Microsoft reportedly pushes back Windows 10 Mobile rollout once again

23 January, 2016
The update will now be rolled out in the "early to mid February" timeframe.

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  • D
  • AnonD-468158
  • 7tB
  • 23 Jan 2016

Moving back to android...window phone is dead..

    SabbyJ, 23 Jan 2016It should be delayed. It's just not ready yet. The way some... moreAdd the fact that after one day of taking pictures, the preview images of the gallery are showing black and some images won't open while the others are getting errors.

      Probably wait for S7? may something new come with that update...

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Tug
        • 23 Jan 2016

        SKbaba, 23 Jan 2016I have lumia 535 but Enough wait for windows10 mobile OS up... moreYou moved to Android to get faster updates? That was probably a poor choice.

          • D
          • AnonD-398636
          • Pxh
          • 23 Jan 2016

          they probably pushed it back for lanch with the lumia 650 but iam seriously tired of waiting for wp10 update on my 640XL . Microsoft has listed it as among the first devices to receive the update , i cant imagine how much impatient the older wp users must be running . the pushback , it would only make sense if they are working to correct bugs on the OS and improve the overall performance . i tried the preview and it would not give me notifications for blocked calls/sms , would not detect sim , games would force close , toggles would blink and i would have lag when scrolling through tiles or apps , not to forget background apps downloading frequently freezing and background apps taking forever to "resume" . it is the last hope i have from microsoft , if they fail to address such issues in the final build , iam selling my phone for good !

            ethereal, 23 Jan 2016And yet you are using this OS as your daily driver!Nope, I have a 1520 as a daily driver, which I recently got back.

              • P
              • PRX
              • KSw
              • 23 Jan 2016

              Microsoft is close to that fateful day when lumia shuts down and their mobile division will be in the dust.No one will ever remember that some company called Microsoft existed as they will soon lose their desktop division too as loyal customers are taken for granted here.

                James, 23 Jan 2016They have postponed deliberately, because if they rolled ou... moreThat could make sense. However, they are not pushing updates for the newly launched 950 duo either as mentioned in the article. I was told that my old lumia 1520 will get the update once relatively newer phones end up getting one. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-394646
                  • 0U3
                  • 23 Jan 2016

                  James, 23 Jan 2016They have postponed deliberately, because if they rolled ou... moreWhich new sets, the only Microsoft W10 phones worth buying are Lumia 950/950XL that are way to expensive for Microsoft phones. For this year Microsoft announced just the Lumia 650 (no Lumia 750 or Lumia 850 in sight), so basically they should work in providing updates for older ones.

                    SabbyJ, 23 Jan 2016It should be delayed. It's just not ready yet. The way some... moreAnd yet you are using this OS as your daily driver!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-394646
                      • 0U3
                      • 23 Jan 2016

                      Ever since I've installed the W10 preview on my Lumia 640 Dual Sim, some apps are crushing and the phone is a bit slow (nothing to serious). But for day to day use is ok ( I don't play games on phone), and I don't have to much apps installed. Is still better then my last phone a Chinese "stupidphone" (which it wasn't cheap, about 180 euros).

                        wpuset, 23 Jan 2016which phone are you using?640 XL

                          • D
                          • AnonD-466006
                          • X}G
                          • 23 Jan 2016

                          It's for the best i guess...Hope they fix all the bugs in Redstone update before release...

                            • D
                            • AnonD-442022
                            • Fht
                            • 23 Jan 2016

                            Have used 10 on an 640XL since the preview was first available , it is way too slow to be used a daily phone , frustratingly so.....

                              • J
                              • James
                              • 6Q9
                              • 23 Jan 2016

                              They have postponed deliberately, because if they rolled out win 10 to previous mobiles then who will buy their new sets...

                                • D
                                • AnonD-208023
                                • vI6
                                • 23 Jan 2016

                                Because of commitment by MS on July that all LUMIA 640/640XL series will get update first...But now 6 months waiting???
                                Its making the user to completely lose hope on MS why they are not at all realising??? As a user of WP we do uncertain what MS have as future why we need to stick this OS????
                                We used for its uniqueness and PC like but the last 6 months delays and poor launching of new mobiles making questionable about the future of MS phones??
                                Is these comments reaching their ears or not??? we don't know.
                                Very small phone makers with limited fund released many mobiles within this period why MS not able??? all doing contract manufacturing then what hindrance to design a rectangular bar designed phone???
                                Don't delay beyond month for updates and new handsets availability otherwise you will lose complete user hope.

                                  • w
                                  • wpuset
                                  • sxt
                                  • 23 Jan 2016

                                  SabbyJ, 23 Jan 2016It should be delayed. It's just not ready yet. The way some... morewhich phone are you using?

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-216319
                                    • N0m
                                    • 23 Jan 2016

                                    Developers are the cornerstone of any platform, I see developers running away from Microsoft and I think why are they doing that ? Because simply it's Harder to do an application for ms than iOS or android, and developers themselves lost hope in the platform and that for me is the end of ms mobile cause clients can be brought back easily while developers just aren't, silly restrictions and weird framework and a store that has enough problems on its own, 2015 wasn't great for Nadela and apparently neither will be 2016

                                      It should be delayed. It's just not ready yet. The way some features are messing up it seems like it should not have left the Alpha stage.
                                      1. It's not smooth at all.
                                      2. Notification toggles often times end up freezing the phone up. Specially the 'Location' toggle. I have to restart the phone at least twice a day.
                                      3. The music player is buggy to say the least, and downright broken to be honest. The album list stops scrolling, the app stops auto-rotating, and you have to close the app and open it again. Also, if you have to play a song from the list, you need to double tap it (multiple times). Yes, double tap it in 2016. And even when you double tap it, it can take up to 5-10 seconds for the song to start playing.
                                      4. The camera app is downright disgusting. It's slow, broken and absolute garbage. The rich mode does not work 9 out of 10 times. 9 times you'll get a 1MP image. Even without the rich mode, 2-3 times out of 10 you'll get an unprocessed 1MP image. The video recording is choppy. The frame freezes every coupe of seconds in the recorded videos.

                                      And this is just off the top of my head.

                                        I'm mostly certain that they will release this Windows 10 Mobile on the 15th of February. Just go to Microsoft and search Windows 10 Mobile update. One such update happened in 2008 for PocketPC.