Analysts: Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge on track to sell 25M units

14 June, 2016
Tech analysts and insiders from Korea expect the flagship pair to boost the profitability of Samsung above Q1 levels. 

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  • Munir ahmed
  • uWV
  • 25 Oct 2016

Plz " tell me that I have Samsung Galaxy s7 edge but it's glass Lcd broken I want a new glass lcd" how many price it.

    AnonD-114015, 12 Jul 2016lol, good one this time :D 1. the apostrophe thing was j... moreYou again failed to get the crux of my comment, i did not write it for the price. I wrote it due to the best selling thing because i have a problem with this "best selling" tag with phones when it comes to iPhones & Galaxies and Notes, thats why i mentioned all of it. Let me quote it again here:
    "Toyota Corolla is the number 1 automobile seller and their XLi/GLi/Altis 1.8 is the best seller unbeatable for every year but does that mean it is better than the Audi A4? Dont just look for numbers, numbers are misleading if not backed with proper knowledge."
    Do you see the last written line? Try to read it at least ten times a day and you'll know what i actually meant. God, how many times did your first grade teacher used to teach you a simple 2+2=4? And for your curiosity about why i am sticking to the "1st grade teacher" thing, is because you dint even got promoted to the next grade after that and here we are.
    P.S. i dont have a problem with typos but lack of proper grammar in a statement, actually, very bad grammar which makes one really frustrated. Also one thing please, until you get the meaning of the last line of my first comment, please dont write BS and BS is what you write all the time. Thank you.

      • D
      • AnonD-114015
      • vCD
      • 13 Jul 2016

      AnonD-114015, 12 Jul 2016lol, good one this time :D 1. the apostrophe thing was j... moretypo... plz dont be petty to pick on one again :D... i meant to say "arguing against the point that most sold DOES equate to being better", but iam sure you get the gist. yours truly, me :D

        • D
        • AnonD-114015
        • vCD
        • 12 Jul 2016

        AadiRizvi, 12 Jul 20161. i wrote comments' sake because i did not point out a sin... morelol, good one this time :D

        1. the apostrophe thing was just a side note, and yet thats all you keep mentioning 1st grade teacher again and again, i wonder why :P. still, try to stick to the topic at hand (not sure how many times i have to tell you that, you can go back and check).
        2. lol, now thats a laugh. who started the typo thing mate??
        3. again, lol. first you say iam an iphone user, then i have an iphone as a secondary phone, now i occasionally use one, whats next?
        4. BS, you say.... prove it! i dare you. you're all talk and nothing else....

        Finally, about your first comment. Heres is what you still dont get. this thread is about s7 and some guy said the 6s is the best phone as he said it sold more (quoted apple sales of about 50 mil phones and said most of it is the 6s). MY buddy working is a carrier told me otherwise and hence i replied to that guy. Then some nut-job (namely you) replied to my comment with a stupid irrelevant example. It is irrelevant because we were talking about flagships especially 2 phones of the same price range, not to mention that i was arguing against the point that most sold doesn't equate to being better. You compared a corolla with an audi a4, both of which are from entirely different price range when clearly the topic at hand was phones of the same price range. Yet here we are... you're not smart, are you??

        Better book an appointment with a psychiatrist! you've got a lot of issues mate and dont forgot to have that "1st grade teacher" thing looked at as well....

          AnonD-114015, 12 Jul 2016lol, do you read what you write mate?? 1. iam no expect ... more1. i wrote comments' sake because i did not point out a single comment of yours but all your comments connecting the whole thread, if you still think i have a problem with placing the apostrophe then i suggest you should go back to your 1st grade teacher again.
          2. No comments on this one as you are just deviating and deviating and deviating from my original comment.
          3. Oh yes, precisely, i can tell who uses an iPhone regularly or occasionally or have never used one. You use an iPhone occasionally so you have that problem in you, no issues though.
          4. The first comment maybe the last of my comments in which i was straight to the point, after that comment, i am just sitting here seeing your BS comments one by one only for comments' sake literally (& i am replying accordingly). Well i enjoy it, you can carry on again if you want. Maybe you get healed from your complexes while i am consulting you in your hard time little brother.
          Dont worry, you'll get better one day. :)

            • D
            • AnonD-114015
            • vCD
            • 12 Jul 2016

            AadiRizvi, 12 Jul 20161, "Actually you are the one here who is only commenting fo... morelol, do you read what you write mate??

