iPhone 4 makes a stormy appearance at WWDC 2010

7 June, 2010
At the WWDC 2010 Apple CEO just announced Apple's next-gen iPhone. Uninspiringly called iPhone 4, the new device comes with a bunch of new features along with the new design you've already seen...

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  • o
  • omnia
  • tVu
  • 08 Jun 2010

how hard apple try,s always lacked or missed something.better go for winphone for better value and techs.

    • C
    • Chibby
    • t7E
    • 08 Jun 2010

    Stu, 08 Jun 2010For all of those who are posting negative comments about th... moreC'mom Stu, i can buy whatever phone I wanna buy, not to brag. But Iphone is not just worth spending. It can never be a smartphone. Whatever new feature it has, all the other phones already have it 2 years ago, which is kinda embarrassing, isn't it? They say it'll capture 720p video, my phone already had it a year ago. Just because it is made by Apple and it is an Iphone does not mean it is the best phone in the world. As a matter of fact, it is NOT! :)

      • F
      • FireDragon
      • sUv
      • 08 Jun 2010

      [deleted post]Hello there, I was wondering where you are all this time. I was missing your single scripted line and you started with it, good going.

        • F
        • FireDragon
        • sUv
        • 08 Jun 2010

        Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010Apple and cheap price cant be writttn in one sentence"Apple sales Cheap phone at highest possible Price"

        There you go, all in one perfect sentence. ;)

          • s
          • shpe
          • MCr
          • 08 Jun 2010

          too bad it won't run this app: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCI11RBSUlo

            • S
            • Stu
            • S6$
            • 08 Jun 2010

            For all of those who are posting negative comments about the iphone, it all comes down to jealousy due to the fact that you can't either afford the phone or never had one! Simples.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vGq
              • 08 Jun 2010

              No Removable battery ... why why why

                • C
                • Corleone
                • SgW
                • 08 Jun 2010

                well, 07 Jun 2010What's the USE??!?! More storage! duh. The N8 has 16/32 wit... moreWhy the hell would i want 22Gb of music on my phone , im not going on a travel around the world....

                  • A
                  • Apple Lover
                  • 3R1
                  • 08 Jun 2010

                  Guys, common' stop it. The majority of you haven't seen this live, I don't talk about using it, so how can you speak even about batterie life? Just as the N8 it's not out!
                  How about the iPhone, it's a great phone, maybe it doesn't have 12mpx.*
                  *Not only they are responsable, for the good quality of the picture.
                  The I agree, the video calls were invented long time ago, just as multitasking, but as Apple says: "We did it the right way", I bet the multitasking in here, and the video calls are much better than at any other phone.
                  I know i pay money for the Apple products, and I wasn't dissapointed even once. I was conscious of what I was buying, and they offered that at the highest quality.
                  A major plus why all their technologies are so popular and used world wide, ! by different musicians, business companies, the movie stuff, designers, and many other ! , it's because of their software, and all the things in it, they work right and at maximum(you can't get a better quality). They crash, very, very rarely, that's why it's trusted by the above mentioned people.
                  Believe me, Apple knows what their are doing, and I bet they could put a 12 mpx. camera, micro sd, batterie apart and other things, but they think it's the right way the way they did it, because there are clients who need their technologies to work good, Apple knows that, and that's what their are doing.

                  P.S. at least try an Apple product, give it a shot! I bet you will find many more good then bad stuff.
                  I highly recommend their products, I use them for a long time, and I find in them what I need, otherwise I wouldn't bought them.

                  Apple Inc.... is a truly ripped Apple

                  Sincerely Paul!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nGW
                    • 08 Jun 2010

                    Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010People nowadays are so rich i rather buy n8 and have mon... moreHow about will buy the Iphone and donate how ever much the N8 costs to charity, does that sound good to ya?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Ke1
                      • 08 Jun 2010

                      Apple and cheap price cant be writttn in one sentence

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Ke1
                        • 08 Jun 2010

                        People nowadays are so rich

                        i rather buy n8 and have money left and donate it to charity to help those who need basis necessity

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 390
                          • 08 Jun 2010

                          Steve Jobs to crowd: 'We're having a little problem here'
                          this is kinda funny

                            • s
                            • syd
                            • Bw@
                            • 08 Jun 2010

                            i don't know why people assuming it to be so 'cheap' its not cheap!that price is imdicated $199 is with a 24month contract of $49 or more. In UK it will be £199 with a £40 contract for 24 months. So in all you pay £1000+, which is ridiculously expensive. That means i'd rather get nokia N8 sim free for £399 or less!

                              • W
                              • Wr@ithe
                              • FXe
                              • 08 Jun 2010

                              Thomas, 08 Jun 2010hahaha Apple sure knows how to irritate people as they sell... moreI agree, I think people lose sight that it's just a phone after all. Find one that does what you need and enjoy it. If I think of the amount of web traffic that gets devoted to this mindless " Mine is better than yours " mentality I cringe.

                                • s
                                • sxc ls1
                                • Mfy
                                • 08 Jun 2010

                                Ed, 08 Jun 2010wonder how they much they will go for in Australia...any ch... moreNo chance that will be going on a 49ish cap!

                                You would definately be looking at between the 79 and 99 caps....

                                  • l
                                  • lolme
                                  • NaK
                                  • 08 Jun 2010

                                  countach, 08 Jun 2010ur right, video calling was there 6 years ago, but not free... moresorry but yr wrong. Video calling is not expensive. I live in a third world country and the best connection available for home is 2mbps and yet, video calls costs as much as normal calls on prepay ie Rs1.20 a minute which is approximately equal to $0.04

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • n7f
                                    • 08 Jun 2010

                                    Craig, 08 Jun 2010Now i think about, Video calling over Wifi, that would mean... moreVideo over Wi-fi because steve jobs want to rep isheeps very good by requiring them to pay contract to be able to video chat iscum phone...!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ubg
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      i owned an iphone 3g and i dont see why people was so eager with it and the 3gs while there are better phones with 8mp. hdrecording, great phone etc... oh well, you cant blame the young ones who wants a gaming phone.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • n7f
                                        • 08 Jun 2010

                                        countach, 08 Jun 2010ur right, video calling was there 6 years ago, but not free... moreVideo calling was not more expensive than normal call, it was just the same price here in EU, and it's very important to have vdeo call if you have family!