Samsung S8500 Wave leaks again, reveals dazzling specs
- M
- Martin
- nn1
- 14 Feb 2010
SE is ugly phones and they are way behind HTC and Samsung.
- B
- Bill
- 3J6
- 14 Feb 2010
Lucifer Gloria Alter, 14 Feb 2010Well,the spec looks impressive,the hd recording,1 giga cpu.... moreNo one ever said that this was aimed squarely at the Iphone, people like you need to stop compaing every other phone to the Iphone, even though some of those models have far surpassed Apple's hype toy years ago and are about to again this year. HTC Obsession (HD3), HTC Supersonic, HTC Olympic, Maemo 6 Nokia S-series, Windows Phone 7 Series, the LG Apollo and LGGU990, each running either Windows Phone Seven or Linux's moblin system.
- c
- c4rb0n
- nt0
- 14 Feb 2010
Really nice phone, will buy it :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdJ
- 14 Feb 2010
I bet! It won't be even half as good as android or symbian.
Samsung ui is cheap, be it their touch wiz or wat eva...
Win mobile 7 is the one to look for. I hope they don't mess it up.
- m
- mike
- 4Ru
- 14 Feb 2010
The 1gz processor would be nice, besides that is still doesn't have the specs of the i8910 that was released last year. This shouldn't be Samsung's flagship at MWC2010. It is a sexy phone though.
- N
- Nokia hater
- 0V0
- 14 Feb 2010
This phone sure looks nice! The specs are pretty good too! But the OS must be seen in action.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Feb 2010
To those who say that this is an amazing device, have you actually played with the device that you can attest that this is an awesome device? Probably not, lol. Most of you people judge devices based on specs not even knowing the user experience it delivers. Those are what we call blind fanatics. Oh well.
- L
- Lucifer Gloria Alter
- w4j
- 14 Feb 2010
Well,the spec looks impressive,the hd recording,1 giga cpu.But wait wait,what about the new BADA platform?may be its better but also may be its not.I think this os is pretty much resorce hungry.So we dont know how the real life experience will be.other than that,the third party aapplication availability will need time.So it is too early to say this a iphone killer.However,this phone looks great.And this is that gorgous display,got to news earlier in gsmarena.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 14 Feb 2010
Anonymous, 13 Feb 2010The UI doesnt look like anything special, looks just lke th... moreI know, right?! The UI looks so childish and looks like its for budget phones! It doesn't have those sleek and stylish eye-candy in it that is such a must!! This is so not a competitor to any phones. Its UI looks hell like it's for budget phones! WTH is up with those really childish icons! -.-"
And those diamond accents on the phone makes it look like it's for old people.. Looks kinda ugly if you ask me.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w4j
- 14 Feb 2010
Shorya, 14 Feb 2010Samsung is just a waste of money these phones looks great w... moreTrue,very true
- U
- Umesh
- vbZ
- 14 Feb 2010
Chk d 2nd pic...A menu to choose resolutions....Those surely not camera resolutions...
- S
- Shorya
- tYV
- 14 Feb 2010
Samsung is just a waste of money these phones looks great with good features but after using samsung phones for even a month u will get really bored with this,these phones are just for someday fun and even i hate samsung phone more then apple iphone because there is no meaning of any software to both samsung support java but not a single java application work on it and apple iphone which is totally depended over but support great softwares but again the applications which are good are highly priced
.... Nokia and s.e. phones are best
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 14 Feb 2010
This phone will probably be as buggy as other Samsung smartphones, Samsung will probably take a long time to fix SOME shortcomings of this device, just like the Omnia HD, which was an exception because it at least got a firmware update. Add that to the fact that TouchWiz is awful and this Bada OS looks like Linux with a somehow improved TouchWiz UI it's shaping up to be another disappointment from Samsung.
I had the first Omnia, it was a disaster and Samsung never even tried to fix it. Samsung should stick to making feature phones and leave smartphones to those that can do them well, like Nokia, HTC, RIM. Even Apple does better than Samsung by constantly updating the iPhone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LiA
- 14 Feb 2010
Does anyone take Samsung phones as serious phones? All they release is half baked phones for teenagers and old people. They will never be taken seriously. They're better of making cheap touch screens. They need a lot of help to fight the big boys.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tWh
- 14 Feb 2010
An LG Viewty II shape? Well, nevermind the shape. Let's concentrate on what it will be made of and contain... In fairness, it's not BAD(A)!
- U
- Ultra_edition
- vmD
- 14 Feb 2010
Anonymous, 14 Feb 2010Nice Phone Specs! But Samsung has lousy OS. Takes forever j... moreyo. this phone comes with Samsung's New OS platform "Bada" OS so it is nothing to do with all other previous Samsung Phones.
- B
- Bada boy!
- kBs
- 14 Feb 2010
I thought bada os was supposed to be 4 a mid-level price and to make smartphones more affordable 4 the public, i wonder wat will be the price, becuz those lovely features that it holds wil notl come at a cheap price.
- U
- Ultra_edition
- vmD
- 14 Feb 2010
Watchout, 13 Feb 2010Amazing phone!!! Anybody can confirm whether its the 1ghz h... morethe CPU will be 1GHz but it will be Samsung CPU base on ARM such as Omnia 2 and iPhone 3GS they all used Samsung CPU
- j
- jennifer wilson
- jGt
- 14 Feb 2010
excellent specs. hd video recording is certainly welcome. another marat fidarov designed winner. not really sure about diamond-shaped elements, however. a bit concerned about the bada os - a big unknown, and there probably won't be too many apps available for a while.
- g
- gaung
- wrk
- 14 Feb 2010
Anybody can tell the specification and feature ? And What is the meaning of Bada ?