            1. iam no expect in english, but even 1st graders would understand that well. Your statement implies that i accused you of "commenting for comments' sake" (hmmm, should it be "comment's" and not "comments'" or am i wrong again Mr English Nazi? :D). I asked you to point out me doing so. lol, you make me laugh too much.
            2. Wow, really?? i was mocking the other guy who quoted the sales figure which was inaccuarate. And what do you mean by "it sells more"?, the guy mentioned apple's quarterly iphone sales figure which included every iphone model available in the market. Again, 1st grader would've understood that in the first place & stopped himself from making a stupid comment.
            3. Guess your whole experience is good for nothing :D coz its not my secondary phone and i dont have one mate. dont know how to read or what?? i said its just there on my desk. now dont go saying it dont matter coz in my experience, i can tell the difference even if the person uses both android and ios alot. you could learn a thing or two mate :P.
            4. hurt me, no. but it struck a nerve. But i hold no grudge over it after seeing your first comment. Its not polite to pick on a guy with a troubled upbringing, so i'll leave it at that big brother :)

            Hope you recover soon big brother....

              AnonD-114015, 05 Jul 2016LMAO, Yet again, no word on the actual matter at hand... Oh... more1, "Actually you are the one here who is only commenting for comments' sake". Now where did i imply or state that you did?
              I did? I did what? please provide details, dont write half a question and assume the other person to understand what your mind is cooking.
              2. "you were implying the highest selling phone is the best selling". I double dare you to quote me implying that!!
              Well in your previous comments, you were focusing the EXACT figure, i repeat, the EXACT figure of the total units sold, so yes, you were implying that it sells more, so its the best we could get.
              3. "you are an iPhone user". being stereotypical to begin with, you couldn't be more wrong. Shows how clouded your judgement is....any thoughts?
              Actually, with my experience, i have been right almost every time to identify who must be an iPhone user and this time, i was correct too (doesnt matter if that is your secondary phone, you still use one). Stereotypical maybe but you can say i have researched on this specie (iPhone users) in detail.
              4. "make you understand", "lectured you". What sort of an arrogant stuck up hypocrite uses such provocative words right of the bat?
              Oh baby, did those words hurt you? made you remember your 1st grade teacher? Oh so sorry then that i became the reason to make you remember your teachers and institution which you dont wanna get close to by any means, so sorry for that.
              Take care, little brother.

                • D
                • AnonD-114015
                • 7tf
                • 05 Jul 2016

                AadiRizvi, 04 Jul 2016Right, right right right. Now, we are going in the right di... moreLMAO, Yet again, no word on the actual matter at hand... Oh well, guess we can add another thing to the list of things you suck at, trash talk... first comment you say? well its still irrelevant and i know you wont see it and even if you do, i definitely know that you wont admit it. So i'll save you some trouble and quote your "wrongdoing"s apart from that and lets see if you can justify them :)
                1, "Actually you are the one here who is only commenting for comments' sake". Now where did i imply or state that you did?
                2. "you were implying the highest selling phone is the best selling". I double dare you to quote me implying that!!
                3. "you are an iPhone user". being stereotypical to begin with, you couldn't be more wrong. Shows how clouded your judgement is....any thoughts?
                4. "make you understand", "lectured you". What sort of an arrogant stuck up hypocrite uses such provocative words right of the bat?
                try and dodge this one. Oh and if you still want me to explain how your first comment is irrelevant, i'll be glad to for you big brother :P

                  AnonD-114015, 03 Jul 2016lol, my only problem is my intolerance with guys like you a... moreRight, right right right. Now, we are going in the right direction with you admitting your wrongdoings. Carry on, im listening little brother, no one will laugh at you, go on accept that you failed to understand a simple (but logical) example and came in the open to fight with me. Put your ego aside and i'd say once again, go and read my first comment again and then come to me and tell me how wrong were you to fight me in the first place with God knows what assumptions you had in mind. Ok, dont worry, shush, no need to say sorry for anything. I got it that you have a problem saying that word. No issues, lil brother. :)

                    • D
                    • AnonD-114015
                    • vCD
                    • 03 Jul 2016

                    AadiRizvi, 30 Jun 2016Take my advice, dont try to be a Grammar Nazi when you dont... morelol, my only problem is my intolerance with guys like you and if you were my big brother, i'd whack some sense into you. Grammar Nazi? really? Unlike you, i have no problem admitting that i was wrong when i do go wrong. So yes, my bad on the typo thing, english isn't my first language and haven't seen it being used like that before.

