T-Mobile USA upgrades to HSDPA 7.2Mbps, AT&T strikes back

06 January, 2010
It's been quite a good week for the T-Mobile subscribers. After becoming the first carrier to get the Google Nexus One Android powerhouse, the company has now upgraded its 3G network to accommodate the...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • rAW
  • 22 Jul 2015


    • R
    • RAndy
    • jLn
    • 20 Aug 2010

    nice to see how some help to talk the US telephone mafia nice.
    There is no cpmparsion between technology in the US and Europe. Even Bandwith or Equipment. The average cellphonebill with full HSDPA and almost worldwide rates 9 cents a minute free incoming calls no contract and 100% compatibel phones with EVERY Provider seamless roaming betewenn 100% of providers, is about 8 USD /month.
    Wake up US Boys you all are screwed by the FCC and the industrie Lobby . You are behind in every nicth of this market. Its worthless to discuss your island technology like CDMA or 850 mhz or the 1700/2100 mhz 96% of the worls population speaks another language in terms of technology . Seems the US are not the only country on the whle globe who live in feet in pound the accompisched a lot more BS.
    Sorry the train is running w/o you guys.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Rbq
      • 02 Aug 2010

      I live in Chicago and my Blackberry Bold 9700 peaks at 7.1 Mbs and 3.6Mbs down. That's faster than the uverse in my area.

        • M
        • My tmobile stable co
        • RbX
        • 21 Jun 2010

        I live in NY and I get 1.8Mb. Which is more then double the speed of my stupid verizon dsl. Still waiting for fios.

          • b
          • blt
          • Rbq
          • 11 May 2010

          Provo UT getting 1689 down and 1368 up on my last test

            • J
            • Jerry
            • jIx
            • 22 Apr 2010

            I just tried SpeedTest on my Nexus One with T-Mobile 3G in South Florida. 551kbps down/243kbps up. I would not call that "7.2Mbps" by any stretch of the imagination, even given overhead, etc. I think on the N1 there is an "H" indicator for HSDPA when that is available. So far I have never seen the H. At best I see "3G" and a lot of the time I see "E" for EDGE which is a dog. I don't know whether that is T-Mobile's problem or Google's on the Nexus One. But thus far I am not happy with the bandwidth I am seeing.

              • P
              • Pablo94sc
              • kRe
              • 16 Mar 2010

              Doesn't matter if they could support 10Mb/sec download and upload speeds. Both AT&T and T-Mobile have limited/poor 3G coverage areas. Even 2G coverage is often less than adequate. This is based on what my friends and myself have experienced using these carriers both in and out (like while traveling) of our home calling network. It's almost so bad that many of us have considered going to Verizon. *shudder*

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PEK
                • 25 Jan 2010

                Anonymous, 06 Jan 2010Orange is taking over T-mobile in Europe soon...Orange and T-Mobile are talking about merging in the UK as far as I know... not the whole of Europe.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PEK
                  • 25 Jan 2010

                  Matt, 06 Jan 2010Always good to see America at the cutting edge, European's ... more@ Matt,

                  Europe and the US launched HSDPA around the same time, but Europe had already covered most of the population with UMTS way before then and thus the rollout of HSDPA was achieved much quicker to a wider population than in the US.

                  I don't know how the USA is meant to be more cutting edge. T-Mobile only rolled out their 1700/2100 Mhz HSDPA network mid 2008 which is quite late, and Cingular's 850Mhz network was available to only very few markets at first.

                  In Australia, Telstra launched their 850Mhz NextG network in late 2006, covering around 96% of the population. They quickly moved from 1.8Mbps - 7.2 - 14.4 and now even 21Mbps.

                  That even beats Japan... pretty cutting edge if you ask me!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • jS{
                    • 15 Jan 2010

                    The netherlands is the size of... Maryland? Wow what an accomplishment

                      • K
                      • KPO'M
                      • 4tK
                      • 09 Jan 2010

                      Matt, 06 Jan 2010Always good to see America at the cutting edge, European's ... moreT-Mobile was the last to go 3G and still only reaches 200 million, compared to 230 million for AT&T and about 280 million for Verizon. AT&T has had HSDPA since 2007, but the issue most of us have is that their network is crowded. Blame our lack of bandwidth space, particularly since the 3GSM standard requires a full 10MHz of spectrum for each channel (thanks, EU), 5MHz up and 5MHz down. There just isn't that much free space in our airwaves here.

                      Things should get better once we adopt LTE (VZW starts this year, and AT&T next year). Comparisons between Europe and the US get much closer when we get to Verizon and Sprint. True, CDMA doesn't allow voice and data at the same time, but Verizon achieved European-level geographic penetration of 3G about the same time most European carriers did. Spectrum helped a lot, since Verizon had a lot of it, made it a priority, plus had the flexibility of 1.25MHz channels.

                        • A
                        • Andrew
                        • IaH
                        • 08 Jan 2010

                        We have had 21Mpbs for close to a year now in Australia and 14.4 for about 3 years.

                          • R
                          • R
                          • n%n
                          • 07 Jan 2010

                          Matt, 06 Jan 2010Always good to see America at the cutting edge, European's ... moreHA! im from the netherlands and Vodafone has (almost) nation wide 7.2 mb/s coverage.

                            • c
                            • cRuNcHiE
                            • jaj
                            • 07 Jan 2010

                            I'll be excited when I see a reliable network with consistent performance. Making a few upgrades as part of a marketing campaign is worth less than the number of bytes on this page converted to Zambian Kwachas. Both have a spotty track record in the hard product. At least TMobile has measurably better soft product than AT&T and I don't see that changing anytime soon. If it weren't for the many historical corporate agreements from the last decade, AT&T would've long disappeared.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • m5x
                              • 06 Jan 2010

                              Orange is taking over T-mobile in Europe soon...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4r8
                                • 06 Jan 2010

                                i just got 3g from tmobile where i live a week ago coolllllllllllllll

                                  • w
                                  • waihan
                                  • PUB
                                  • 06 Jan 2010

                                  malaysia telco is still stuck with 384kbps 3g connection but others are going 7.2mbps! sadsad...

                                    • M
                                    • Matt
                                    • mC{
                                    • 06 Jan 2010

                                    Always good to see America at the cutting edge, European's only got HSDPA three years ago.

                                      • a
                                      • apaul
                                      • 2SU
                                      • 06 Jan 2010

                                      Verizon will definitely be the 1st with LTE no doubt

                                        • a
                                        • apaul
                                        • 2SU
                                        • 06 Jan 2010

                                        haha good news....nd im 1st