FCC approves another LG G4 variant for the US
- ?
- Anonymous
- q2%
- 08 Nov 2015
Lg 4 stylos must have the headphone jack back to the bottom
- ?
- Anonymous
- ixY
- 06 Nov 2015
Noel, 06 Nov 2015Yup agreed...hopefully the QSD 820 (tho that maybe reserved... more second smaller screen is useless for me
- L
- LgUnbrand
- sjb
- 06 Nov 2015
forWhat, 06 Nov 2015First one itself not selling properly and why are they wast... moreA G5 with a true battery...
- f
- forWhat
- Bct
- 06 Nov 2015
First one itself not selling properly and why are they wasting time on this .. instead just launch a better G5 sooner LG
- N
- Noel
- Rbq
- 06 Nov 2015
Anonymous, 06 Nov 2015A more powerful CPU will Pump Up the sales ...mark my wordsYup agreed...hopefully the QSD 820 (tho that maybe reserved for the G5)or a variant of the SD810 or the one time rumored SD818 (if there's even one). Will be nice to see some of the durability of the V10 with a flat back and a bigger 3500mAh battery. Like the V10 but reluctant to. Pull the trigger cuz of the size and reviews of its battery stamina... So I might be sold if a tard smaller 5.5" screen or even 5.7" screen with no second smaller screen (no use for me). Just give me a BIG 4000 > 5000+mAh removable battery.
- p
- panrt
- gyc
- 06 Nov 2015
lg g note ? :d
- ?
- Anonymous
- ixY
- 06 Nov 2015
A more powerful CPU will Pump Up the sales ...mark my words