Samsung finally unveil Bada OS, developers challenge started
- o
- obBi0
- m}9
- 08 Dec 2009
We must face reality: Samsung and LG for example, Koreans..., they can and they do!!!!
None other brand is launching like samsung and lg!
They're taking the whole market and I'm finally happy to see people seeing further than Nokia only!
- o
- obBi0
- m}9
- 08 Dec 2009
Bada sucks?
lolol ...
and your comment is based in what? have you tried it yet? ...
We don't even know how it's goin to be but people are already sayin' that it sucks...
so what's betteR? symbian? windows mobile? android? maemo?
Symbian is becoming outdated, just as everything else related to Nokia
(n97? lmao! n900? another outdated brick.. so what's left? NONE!)
- Y
- Yo
- 08 Dec 2009
And imagine yourself saying that:
"i have a Samsung Lindy phone which runs BADA OS" rofl.. sounds so funny..
c'mon samsung...
- C
- Chris
- Mx@
- 08 Dec 2009
nnnn, 08 Dec 2009Bada sucks :| Ho can you comment like that on something you have no idea how it operates? Imbecile
- n
- nnnn
- 3c7
- 08 Dec 2009
Bada sucks :|
- E
- Erick
- mEk
- 08 Dec 2009
If BADA can cope with delivering powerful applications geared towards augmented reality it may build a strong market presence.
- ?
- Anonymous
- miL
- 08 Dec 2009
if they can port all gameloft iphone games and apps and will work with multitouch i would buy samsung but if not no.
- y
- yoca
- 0k@
- 08 Dec 2009
there is no need for new OS!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- miL
- 08 Dec 2009
i have seen games on this os and comeon man
do you really think that that is selling point. hahaha
rewind movie for a year and think omnia hd sam thing.
everyone thought wow what a phone what innovation.
you buy bada phone and you will get what you saw.
Asphalt 4: Elite Racing and prince of persia hd as today.
comeon iphone 4 reveal yourself.
- A
- Andy Burgin
- 3pH
- 08 Dec 2009
What a Stupid name to call software,o.k people might like it because its will be simple to add a comment about the software"I Don"t like its very Bada" an will this be as simple an easy to use like Nokias software,as thats what kept me away after experiencing using a Samung mobile,still one other thing Samsung as got to stop doing is putting such weak batteries on there mobiles,as the cost over the Top running there mbiles,that why i have kept away from the Tocco Ultra after reading people opinions on the weak batterylife
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4LL
- 08 Dec 2009
lolme, 08 Dec 2009what does bada means??Or Ocean.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4LL
- 08 Dec 2009
lolme, 08 Dec 2009what does bada means??It mean's Sea.
- e
- ed
- xhH
- 08 Dec 2009
I believe bada os will do exceptionally well seeing that samsung has done alot of smart strategies to further their market share in the mobile phone industry. Clearly they are taking steps that help attribute to the iphone's success via building a unique software for its own name. This is probably more than what SE can say as they had to pull the plug on their OS like a couple years back~
- ?
- Anonymous
- YgM
- 08 Dec 2009
the games looks decent, but the UI not much, i expect them to do much better then this, go samsung! and freaking make the bada compatible to my i8910!
- S
- Sugi
- wrq
- 08 Dec 2009
Why samsung put an ugly korean name???
come on... they should use more universal name, not their cheap k0r3an name :(
- A
- A
- TuI
- 08 Dec 2009
bada is the best OS in mobile market .
Just WAIT and SEE .
- S
- Sugi
- wrq
- 08 Dec 2009
Bada is a failure.
the name itself is already lame
samsung is a lamer :(
- N
- NightBlade
- M0%
- 08 Dec 2009
I sincerely hope that Samsung fails with this. And I believe they will. Don't we have ENOUGH mobile OS'es on the market? Isn't it a tad ludicrous for everyone to be developing one of their own? I mean, come on, they could have just used Android or Symbian instead of spending millions on developing crapware (as we know all samsung software is). Who are they kidding with this? A sole mobile manufacturer with their own proprietary mobile os expecting developers to flood? This cash prize isn't enough.
- ?
- Anonymous
- miL
- 08 Dec 2009
and you talking about symbian comeon man
i know you think that poster about multitouch for symbian
it gonna be multitouch for picture view and maybe some other function thats it.
dont think iphone. no no no
its just inviting suckers
good strategi but think harder man
- l
- lolme
- fu0
- 08 Dec 2009
what does bada means??