for todays use. The design is simply too focused on the keyboard.
                                        The passport design is just a bit too special.
                                        And both of them uses a non typical screen aspect ratio, that as far as I've understood doesnt work that well with android apps.

                                        But ofcourse BB should do a qwerty phone, if they enter the android competition. That way they stand out, there are almost no other qwerty android devices. And qwerty is a part of BB legacy.