GSMA Awards 2010: HTC Hero phone of the year

17 February, 2010
GSMA announced the winners of the Global Mobile Awards 2010. HTC Hero was crowned device of the year, while the technology breakthrough award goes to Orange for the HD voice technology...

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  • S
  • Simon
  • 46a
  • 24 Feb 2010

it's truly a hero device.

    • H
    • HeroLover
    • kL3
    • 22 Feb 2010

    I personally am having a thin line between Love /& Hate relationship with my hero. I Love my hero in so many ways, probably more than my Wife.. but It hurts to see new devices and devices released after the Hero, running Android 2.1. I know, be patient, it will be here in March...5 mos is an awful long time in this Biz.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Lmt
      • 22 Feb 2010

      bill, 18 Feb 2010htc hero should not be phone of year because of one thing o... moreYou're wrong.

      Because one thing sells more or is more popular doesn't mean it's better.

      That happens, but not always, for correlation does not imply causation.

        • M
        • Moni
        • Pxx
        • 20 Feb 2010

        Touch technology is the heart of every touch screen devises. HTC hero has more powerful capacitive touch screen!

        And, have N97 mini & N900 capacitive screen? Definitely they has less powerful resistive touch screen.

        At least thats why HTC hero should win, and finally winns!

          • l
          • level_up
          • vxp
          • 20 Feb 2010

          But I wonder - those of you who own a Hero - how long before you would get tired of your phone when the next new and better phone comes along....

            • n
            • noro
            • nha
            • 19 Feb 2010

            I had hero or actually still have it(did not selled it) now i have nexus one wich is a very good on market..but nevertheless nothing to say bad about hero...a very good phone..a design that you never get bored off(even 1 mouth i was watching it and i was amazed how nice it looks).had some crahses of system but that is software problem as any software and any powerfull device(evem very fast computers crash what do you expect from a phone?)I think it deserves it's winning,why?
            1 . Android system wich has alot of features and customizations+htc sense wich is the cherry on the cake ,2. nice design very good dysplay, 3. fast phone and so n97 bad..samsungs..well sofware too booooring to use and the list continues.

              • j
              • jonny riggs
              • m77
              • 19 Feb 2010

              fantastic!!! i wrk for 3 mobile and this is the best phone out their!
              its out selling everyone...gud luck keeping up i-phone!!

                • p
                • pete
                • M3s
                • 19 Feb 2010

                hmmm well i have a hero ... not competing against the hd2 or the iphone 3gs ... well i agree with it being better then the ones listed but its still lacking proper emulation like the hd2 and the ever so useful core player that windows mobile has. i came from wimo>iphone>iphone3g>hero now im thinking of going back to wimo with either a hd2 or a tosh tg01

                  • u
                  • uday
                  • PBy
                  • 19 Feb 2010

                  I use a hero... it is a brilliant device..... htc now just needs to give us the screen size of the hd2.... a better camera... about 30 GB of storage... a fm trasmitter and bigger battery.... the ultimate all in one device.... the even if its heavier, it just makes it feel more solid.

                    • G
                    • GS
                    • TRH
                    • 19 Feb 2010

                    Moni, 17 Feb 2010Wow! My Hero is winner!!!Yeah Congratulations to all of us who owns HERO..

                      • G
                      • Gaurang
                      • TRH
                      • 19 Feb 2010

                      Awesome design and fabulous features... HERO rocks man.. truelly deserv the award...

                        • b
                        • bill
                        • Y9{
                        • 18 Feb 2010

                        htc hero should not be phone of year because of one thing only and that thing is, if that phone is so good then why I didnt even see one in someone's hands. what i did see was iphones, blackberrys and nokias but not single phone from htc in [new year city]

                          • B
                          • Barcode
                          • j8L
                          • 18 Feb 2010

                          Moni, 18 Feb 2010In matter of power and features Nokia N900 & HTC Hero a... moreThe N900 has way more features and capabilities than the HTC Hero.

                            • M
                            • Moni
                            • uNV
                            • 18 Feb 2010

                            SR, 17 Feb 2010I don't know why but I hate HTC Hero. Its just so awkwartd ... moreIn matter of power and features Nokia N900 & HTC Hero are almost same.

                            In matter of built-in memory N900 is more better than Hero.

                            In matter of design Hero is much better than N900.

                            In matter of touch sensitivity and technology Hero is much better than N900.

                            So, the winner is the HTC Hero!

                              • d
                              • dra
                              • 0C9
                              • 18 Feb 2010

                              I'm just curious at what on earth had better than omnia hd :)) maybe the laggy playback on HD videos.. or maybe the cam :)) or maybe the processors.. Mystery..

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nv2
                                • 18 Feb 2010

                                HTC HERO ROCKS
                                its the best mobile yet
                                and i´ve tried many
                                its better than n97,omnia,and many others
                                thank u HTC for making this phone

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • nv2
                                  • 18 Feb 2010

                                  wayne, 18 Feb 2010i'm glad the htc hero won the award, it deserves it, fair e... morei agree

                                    • o
                                    • orphen77
                                    • 2A3
                                    • 18 Feb 2010

                                    i'm so happy for htc hero.. :)) though i don't have one.. i hope that i'll be able to have it in the future.. hehe

                                      • R
                                      • Rom
                                      • vxm
                                      • 18 Feb 2010

                                      Glad I bought it then! :)

                                        • w
                                        • wayne
                                        • n$e
                                        • 18 Feb 2010

                                        i'm glad the htc hero won the award, it deserves it, fair enough the "chin" does look at out of place at first but it makes the phone unique, and in march the 2.1 update is coming to it, so it really is a great phone and it has never crashed or frozen for me! better than my x1!