HTC HD2 doesn't qualify for a Windows Phone 7 upgrade

01 March, 2010
Bad news for the HTC HD2 owners: your beloved WinMo smartphone does not qualify for a Windows Phone 7 upgrade. The reason is more than ridiculous but you can't do anything to change the situation: the HD2...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 43C
  • 02 Mar 2010

HTC make this phone an android and I will buy this phone,Winmo is a waste of time. How HTC made this nice phone a Winmo,that is crzy. ANDROID for this phone pleaseeee with android you can get all the update that you want, I had the G1 and I got until 2.0 on it.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Uij
    • 02 Mar 2010

    G.A.Y Move


    THE HD2 has specs that match the LG WinPh7, infact its screen is even better

    so what the 1GB ram is needed?

    ridiculous if the OS can't run with anything less than 1GB

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • TC$
      • 02 Mar 2010

      what i see is windows mobile trying off to kill themselves by offending htc... TATA wm~

        • i
        • inferno
        • 0gk
        • 02 Mar 2010

        Does anyone have tissues? HD2 ''loyal'' owners are crying. 700$ for a phone that can't be used with one hand comfortably. LOL

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • FJR
          • 02 Mar 2010

          And oh btw, the iphone 2g from 3 years ago can still upgrade to 4.0. It might not get a 100% upgrade on the hardware side, but on the software side it can. Iphone rules.

            • H
            • High Tech
            • kNk
            • 02 Mar 2010

            High Tech, 02 Mar 2010What's the deal with GSM. I get this on just about every po... moreNo profanity in my posts............

              • H
              • High Tech
              • kNk
              • 02 Mar 2010

              What's the deal with GSM. I get this on just about every post (Your comment was saved to the DB. It will be published when it is approved by a moderator.) All the profanity that goes on this site. I my post has to be approved for just stating facts, and profanity......

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • FJR
                • 02 Mar 2010

                I have the iphone 3g. Guess what? When 4.0 comes out, I can upgrade my iphone 3g w/ the 4.0 update, hahahahahaha.

                  • F
                  • FireDragon
                  • sUv
                  • 02 Mar 2010

                  FireDragon, 02 Mar 2010By the time Win7 series will step into market, new bread of... moreBread or breed? I am confused with the spelling but you get the point. Lol. Some typos are just as true as fact. Breads I like that.

                    • j
                    • jim
                    • 43C
                    • 02 Mar 2010

                    HTC make this phone an android and I will buy this phone,Winmo is a waste of time. How HTC made this nice phone a Winmo,that is crzy.

                      • F
                      • FireDragon
                      • sUv
                      • 02 Mar 2010

                      By the time Win7 series will step into market, new bread of users and devices will start kicking in as well and if I will be running a company, I would take few steps to catch in those new generation with new and better devices for obviously, better sales for my company. If you can read between lines, it says "Don't dream high with these tech stuffs. They might get higher than you."

                      Another reason I can think of behind this step is HD2 is not loved by everyone, it is big, batteries runs out of juice fast, no hardware keyboard (not much of business class), and too expensive to buy as entertainment (toy) device so obviously HTC sees no reason to keep it in production after (or during) 8 months. They must be bringing something else and would promote that new device instead of old one.

                      Because they can't hush the current users away so they sugar-coat their reason by putting it all on Microsoft and Microsoft wants HTC so they accept that bar and announce the rejection with first thing they spot to blame.

                      It's all good business. I like that. Sorry HighTech, I know your HD2 is a good device but My X2 will be same good. :)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • txC
                        • 02 Mar 2010

                        hidzami, 02 Mar 2010i hope microsoft have a better reason for this..They don't want to piss off the OEM more than what they did already with those strict requirement and uniformity.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • txC
                          • 02 Mar 2010

                          Conspiracy theory. They knew it all along and put 5 button so it can't get update to WM7.

                            • G
                            • Gadgetlover
                            • 0gk
                            • 02 Mar 2010

                            hahaha, HD2 owners are crying like bunch of babies who wet their diapers. lol. For 700$ you can get a nice Toshiba laptop. HTC is a rip off

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 0gk
                              • 02 Mar 2010

                              hahahahahaha, so sad HD2 owners, the most hyped phone in the market that costs an arm and a leg, pathetic camera with pink spot in the images, even after update. No shutter key, flash taken from a toy,loud speaker very annoying. 700$ for 4.3 inches screen, that's it! N97 with cheaper hardware, sold more units then HD2. LMAO

                                • D
                                • DJRipster
                                • tew
                                • 02 Mar 2010

                                HD2 doesn't have a hardware search... Therefore no WM7 simple as that

                                  • H
                                  • High Tech
                                  • kNk
                                  • 02 Mar 2010

                                  (optional), 02 Mar 2010I don't even want that piece of @#$% on my phone, HTC's UI ... moreI agree...........................

                                    • H
                                    • High Tech
                                    • kNk
                                    • 02 Mar 2010

                                    Anonymous, 02 Mar 2010High Tech, no need to dream - just READ my post below! - Wi... moreI'm not crying at all.. I love my HD2... And when WM7 is ported to HD2 we'll talk..... Who cares about Zune HD... It does nothing for me. My HD2 can still play movies and music. Same as Zune......

                                      • s
                                      • saints5354
                                      • u4k
                                      • 02 Mar 2010

                                      Anonymous, 02 Mar 2010High Tech, no need to dream - just READ my post below! - Wi... moreU mean Toshiba TG02 (RAM:256MB) will get the update, wow !!! While HD2 with 576MB cannot, is interesting .....

                                        • A
                                        • Android Fans
                                        • ibj
                                        • 02 Mar 2010

                                        This is pretty bad...i wonder why winmo making this step with the ridiculous reason?Somemore HD 2 was a great would be rock if it is an android device...I probably will go for android phone = )