It all began with a failed rice cooker - a glimpse at Sony’s history
- ?
- Anonymous
- uv4
- 24 Aug 2015
Hey u forgot about p800, p900,, s700 phones which were better than nokia during those times. Also sony hifi stereo sets were better than akai and aiwa.
- S
- SocalTeknique
- qNG
- 24 Aug 2015
Idumbakumar , 23 Aug 2015Wonderful article.i couldnt forget my favourite k750i. Wond... moreI agree the K750i was an amazing phone for its time. I love mine until I replaced it with a K800i (which I still have after all these years). Oh I also had the T-610 lol. I had to import them into the US because they weren't offered here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- HjB
- 24 Aug 2015
Anonymous, 24 Aug 2015Now, the comany is at the failed cell phone phase.70 years later we will read article titled "It all began with a failed smartphone-Sony".
- D
- AnonD-345629
- dMG
- 24 Aug 2015
What has been forgotten in the article was the big innovation of their Bravia screens and the pushing forward of the Bluray and the 4K market..
Of course people are a little confused about the displays in cellphones but thats being solved by the Z5 wich will have the first real 4K one.. The Z5 will be the technical leader in the industry.. again!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- qKg
- 24 Aug 2015
Now, the comany is at the failed cell phone phase.
- D
- AnonD-416772
- nTd
- 23 Aug 2015
Great article. I will really get addicted to reading such articles every Sunday. Now on Sony: I owned some great products. The first one was the Betamax SL-T7ME, a walkman & a great for the time home Hi-Fi stereo system; then few TVs, including Trinitron, WEGA & Bravia series. Also K800i & Satio. But they always pissed me off with their poor support & short lifetime span of products. Now I only have a Sony TV left from that once might brand. They totally disappointed me with my old Satio, so I am not buying a Sony smartphone anymore. But those new 4K TVs look pretty tempting!!
- E
- Excelly
- fmg
- 23 Aug 2015
Sony still my beloved!! Still My precious!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVq
- 23 Aug 2015
I have 2 Sonyericson phone and 1 Sony smartphone, very good experience overall, but I also try Samsung smartphone before,I have 3 but 2 of it spoilt already.
- r
- rajkishor09
- f{9
- 23 Aug 2015
you didn't mention anything about AIWA and flash based media player which was popular.
- b
- buyi
- vxx
- 23 Aug 2015
Great article guys, really paying homage to a giant. Yes I wa one of the walkman phone users before the hype of the iPhone and people used to look at me with my phone playing music on my headphones. That phone still works today and it has travelled over the world with me. Now a current Z owner for a few years, I'm starting to see a pattern with Sony. Their phones are long lasting unlike some.
- D
- AnonD-85136
- fBh
- 23 Aug 2015
Sony is my love. I love you sony.
- I
- Idumbakumar
- EP$
- 23 Aug 2015
Wonderful article.i couldnt forget my favourite k750i. Wonderful phone of that period.i wish sony to come back with great successful ptoducts.
- D
- AnonD-66340
- f}G
- 23 Aug 2015
As of My knowledge (As I read it somewhere), the name "Sony" was derived from Japanese word "Sonic", which too means Sound......
- D
- AnonD-266531
- u18
- 23 Aug 2015
you didnt mention sony's
J1 AND J5 THE J series of cellphone
- D
- AnonD-144849
- KIv
- 23 Aug 2015
Informative for me. Great article. Thank you!
- A
- Anandh
- KA6
- 23 Aug 2015
my wife still uses Xperia S mobile. One of the best mobile at its time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xr
- 23 Aug 2015
This is another informative post about how a famous company came into being. This is a quick, yet great summary of everything Sony offered decades ago. There will always be challenges, especially when it comes to technology which happens to evolve really fast, and just as you wish, I too hope that Sony will surpass the challenges - and hope that they will continue developing top products for a lot of their loyalists and consumers around the world.
- D
- AnonD-77186
- pq%
- 23 Aug 2015
Great article!
Sony FTW!!
- D
- AnonD-431738
- 23 Aug 2015
Thanks for this beautiful Article.
It reminded me of the Sony Ericsson T610 phone that I had once upon a time. Those were the days.
But now I guess Sony phones is a floppy.
I am currently using Samsung and Apple.
But we must still appreciate Sony for all itz innovations.