iPhone 4 makes a stormy appearance at WWDC 2010

7 June, 2010
At the WWDC 2010 Apple CEO just announced Apple's next-gen iPhone. Uninspiringly called iPhone 4, the new device comes with a bunch of new features along with the new design you've already seen...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4Uq
  • 09 Jun 2010

deep space bar, 09 Jun 2010it's a trend it will so die out like the razr lol same desi... moreThat's what you've been saying in the past 4 years, hahahaha. Sorry, but I think your bubbles will be bursted again, hahahahaha.

    • S
    • Sántos karki
    • t@J
    • 09 Jun 2010

    Akash from nepal, 08 Jun 2010Even world most poorest country nepal have 3g and people of... morehay im also from nepal i think it is not suitable for nepal because it only supports micro sim card// does nepal is providing micro sim card / video call don't worry for that they will manage after days . we can easily update and download softeare so don't worry for the software but this is the serious matter of hardware we can't change hardware . we can find namaste,Ncell,UTL only sim cardd that is know as micro sim / or what im not understanding anything yar pls help me// im the great fan and fun of iphone if it support othere normal sim and i will tell to my uncle who is in Austrila to send me this lovely iphone 4G reply me soon pls // if u can send me on santos.nico6@gmail.com

      • d
      • deep space bar
      • IDg
      • 09 Jun 2010

      Anonymous, 09 Jun 2010Why do people buy into this iPhone brainwashing? I know ev... moreit's a trend it will so die out like the razr lol
      same design
      small improvements each model
      and then it just got boring and no one cares about it lol

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4Ix
        • 09 Jun 2010

        Why do people buy into this iPhone brainwashing? I know everything there is to know about mobile devices, & I have no single brand favorite every device has its strength & weaknesses. The iPhone, in all honesty is not that great of a device whatsoever.

        Wake up people & realize what you are buying.

          • d
          • deep space bar
          • IDg
          • 09 Jun 2010

          lol symbian users share data via WiFi using joiku app so when an iphone users needs some facetime XD ask them to pay up lol
          specially in non WiFi areas

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Er2
            • 09 Jun 2010

            The strange thing is, for the iphone users that I know...

            - the ones from iphone 3G are still in love with their phones, with no plan to switch to 3GS last year or iphone 4 this year.

            - at least 10 others, mostly users from the almighty brand, "switched" to use Apple 3GS and fell in love with it.

            So to me Apple seems to be doing a great job capturing market shares and customers from competitors which, can't deny the fact, is very important.

            Meanwhile, Apple doesn't seem to be doing so well to entice existing users to "upgrade" their phones into newer version.

            The snowball effect may continue for non-iphone users switching to iphones, but for the existing ones, they seem to be quite happy with whatever they're using already.

            Just subjective bias personal observation.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Er2
              • 09 Jun 2010

              Murad (Istanbul), 08 Jun 2010The Handset itself looks "HOT" but the software i... moreFYI, (free) Wifi is getting popular where I live, from all McDonalds, shopping malls, to "mobile" vehicles like buses, ferries...

              So according to Apple, the only way to conduct video call "on mobile" is to be on a bus or ferry with Wi-Fi...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Er2
                • 09 Jun 2010

                Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010Video calls via 3g will definitely follow. I think the pro... moreI used to video call my wife as soon as I got out of work everyday, but ever since she got iphone 3G nearly 2 years ago, we haven't done that THANKS TO APPLE.

                and now Apple tells me the only way to video call my wife is to get both of us an iphone 4, and "stand around" a place with WiFi (unless I'm on a Wifi bus/ferry?)??? OMG!

                And thanks to Apple, who definitely HAD the video call technology upon release of iphone 3G, chose to make people to forget about video call, others chose to follow and now no Android phone supports video call. Then now Apple says video call is one of the most important features ever?

                But then it maybe good afterall as Apple may force Google to release video call function on Android phones.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vad
                  • 09 Jun 2010

                  fuel, 09 Jun 2010even millions of ios4 will be sold.. nokia symbian 3 and 4 ... moreThe N8 will be like all the other Nokia's, the forum will be full of people going "this doesn't work, that is crap", Nokia will say "we're working on it we're releasing an update", then the forum will be full of people going, "I'm in Asia or the US. When will the patch come here", then other people will be saying "here's how to change the region code so you can get the patch"... etc, etc just like the last five years of Nokia beta rubbish.

                  Now aside from updating the beta Nokia will release there will be the usual issues with network software stopping the patches from working, Nokia will blame the networks, the networks will blame Nokia and you will be the ping pong ball in the middle going back and forth between Nokia Care and your phone networks customer care.

                  This is how it is, this is how it's been and this is how it will be in the future.

