The latest three Samsung Galaxy S7 ads are a joy to watch

03 May, 2016
Gone is the tacky way that Samsung did its advertising, generally by mocking its competitors.

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  • D
  • AnonD-5197
  • 86w
  • 06 May 2016

Mkdc, 06 May 2016No, you still don't get it. You cannot determine a best sma... moreWaterproofing isn't a feature everyone cares about, fine, but that doesn't take away from the fact that having it is definitely better than not having it.

Avg screen on time for G5 is around 3 to 4h. Avg screen on time for S7 Edge is around 5h. So you want to talk about fanboys 'lacking knowledge of the competiton' eh?

    • M
    • Mkdc
    • 5Mb
    • 06 May 2016

    AnonD-5197, 06 May 2016The S7 Edge has smaller footprint with larger screen, water... moreNo, you still don't get it. You cannot determine a best smartphone by eliminating features that you think is niche or only comparing features that you believe everyone wants or needs. Waterproof is not a feature that everyone cares about universally. I never owned a waterproof or water resistant phone and never had water problems but it's a good bonus, not a selling point. Sony would have run away with the android crown 5 years ago if people cared about waterproof. Battery life? Yeah, it's great to have a bigger battery but still not a reason to define as best universal smartphone because that 10% extra battery or whatever number is, is negligible when someone charges their phone daily.

    Listen, i will repeat again and again as many times before you finally understand. There is no same best smartphone out there universally acclaimed by everyone. if you read an article awarding best smartphone to a certain smartphone, it's simply because the reviewer (s) prefers that smartphone more than others due to certain features or characteristics that appeal to them no matter how unbiased or how people like to think they are objective. Please do me a favor and go over to another website ( that specialize in mobile phones and see for yourself. the final ratings/scores of iphone 6s and 6s plus (and battery life) are higher than the s7 and s7 edge, and it's reviewed by the same person too. Here in gsmarena, the winner is S7 over iphone. So yeah, two very respected mobile phone sites having different winners. Are you surprised yet?

    Not every commenters are tech enthusiast here. They might know a lot about their favorite device, but lacks knowledge of the "competition".

      • D
      • AnonD-5197
      • QDj
      • 06 May 2016

      Mkdc, 05 May 2016simply put, no objective opinions can declare a winner. Whe... moreThe S7 Edge has smaller footprint with larger screen, waterproofing, and longer battery life which is favoured by everyone. These are things that can be looked at objectively and come up with a winner. This is not an opinion. And these bits of information and removing all subjective opinions due to each person's "wants" such as IR blaster vs no IR blaster, you could conclude on an objective winner. The S7 Edge has more of these things going for it than the G5. Sure, opinions on certain features make or break the deal for each individuals, but you can definitely draw up a winner.

      Now, subjectively speaking on the topic of innovation, while I agree that LG brought more drastic "change" in accordance with the definition of innovation, the subtle design changes shown in the S7 Edge brings more impact end users in terms of handling of the device. By making the G5 modular with accessories, LG compromised price (accessories), waterproofing, battery size, size, and convenience for some options which are usually available from 3rd parties for cheaper. LG made a huge gamble that people will actually like the modular pieces more than things like waterproofing, bigger screen to body ratio, etc. IMO, they compromised more than they should have. I've had many 3rd party modules for my previous devices and they were novel for very short period of time before they became inconveniences. What's worse is that they don't even transfer to new devices. You probably have different view on this and I respect that, but IMO choosing innovation for the sake of innovation is silly.

      You said that you are a "true" tech enthusiast. I don't dispute that, however, I think most of us on this site are "true" tech enthusiasts also, and having a skeptical opinion on certain features don't make people any less of enthusiasts.

        • M
        • Mkdc
        • 5Mb
        • 05 May 2016

        AnonD-5197, 04 May 2016It is objectively better in the boxes I mentioned which you... moresimply put, no objective opinions can declare a winner. Whether someone gives it to samsung, lg or apple, none of them have a smartphone that beats the other one in every category. Heck, with samsung releasing so many flagships every year, you can't even declare a clear winner of the year within samsung.

