Teaser image confirms the Samsung Galaxy Note7 name
07 June, 2016
There's talk that Samsung will skip over Note6 and go straight to 7. That's if you believe this image, of course.
- E
- EugeneOnTheEdge
- jdg
- 07 Jun 2016
and copy Samsung's white, text logo from Google. Aint photoshopper, but I'm better than just using Arial.
- E
- EugeneOnTheEdge
- jdg
- 07 Jun 2016
Seems like those Chinese guys are bad at faking stuffs (no discrimination here!). Just look at the fonts: ugly Arial ohmygosh.
PS. I can fake my own using paint. I have Samsung's Sharp Sans Font, and copy samsung's white,
- f
- flick
- r75
- 07 Jun 2016
This image would be legit if Samsung shot the entire marketing department.
- L
- tDx
- 07 Jun 2016
If this pans out, RIP Note 6.
- D
- Dasman
- Yc3
- 07 Jun 2016
Fake azz image...I can even do it in ms paint in 5 minutes.
- D
- AnonD-331984
- E7E
- 07 Jun 2016
It's simply going to be note 8 2017.
- D
- AnonD-146024
- wiU
- 07 Jun 2016
More than being symmetrical with S7, Samsung wants to look competitive and cash the hype around iPhone 7. Whatever be the case this year, Next year, Note 8 after Note 8 of 2014 will not be any less amusing.