Samsung Galaxy TabPro S prices start at €999

07 January, 2016
Samsung's surprise Windows 10 tablet, the 12-inch Galaxy TabPro S was announced a couple of days ago at CES, but there was no word on pricing. That blank gets filled now, with information coming our way from Germany.

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  • D
  • AnonD-147044
  • nV6
  • 07 Jan 2016

"but then it's no amoled"
this implies that AMOLED is better than all other screen technologies. However this is a matter of opinion. Samsung devices with AMOLED screens are known to have horrible black clipping and other quality issues. I have compared 4 Galaxy Tab S2 and they all have the same amount of black clipping (on a contrast scale of 0-255, everything below 7 clips to black which means you won't be able to distinguish very dark contrasts from eachother, means that you will miss out on details in videos with dark scenes, changing the screen settings such as profiles to Cinema mode does NOT fix this. this is on a high brightness setting. when you're in a dark room and watch at a lower brightness it is even worse) and other quality issues such as a color gradient going across the screen, very noticeable when displaying a plain color, for example when you open google chrome without a tab and there's just the grey background. or background of the steam app. annoys me to no end every time. I'd pick a crappy IPS panel over this every time. if this wouldn't have been a present I'd have returned it (keep it mind all AMOLED panels I've ever seen have the aforementioned problems so i do NOT think that this is just a "coincidence" and i got a bad device).
So to me, an IPS panel is BETTER than AMOLED.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • LE{
    • 07 Jan 2016

    Keyboard doesn't have the "ñ".

    Doesn't worth it.

      • D
      • AnonD-286474
      • uw5
      • 07 Jan 2016

      Keyboard looks like scrabble set

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • XQ9
        • 07 Jan 2016

        fooling people days are over samesung wake up

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • XQ9
          • 07 Jan 2016

          expensive crap

            • K
            • Kpaul
            • w43
            • 07 Jan 2016

            Lol 'Samsung ............Great.........Speechless.....Lv U.......You think currency is just like a blank paper, so write down an amout and buy all goods.......hahaha

              • D
              • AnonD-362866
              • NHU
              • 07 Jan 2016

              LMAO hahahahahahahaha it's a failure even before release lmfao hahahahahaha :'D

                • D
                • AnonD-364786
                • PB7
                • 07 Jan 2016

                samsung .. you are not apple