Report says no signs of Apple Watch 2 coming this March

17 January, 2016
The report cited Creative Strategies analyst Ben Bajarin, who said that supply chain doesn't seem to be occupied enough to suggest a March unveiling.

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  • D
  • AnonD-486589
  • 6vu
  • 17 Jan 2016

at least put s and release !!!! stupid fans will follow no matter what bad strategy apple

    AnonD-362866, 17 Jan 2016I doubt we'll see it in the short term, this is a new produ... moreTrue, but then again all first-gen products by Apple lasted less than a year, even the iPad. I hope it's not the case for the Watch. And I also hope if they do release a new one soon, that the bands from the first-gen work on the new one. #invested!

      Inferior product by an inferior company.

      Too much of greed in the name of innovation! Just burn your money instead of spending it on overpriced i products.

        • D
        • AnonD-362866
        • NmZ
        • 17 Jan 2016

        I doubt we'll see it in the short term, this is a new product segment to them and doesn't need to be replaced very soon at all, kinda like the iPad's that can last for a pretty long time before needing to be upgraded. They would probably go for a 2 year upgrade cycle. The form factor of the watch 2 would keep the same form factor though for those who spent all that cheddar on the link bracelet.