Check out the free apps for the Galaxy S6 edge+ and Galaxy Note5

25 August, 2015
Each flagship Galaxy smartphone is eligible to the so-called Galaxy Gifts - a package of premium apps and subscriptions you are getting for free. Those gifts are naturally found in the Galaxy Apps repository, but some of those (Dropbox, OneDrive) may have already been pre-installed.

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Nick, 25 Aug 2015D? You mean 'the'.hahahaha

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0rS
    • 26 Aug 2015

    I'm wondering about sold unit count, will it achieve 100000 limit?

      • D
      • AnonD-269277
      • vGR
      • 26 Aug 2015

      AnonD-233406, 25 Aug 2015Samsung should calculate d total amount of this freebies an... moreYou have no idea how business works, do you?

      If Samsung were to calculate what it costs them to give away these freebies and reduce that amoumount, the phone price would come down maybe 10$. But if they were to calculate what this would cost to the end user the costs could come down a 100$. The reason is that these online services and software only have fixed costs. They can take huge advantage of economies of scale. And because of that, while services are expensive for the user, they're dirt cheap for Samsung.

        Nick, 25 Aug 2015D? You mean 'the'.lol

          • N
          • Nick
          • n56
          • 25 Aug 2015

          AnonD-233406, 25 Aug 2015Samsung should calculate d total amount of this freebies an... moreD? You mean 'the'.

            • D
            • AnonD-233406
            • Nu7
            • 25 Aug 2015

            Samsung should calculate d total amount of this freebies and reduced it from d phones original prices. not many people use D's mentioned stuffs.