Motorola's Cyber Monday deals focus on last year's devices
- r
- ruben02
- LxB
- 26 Nov 2015
What about the Moto X pure/ style?
Hope they launch a flash sale for that device
- G
- G3 user
- 9LA
- 25 Nov 2015
i have to sayd this motorola is fairly good,used to be the best handed by google itself ..but lenovo changed a lot of things and that has a darkside for this moto x and is poor update support they said that is not sure if as a 2014 moto x user u ll get marshmallow wich is funny becauseit means that moto g 2014 wich is mid low end device surely should not be listed as elegible... but it has a soak test .... is it because 2014 moto x didnt sell that well....._++ i like the moto x 2014 form factore and materials but no updates for a 1 year old phone must be a joke it is sd801 not the customer x8 core u used to use ( dual s4 pro )
- m
- middlefinger
- Bct
- 25 Nov 2015
Thanks motorola .. all the people who were eagerly waiting for your deals are really overwhelmed to see the deals !!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx6
- 25 Nov 2015
wasn't cyber Monday originally a wrestling ppv?