Zimbabwe government denies carriers' request to regulate messaging apps
- s
- shivam chamoli
- gwx
- 24 Nov 2018
ya sure, it is good business for this country ,they make their own business. i like this article.
- D
- AnonD-466386
- Tj%
- 16 Mar 2016
AnonD-77443, 16 Mar 2016Zimbabwe is a "progressive government".... lol.... the only... moreyou clearly do not know what you are talking about. Zim's inflation in 2015 was a staggering -2.47%!! no that is not a mistake. Negative 2.47%.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2xu
- 16 Mar 2016
Anonymous, 16 Mar 2016Agree with you. With Indonesian TKDN rule (A minimum of 30%... moreSound same with the country nearby
- T
- Time-time
- MIa
- 16 Mar 2016
This may open an opportunity for creative Zimbabweans to start their own apps industry.
- D
- AnonD-154867
- ftX
- 16 Mar 2016
AnonD-77443, 16 Mar 2016Zimbabwe is a "progressive government".... lol.... the only... moreThe last time we heard about Zim inflation was 2008. FYI Zim uses the USD as their home currency. People in Zim dont have currency issues when buying foreign goods. In fact they have much more advantage over most nations now. E.g. an unlocked iPhone 6s 64G can be bought for between 500-700USD. Stuff is cheap in Zim especially technology. The Minister is actually stopping Mobile Operators from making supernormal profits in USD terms.
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- AnonD-154867
- ftX
- 16 Mar 2016
ithehappy, 16 Mar 2016What a fantastic decision taken by Zimbabwe! I salute you!Yeah
- r
- robogo
- SXh
- 16 Mar 2016
Minister Mandiwanzira is a wise man. It's an open market, you either adapt to it, or close up shop and find something else to do.
- D
- AnonD-515256
- fmT
- 16 Mar 2016
Anonymous, 16 Mar 2016I did not understand the part, "instead of admitting defeat... moreI think the minister was admonishing the carriers thus: "rather than looking at this as a defeat, try and use this as an opportunity to encourage young Zimbabweans.....etc etc"
- ?
- Anonymous
- 38G
- 16 Mar 2016
I did not understand the part, "instead of admitting defeat"
Why should he admit defeat when he is part of the government that said no to the operators.
Thumbs up to Zimbabwe for standing their ground and not taking bribes from the operators. Operators are able to continue milking people in many developing countries because the decision makers collect bribes from them.
- 1ns0mniac
- 4bd
- 16 Mar 2016
I only heard bad thing about Zimbabwe gov. But this news changed my perspective. Respect for Zimbabwe leaders. Thats how you lead! Salute to them.
- D
- AnonD-490314
- Nm$
- 16 Mar 2016
Nice move Zimbabwean Government... Great decision... power to the people... greedy carriers in the dustbin....
- ?
- Anonymous
- y}}
- 16 Mar 2016
AnonD-487038, 16 Mar 2016much better than indonesian TKDN regulation. Agree with you. With Indonesian TKDN rule (A minimum of 30% must be made by/in Indonesia), only the big/greedy company can sell/provide their smarphone in Indonesia. As the result, price will go up because of less competition.... In the end, only that big/greedy company and their corrupted government person enjoy the monopoly money.
- ?
- Anonymous
- y}}
- 16 Mar 2016
A very wise Zimbabwe leader. I hope the best for them. Here in Indonesia, the carrier and the government want to ask Facebook, What'sApp, WeChat, Line, Youtube, Uber to pay them tax/money otherwise will be block. As a phone user in Indonesia we hate our government that want us to pay expensive SMS.
- D
- AnonD-515194
- 0wq
- 16 Mar 2016
This is a very positive stance by Zim govt. Telephone (mobile and fixed) penetration rates are still very low in zimbabwe and if more people are to access what is now a universal service costs of communication must continue to come down.
- H
- Hash
- 16 Mar 2016
sano, 15 Mar 2016Now that's a real answer to telecom giants!!! If only our ... moreCanadian government has no ban on any apps afaik
- i
- ithehappy
- YT1
- 16 Mar 2016
What a fantastic decision taken by Zimbabwe! I salute you!
- D
- AnonD-77443
- v6J
- 16 Mar 2016
Zimbabwe is a "progressive government".... lol.... the only thing progressive about Zimbabwe is their exploding inflation.
- D
- AnonD-487038
- 614
- 16 Mar 2016
much better than indonesian TKDN regulation.
- D
- AnonD-375713
- Pkp
- 16 Mar 2016
A government doing something RIGHT? Well that's news enough by itself!
Thumbs up for them! Cutting this ridiculous attempt to extort people, 1st time I've seen it go that way and not the opposite way.