Google confirms it is developing VR headset and controller

20 May, 2016
If you recall, when Google announced Daydream VR platform at the ongoing I/O 2016 conference a couple of days ago, the company revealed that it has created a reference design for a virtual reality headset as well as a controller that will be shared with partners.

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  • Anonymous
  • nEc
  • 20 May 2016

Should be good then, Samsung has spent all the money on design , research and development, and public media awareness, and as usuall, now its proven that money spent " having , a product in this area" wont , be wasted, some big American companies can just buy a gear vr, analys it in their lab, and tweak it just enough to avoid patent war ,and, throw out their own copy for the vost of a few bucks each. Remember appleengadget mocking the original note 1 for its size, then booom massive note sales , and, then , the biggest ugliest massive, elephant ears bezzelled i6+ , to attempt to copy and grab some whampum (bucks)

    Great! I guess I should hold on the mattel view master then.