Synaptics Fuse puts the squeeze on next-generation touch UIs

18 December, 2009
Synaptics have ganged up with a few other companies to create the Synaptics Fuse concept full-touch phone. The concept tries to take phone interfaces to the next level by combining a touchscreen...

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Didint work out, to many gimmicks, at least their idea was inplemented in psp vita, which is kind of a failure too, so sorry guys :)

    • T
    • Tez
    • 0pn
    • 27 Dec 2009

    I think that interface would get very annoying after awhile

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • n7f
      • 21 Dec 2009

      Setsuka, 19 Dec 2009iPhone rules!okay iPhone is a cult!hmmm... Bluetooth ... moreWell not quiet!
      You better take a look here?

        • R
        • Ros
        • vjq
        • 21 Dec 2009

        Very 3D!

          • J
          • John Swan
          • RKp
          • 20 Dec 2009

          Wow, Synaptics should get this tech into a phone ASAP, before Apple steals its ideas again just like they did with the LG & Samsung phones. And they had the gall and chutzpah to claim they innovated touchscreen phones, the nerve. Only those clueless enough to pay the Apple Tax got dazalled by the HypePhone.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PFx
            • 20 Dec 2009

            Anonymous, 20 Dec 2009Wow, this thing is almost like Aladdin-magic-pot, but this ... more3D Hardware Accelerator will be standart Hardware for Symbian^3 & Symbian^4

              • r
              • ryk
              • PId
              • 20 Dec 2009

              spk307, 19 Dec 2009iPhone rules! iPhone is a cult! Bluetooth and video call ... moreThere's another competition for iPhone : Nokia's Maemo.
              You'll now probably try to mention its limitations, but before doing that think about iPhone's limitation that others point out.
              This makes iPhone and n900 equal. But there is a difference for their future, Nokia has a legacy and is Numero Uno mobile phone maker. Apple is just a newbie.

              cult : defn : "Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. The object of such devotion" is a cult.

              iPhone is a cult agreed, but every other Nokia phone is a cult as well.

              Score :
              Apple = 1
              Nokia = many, Difficult to count.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • n7f
                • 20 Dec 2009

                Wow, this thing is almost like Aladdin-magic-pot, but this icons laced like, it looks like on nokia somehow, so if nokia integrates 3D better hardware in it's future phones it will do the same i guess.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 2CJ
                  • 20 Dec 2009

                  This is more interesting, I'm far more into software than I am pointless hardware. can't tell enough from that, but what did strike me as odd is the use of the sides to scroll. I feel that the ergonomics can be solved far more simply by a better case design, where your thumb is closer to the screen. I think by having sensors everywhere they've made it too bulky and may take away from the experience on the screen. Have to use one first to get an idea though, interesting all the same.

                    • M
                    • Murru
                    • vab
                    • 20 Dec 2009

                    sigh another OS? want supports it when its out? its android? whats the battery like with all those awesome touch features

                      • a
                      • an
                      • 0pY
                      • 19 Dec 2009

                      "Sure, it doesn't obstruct the display, but unless we counted wrong, the guy in the demo video used two hands. ""

                      you stupid:)) he used second hand that you would see that he is touching it.

                        • s
                        • solaiyappan
                        • vGZ
                        • 19 Dec 2009

                        model was apt make your updates to me its good to use the furture things

                          • S
                          • Setsuka
                          • tDJ
                          • 19 Dec 2009

                          spk307, 19 Dec 2009iPhone rules! iPhone is a cult! Bluetooth and video call ... moreiPhone rules!okay

                          iPhone is a cult!hmmm...

                          Bluetooth and video call are useless nowadays.okay that video call is useless,i only used video call less than 5 times when i used a phone with front camera,but for the bluetooth i disagree with you,it's not useless,it's still handy and i miss that feature in my iPhone.

                          Yes i'm an iPhone 3Gs user and i'm still iPhone fan,if you're also iPhone user,you probably know about "mover+" from the,that cool i must admit it,too bad what i want is a bluetooth transfer capability straight out of the box,not purchase it from the,i'm sure any iPhone users had the same thought.

                          As for htc,that's truly rubbish phone and OS,i hate htc since they can't create anything good based from winmo outdated and crappy os,suddenly when iPhone come,they simply try to copy iPhone's features,shame on you htc..!!!

                          But Android,now this is a different story,i'll be waiting for your progress and new features,Android OS--as long as it's not made by htc--might become my next phone if the 4th.gen iPhone didn't rock the world like their 1st.gen iPhone.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wHr
                            • 19 Dec 2009

                            spk307, 19 Dec 2009iPhone rules! iPhone is a cult! Bluetooth and video call ... morewew .. iphone,iphone,iphone ..
                            all I can read is about this dumb phone ..
                            iphone is nothing compared to these what you call as "stone-aged" companies,
                            apple is just a beginner in the phone-making industry ..

                            people want the best phone in their hands, and not just some prototype .. that's why these "stone-aged" companies create newer ones that satisfy each user on a more affordable price for everyone to have ..

                            got it ..??!

                              • g
                              • guest
                              • wij
                              • 19 Dec 2009

                              This is just eye candy... every operation takes 3-4 sec? what for? omg...

                                • s
                                • spk307
                                • nGD
                                • 19 Dec 2009

                                And i wud rather live with a phone that runs an app super-fast than a sluggish phone with 5 apps running in the background.
                                iPhone still rules!
                                I have used various smartphone OS' like Symbian, WM, UIQ, Android. iPhone's simple but powerful UI has never failed me.

                                  • s
                                  • spk307
                                  • nGD
                                  • 19 Dec 2009

                                  Btw, the UI in Fuse is ugly!
                                  Many manufacturers havent yet realised that simple but beautiful UI with ease of use definitely succeeds. Not some complicated stuff (like sensors all around the phone) with all-round features (think N97). Credit shud b given to Samsung for doin a decent job in the mid-range segment (entry level touch screens).

                                    • s
                                    • spk307
                                    • nGD
                                    • 19 Dec 2009

                                    iPhone rules!
                                    iPhone is a cult!
                                    Bluetooth and video call are useless nowadays. How many Nokia users use video call? do you know anyone using video call?
                                    Copy paste is fabulous in iPhone. Its so simple.
                                    Those who cant afford an iPhone can pls shut their mouths and just continue with their nonsense about stone-age phones like Nokia, SE etc...
                                    (The only credible competition for iPhone is Android and Htc is giving tough fight)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4}E
                                      • 19 Dec 2009

                                      There's more to an OS than quirky things like gesture controls. This is meaningless without powerful software that doesn't dumb things down to the point that it's an iphone.

                                        • j
                                        • jimbo
                                        • v%i
                                        • 19 Dec 2009

                                        looks cool. hopefully something other than the iPhone to talk about.