        Choosing best smartphone depends on the preference of each and everyone who decides what's best for them. If someone's main need is long life support and day one updates, current iphones win automatically. If someone's main preference is best camera on a smartphone, g5 wins automatically. If someone wants best multi window on a smartphone, S or note win.

        So in your opinion, S7 edge>G5, in my opinion, G5>S7 edge. In a true objective ranking, they are both in the top 5 smartphone of the year along future iphone 7 and note 6. Plain and simple.

          • M
          • Mkdc
          • 5Mb
          • 05 May 2016

          giorat23, 05 May 2016lol hell no, almost all 2016 flagships use usb c, miscro us... moreDon't worry, grey1213 will change its stance about micro usb vs type c once note 6 releases in a couple of months and have usb type-c. Suddenly, s/he will say it's the best thing ever and say micro usb is outdated.

            • D
            • AnonD-442781
            • pJm
            • 05 May 2016

            giorat23, 05 May 2016lol hell no, almost all 2016 flagships use usb c, miscro us... moreWhat nonsense. The only benefits are that its reversible and that it has 3.0. But the s7 quick charge is different from stock, it charges just about as fast as 3.0.

            So the only benefit is that its reversible. But the negatives are that it still has a tiny market share. Nobody else would have a charger for your phone, other attachments that use the slot with type c would also be hard to find.

            Type c is only good as a standard. Its not actually a bad thing for individual phones to not have it.

              • g
              • giorat23
              • 8xq
              • 05 May 2016

              AnonD-442781, 03 May 2016USB type c isn't going to become a necessity until a lot la... morelol hell no, almost all 2016 flagships use usb c, miscro usb is outdated, uncofortable, fragile, looks ugly near usb c simetry, and dont support fast charge 3.0

                • M
                • Mkdc
                • 5Mb
                • 05 May 2016

                [deleted post]Look. You clearly love samsung. I do understand that you are slow to understand and blindly defends samsung. However, i only said i don't know how much advantage mst has over nfc, and if you know your samsung stuffs better before crying because someone doesn't agree with your opinions, you should know that samsung pay includes both possibility as in SAM-----SUNG----PAY-----HAS----BOTH----MST------AND------NFC. Hopefully, i said it slow enough for you to at least understand something. Now, go back to the other post and reread it.

                  • G
                  • G
                  • nw}
                  • 05 May 2016

                  Mkdc, 04 May 2016If you zoom out, then all mid to flagship smartphone has th... mores7 beats g5 in video/low light/outdoor scenes/auto focus and its a gorgeous well thought out phone however g5 is a rushed thrown together pig ugly dog of a phone thats been hit with the ugly stick open your eyes

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • UD{
                    • 05 May 2016

                    yee, 04 May 2016I would love to be a part of this community, create some po... moreAgree... Let's just accept the fact that there's no perfect smartphone.

                      • M
                      • Mkdc
                      • 5Mb
                      • 04 May 2016

                      AnonD-442781, 04 May 2016That's only if you zoom in and start pixel peeping. For sta... moreIf you zoom out, then all mid to flagship smartphone has the same quality photo on smartphone screen or even laptop screen. For standard usage the g5 is better, and that's before you consider zooming in.

                        • G
                        • Gon-j
                        • th1
                        • 04 May 2016

                        AnonD-5197, 04 May 20164 nm. LOL I ain't even mad.Welp, that's the deep-end fab in theory so there you go :P

                          • M
                          • Mkdc
                          • 5Mb
                          • 04 May 2016

                          AnonD-442781, 04 May 2016I know what status quo is. Km saying your sentence had no c... moreMy sentence had as much context as yours, Numbskull.