                  You can keep all that crap I'll stick with Apple.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Er2
                    • 09 Jun 2010

                    Chibby, 09 Jun 2010I'd go with Iph0ne if Im n0t technically savvy, but I am!un... moreExcept probably at least 80% of the iphone users...or phone users in general, are NOT techno savvy like you.

                      • f
                      • fuel
                      • t7X
                      • 09 Jun 2010

                      even millions of ios4 will be sold.. nokia symbian 3 and 4 still have more features with registered trademark and original ... video calling over wifi is already to nokia.. nokia n8 wins in benchmark.. still i love nokia.

                        • C
                        • Chibby
                        • P@c
                        • 09 Jun 2010

                        I'd go with Iph0ne if Im n0t technically savvy, but I am!unfortunately... Iph0ne die-hards say it's user experience that matters,i'd say what really matters M0ST is the technical capabilities of a ph0NE, you kn0w,what a ph0ne cAn do!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • q}9
                          • 09 Jun 2010

                          Anonymous, 09 Jun 2010It launches on the 24th, why don't you come back around the... moreNo single Android phone will outsell the iPhone. And nor does one have to for Android to beat the iPhone. The only thing that matters to developers is money. And they way to get more money is to have a larger market.

                          Right now that's the iOS world with iPhones, iTouchs and iPads. 100 million users. But Android is coming out on virtually every major carrier worldwide in multiple form factors, from multiple OEMs. It's powering car infotainment systems. It'll power TVs soon enough. And I would not be surprised to see it on refrigerators soon. And as that happens, Android will slowly surpass iOS' installed base. When that happens developers will start fleeing Jobs' 'walled garden' in droves.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vad
                            • 09 Jun 2010

                            drummond86, 09 Jun 2010I think there going to have to do better then this to keep ... moreIt launches on the 24th, why don't you come back around the 26th when Apple will have sold more than a million of these!

                              • d
                              • drummond86
                              • mHb
                              • 09 Jun 2010

                              I think there going to have to do better then this to keep tete market share, I know people that have gone over to Android phones when there contracts went up for renewal. This phone is for people that want a music and gaming device, and those who want proper smart phones are turning to Android OS phones. Thing apples honeymoon period could be ending!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • m@t
                                • 09 Jun 2010

                                "Speak for yourself only please. The iphone is an international success. Those who ridicule the iphone are pretty much haters. If European and Asian phones are all that great, no one outside the US would buy the iphone, but like I said, the iphone is a very successful device in Europe and Asia as well. A lot of users don't do video calling."

                                Nokia 3310 was an international success and sold in boat loads. That doesn't make it a great phone. Iphone doesn't even have that much of the market shares of the smart phone market(Symbian is WAAAAY bigger). The only thing Apple has going for them is that they make the most profit. But that's just cause there are so many idiots who fall for the marketing(granted, Apple have one of the best marketing departments and strategies in the world) that pay premium for a phone that isn't premium. You think anybody would have given a toss if LG released a phone with the same specs as Iphone 4?

                                  • d
                                  • drummond86
                                  • mHb
                                  • 08 Jun 2010

                                  I think there going to have to do better then this to keep tete market share, I know people that have gone over to Android phones when there contracts went up for renewal. This phone is for people that want a music and gaming device, and those who want proper smart phones are turning to Android OS phones. Thing apples honeymoon period could be ending!

                                    • A
                                    • Antivirus
                                    • 3pr
                                    • 08 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010I don't think he can. They just like to brag on features t... moreTalking about features no one uses, good luck with your FaceTime when you're not around any WiFi routers. But I'm sure that now that Apple has implemented videocalling, you suddenly feel the need for videocalling ;-)

                                    Maybe when one day, Apple engineers figure out how to include an FM radio in there, all you iSuckers will rejoice. Until then, you'll use the argument to no one listens to FM radio anyway, and that Apple invented the radio, hehehe

                                      • R
                                      • Remus
                                      • m@t
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010Speak for yourself only please. The iphone is an internati... morelol
                                      Nokia 3310 was an international success and sold in boat loads. That doesn't make it a great phone. Iphone doesn't even have that much of the market shares of the smart phone market(Symbian is WAAAAY bigger). The only thing Apple has going for them is that they make the most profit. But that's just cause there are so many idiots who fall for the marketing(granted, Apple have one of the best marketing departments and strategies in the world) that pay premium for a phone that isn't premium. You think anybody would have given a toss if LG released a phone with the same specs as Iphone 4?
                                      The only thing iphone was good at was the great touch screen(but others have surpassed them there), the easy UI(Android is there as well now) and a great appstore. The phone itself is nothing special. It's the marketing, hype and the apps that makes it work for apple.

                                        • d
                                        • deep space bar
                                        • IDg
                                        • 08 Jun 2010

                                        Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010Good to see they copied Noise Cancellation from the Nexus O... morethe 6600 fold has noise cancel and same with the touch pro 2 lol