HTC HD2 launch date for T-Mobile USA uncovered
- k
- katie
- Mfx
- 12 Mar 2010
Anonymous, 09 Mar 20101) No windows 7 2) No Dual SIM why do they want to sell... morebecause its a good phone and it has really nice features
- ?
- Anonymous
- 33I
- 10 Mar 2010
white tiger you are looking too often into the future... a new os isnt always better
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Bq
- 10 Mar 2010
The HTC HD2 is a great phone. Winmo 6.5 runs well on the phone. I have had an opportunity of seeing Winmo7 in action, At the moment does not look that great but early days yet. Not expected to be released until Oct 2010 at the earliest so a lot of life left in 6.5
- s
- simple user
- Sve
- 10 Mar 2010
Besides WP7 is newer than winmo 6.5 are there any other reason you need WP7? on HD2?
- ?
- Anonymous
- q8@
- 10 Mar 2010
isnt xda working on android operating rom for hd2....... wm7 dont look that good
- W
- White Tiger
- A90
- 10 Mar 2010
This is outdated phone. It uses Window mobile 6.5 OS. Microsoft has come up with WM7S OS and they said that a user will not be able to upgrade OS from 6.5 to 7.
- !
- !!!!
- 9x4
- 10 Mar 2010
does this phone gives you the easy access to get programs, games, music?????
the availability of the things i need to put in in these phone, is it easy like iphone??????
- H
- High Tech
- kNk
- 09 Mar 2010
I will stick with my HD2 for awhile.. Unlike what people are saying, the HD2 is a nice phone.. It will still be one of the best even when WM7 phones come... I look for better WM7 phones to come in late 2011 or 2012.... Besides, WM7 is not that great right now... It looks plain to me.. I like the X10 UI better than WM7....... WM7 needs to be tweak a few times before I think of buying... My next phone will be Andriod, but will wait a while... My HD2 will do just fine til then.... Besides you can customize the HD2 UI, but you cannot do that with WM7..................
- n
- nunuKing
- jbT
- 09 Mar 2010
Nick, 09 Mar 2010So, you get one in April, outdated by September (LG) nice! ... moreis your iPhone outdated? How long do you have your lulli? I assume that is outdated too? use it as #2 pencil eraser....
- N
- Nick
- PZc
- 09 Mar 2010
So, you get one in April, outdated by September (LG) nice! Gives you a good 6 months, what? a 24month contract, should be a nice doorstop by then.
- C
- CanBoy
- j7C
- 09 Mar 2010
Would this mean that the phone would drop in price everywhere?
like you can buy this phone in Canada just not with a dealer and it isn't able to use data plan but could use in a case
saving money on data plan...0.o..
and the ram...I'm guessing it would make a difference from the other
- F
- FireDragon
- sUv
- 09 Mar 2010
Anonymous, 09 Mar 20101) No windows 7 2) No Dual SIM why do they want to sell... moreI am not fan of HD2 but get real, Windows 7 will take forever (as in end of the YEAR) to step into market and WinMo is doing a good job by teaming up with SnapDragon so this deal is no where failed or let down by any mean. HD2 is powerful and will stay powerful throughout the year.
- Z
- Zobi
- jxD
- 09 Mar 2010
Very nice. I gonna buy this one but I would prefer has android.
- J
- Jesse
- 4qv
- 09 Mar 2010
Anonymous, 09 Mar 20101) No windows 7 2) No Dual SIM why do they want to sell... moreNeither one interests me, HTC did a good enough job covering up windows.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGq
- 09 Mar 2010
1) No windows 7
2) No Dual SIM
why do they want to sell this phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- p3I
- 09 Mar 2010
Why would you be happy to be the first or second person to comment on a random article on the internet???? :|
Anyway, really curious how the US HD2 is going to sell.. well, after the 'no 7 Series upgrade news'.. it is kind of a dead device. I am selling mine soon and jumping to Android.. HTC Desire FTW
- M
- Mot-en
- pq@
- 09 Mar 2010
Great for u! It is quite funny though - we (in Slovenia) have this phone since last year and we're just a little country in middle europe=)) . Anyway it is really good fone, the best i must say.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uij
- 09 Mar 2010
when will the prices of current WinMo phones start dropping
- P
- Punkid
- uWA
- 09 Mar 2010
y does the picture say windows phone rather than windows mobile? does it mean itll have windows phone 7?
- R
- Raj
- qp4
- 09 Mar 2010
I gotta say, tmobile is getting some damn good phones now, a slew of android phones and now this? Way to go!