December video update on Apple Campus 2 progress reveals underground auditorium
- s
- slim maibam
- 28 Dec 2015
they r just making up things, they don't actually plan on building it... apple the Pretender.... how sick!
- D
- AnonD-374584
- 08 Dec 2015
Whuzzup, 05 Dec 2015Could you for one second just stop being so arrogant with t... moreI don't see you making a remark as to why is my comment arrogant. Your point is indeed so valid.
But as you surely can remember, the manufacturing price of a finished apple product is, in average, between 30 to 55% of the selling price. Offering such an "optimized" piece of technology is actually not that accurate. An optimized device would at least hold a charge, after a normal days' usage, for a longer period of time.
But I guess selling under-specced and last years hardware is the best way to go.
- M
- Mythbuster
- mg1
- 07 Dec 2015
Gibby, 06 Dec 2015Apple taking credit for Norman Foster Architect's design.
... moreAlright really
$100 million
Wozniak, together with Steve Jobs, founded Apple in 1976 has an estimated net worth of $100 million and was responsible for the company's iconic fruit logo.
- W
- IcE
- 06 Dec 2015
So they're going to have a huge campus. Question is are they going to build anything there? Are they still going to send it to China? They should have built the damn building in China then.
- a
- anothercomment
- 9LB
- 06 Dec 2015
just another illuminati dens in the making.......
- G
- Gibby
- Ixj
- 06 Dec 2015
Apple taking credit for Norman Foster Architect's design.
Now - where have they / Steve Jobs taken someone else's credit before I wonder?!
Just how is Steve Wozniak doing these days? ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- w47
- 06 Dec 2015
apple is looser
- D
- AnonD-9000
- 06 Dec 2015
ithehappy, 05 Dec 2015That underground is their future place, where they will be ... moreU mean samsung washing machine box? Lol
- i
- ithehappy
- ute
- 05 Dec 2015
That underground is their future place, where they will be needing to hide in very short future.
- D
- AnonD-375420
- LaE
- 05 Dec 2015
Apple is the best
- W
- Whuzzup
- 9LB
- 05 Dec 2015
AnonD-374584, 05 Dec 2015So this is where all that overpriced apple products money w... moreCould you for one second just stop being so arrogant with the dumb and stupid comments?!
Thank you. :)
- L
- LamiaLove
- LaC
- 05 Dec 2015
AnonD-374584, 05 Dec 2015So this is where all that overpriced apple products money w... moreOnly a small part. But pretty cool, huh?
- 👍
- C
- Cyberdux
- mx2
- 05 Dec 2015
Well i guess it'll be the place where everything happens according to the book of Job(e) *facepalm*
- 👍
- D
- AnonD-442781
- JiP
- 05 Dec 2015
- D
- AnonD-374584
- pQR
- 05 Dec 2015
So this is where all that overpriced apple products money went into...
- 👍2