Google releases Froyo update for Nexus Ones, open-sources code

24 June, 2010
Google is also celebrating today - Android 2.2 Froyo has reached two important milestones. Google open sourced the latest version and they are pushing out the final Froyo update to Nexus One users. And...

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  • :
  • :D
  • v0X
  • 24 Jun 2010

at last, update for my phone! lovin my N1 more even theres a bunch of new ones out there.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • BwV
    • 24 Jun 2010

    Yep, the samsung pisses all over the iphone4....Just hope samsung will be good enough to update to 2.2 swiftly.

      • S
      • Stu
      • mX1
      • 24 Jun 2010

      Awesomeness, just awaiting the OTA for my Voda branded handset now.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 2T0
        • 24 Jun 2010

        oh wow.. nice! Iphone is a failure anyway.. before it was released it was, and its confirmed now.

        Hope to get this on the Samsung Galaxy S soon! I'm going to purchase that phone very soo

          • a
          • aAmir
          • kBs
          • 24 Jun 2010

          go google go /////

            • A
            • Andrew Lim
            • IVA
            • 24 Jun 2010

            Keep up the good work, Google! We appreciate the effort you guys put into Android and the generosity of releasing it as open source!