                          Since I don't use samsung pay or apple pay and have no intention to learn much of a feature that is not a selling point to 99.4% of people, i can't comment on how much advantage MST offers beyond simply NFC. Though, being someone intelligent, I can assume that samsung pay will only work in technologically-behind shops that only have swiping credit card option, so wherever credit cards need to be inserted for chip verification, MST doesn't work.

                          Once again, what you think is important might be nothing for the next person. While I have a lot of respect for Samsung in some aspects, but just to counter blind samsung supporters like you, I can simply say: last time samsung did something important for the smartphone industry was the switch from symbian to android. The bottom line is don't shove your opinion down other people's throat. My opinion is: G5>S7. Objectively, both are in the top 5 best smartphone of 2016.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-442781
                            • pJm
                            • 04 May 2016

                            Mkdc, 04 May 2016companies tried to implement fingerprint sensors (and smart... moreI know what status quo is. Km saying your sentence had no context, Numbskull.

                            Samsung made payments better by using MST instead of NFC. The same way Apple made fingerprint sensors better. But in regards to fingerprint sensor, all they did was get ahead of everyone else, using MST for payments on the other hand is different, its not something that anyone else can do.

                            Last time Apple did something important for the smartphone industry was in 2007. You'd have to be blind to not see it. This is all just a red herring though. The bottom line is the s7 is the best phone in the market. Regardless of who copied who or whatever other discussions you want to pointlessly bring up.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-442781
                              • pJm
                              • 04 May 2016

                              Mkdc, 04 May 2016You are going around gsmarena defending samsung as if it wa... moreThat's only if you zoom in and start pixel peeping. For standard usage the s7 is better, and that's before you consider the autofocus.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-5197
                                • QDj
                                • 04 May 2016

                                Gon-j, 04 May 2016Bah u guys dont know how to dream >4k screen scratchp... more4 nm. LOL
                                I ain't even mad.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-5197
                                  • QDj
                                  • 04 May 2016

                                  Mkdc, 04 May 2016thank you for using the word "objectively". The Galaxy S7 i... moreIt is objectively better in the boxes I mentioned which you keep ignoring and going back to explaining your niche features. The list I've given weighs a lot more than the little niche features when it comes to choosing a phone:

                                  Battery life, screen, and speed.

                                  While both G5 and S7 Edge checks off screen and speed, G5 only checks off battery life only through replaceable battery which is an inconvenience compared to S7 Edge's endurance without reliance of external power. There are no further "objective comparison" beyond this. Hence my conclusion.

                                    • M
                                    • Mkdc
                                    • 5Mb
                                    • 04 May 2016

                                    Gibby, 04 May 2016Precisely What hes saying about otherclaims of apple innov... morePlease enlighten me the usefulness of the dual edge screen? Actually, let grey1213, the biggest samsung defender, do the work as s/he can find every excuse in the world to twist samsung's error into must have innovation. (for example: saying usb type c is not needed until a lot later to justify samsung's use of micro usb. Let's see what s/he got to say when note 6 will get usb type-c. Probably, something along the lines of "type c is now ready" because of course, samsung adopted it)

                                      • M
                                      • Mkdc
                                      • 5Mb
                                      • 04 May 2016

                                      Gibby, 04 May 2016It's true - & thank goodness everyone's different, henc... moreThere is no denying one thing: 6S sales will be higher than S7, and S7 sales will be higher than G5. Case closed. Does it mean the G5 was a failure? NO. It's just that in the current boring state of smartphone flagship, they released a mainstream flagship that is different and can be considered innovative.

                                        • M
                                        • Mkdc
                                        • 5Mb
                                        • 04 May 2016

                                        AnonD-442781, 04 May 2016The s7 has the best camera. And the rest of what you sai... moreYou are going around gsmarena defending samsung as if it was your company, but did you know that GSMARENA awarded best camera to LG? How can you seriously keep a "straight face" when trolling around? If you still don't understand that your "box" and "important" is different than even your own siblings, you have a serious problem. Really, stop thinking your opinions apply to the whole world. Think OUTSIDE THE BOX