                    And dont worry, i wont tell anyone about how you failed to say anything about all the other stuff i wrote which clearly points out the things you were so insanely wrong at. I really mean it, dont worry at all, your secret (no balls to admit fault, arrogance, sup.complex etc..) is safe with me.

                      AnonD-114015, 30 Jun 2016lol, so many blunders, wonder what i should start with :D. ... moreTake my advice, dont try to be a Grammar Nazi when you dont even have the license for it lol. Ask any person who knows even the E of English to the least about this 'reply' thingy you quoted, he'd tell you well. Just for starters, i used it as a verb and for that usage, i can use it as 'reply that comment'. Got it now? or should i give you the definition and application of a 'verb' as well?
                      And please, dont cry, stop crying and stop replying with three-three comments (are you serious mate?) I got it, i really got it that you dont get it that you have a problem. But dont worry, i have really got it and i wont tell anyone. Its our little secret little brother, dont worry.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-114015
                        • 7tf
                        • 30 Jun 2016

                        AadiRizvi, 27 Jun 2016Actually you are the one here who is only commenting for co... moreNow, coming towards the 'actual matter' here :P, how is it that you somehow managed to misunderstand everything i wrote?? only god knows how!!. I never mentioned or implied that the highest selling phone is the best phone. Infact, the other guy did and i argued with him on that and the data he based his claim upon. If you still say otherwise, then please feel free to quote what i wrote (not what i quoted, but what i actually wrote) :D.
                        P.S. Yup, this so called debate is going nowhere but your humiliation, which i dont mind :D. The highlight of this entire pointless argument is you calling me an iphone user. Shows how wrong you are as i've never used an iphone as my daily driver for even a day (FYI, i own an S7 which is my daily driver, and a 6s which is just there in my desk). Infact the first iphone i even used for minutes together is the 6s. If you still say otherwise, feel free go through all my comments which makes it obvious :). Hoping to see more of your blunders for my amusement :)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-114015
                          • 7tf
                          • 30 Jun 2016

                          AnonD-114015, 30 Jun 2016lol, so many blunders, wonder what i should start with :D. ... moremore to come.....

                            • D
                            • AnonD-114015
                            • 7tf
                            • 30 Jun 2016

                            AadiRizvi, 27 Jun 2016Actually you are the one here who is only commenting for co... morelol, so many blunders, wonder what i should start with :D. oh well....

                            i never implied that you commented for a comment's sake. but the fact that you said it, means you are commenting for such a petty reason. And how low can you get to pick on a typo (then & than)?? FYI, its not "reply that comment", but "reply to that comment". Next time you choose to pick on a typo, make sure you dont make one yourself!!
                            I said "even less qualified than me", which obviously means iam not qualified enough to talk about psychology and you are even less qualified then me. I said that to you who has classic signs of superiority complex (one who uses words like "make you understand" & "lectured you" right from the being of a conversation, so typical tsk tsk tsk). Is that how you talk to a stranger? Do you even know what being courteous means?

                              AnonD-114015, 25 Jun 2016lol, you're one to talk about poor social circle... anyways... moreActually you are the one here who is only commenting for comments' sake. Calling me naive and declaring yourself more 'educated' than me. The guy who is unable to differentiate between a 'then' & a 'than' calls himself educated. Wow, dude i'm impressed, i praise your institution for that.
                              Now, coming towards the 'actual matter' here, if i recall, you were discussing numbers (now don't say you were not) and the reason why i chose to reply that comment is that it was misleading for other people as you were implying the highest selling phone is the best selling which i explained with an example and if you couldn't understand that example then read the last line of my first comment.
                              P.S. Now, after all this debate which is going nowhere, and you, on the other hand, failing to understand a simple example, tells me very clearly that you are an iPhone user. Sorry, but they(iPhone users) don't tell this verbally but with their actions. Got it, Mr. Highly Qualified Guy? lol.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-114015
                                • P%L
                                • 25 Jun 2016

                                AadiRizvi, 22 Jun 2016Well then i doubt your social circle then or should i say, ... morelol, you're one to talk about poor social circle... anyways, lectured me you say?! funny how naive you make it sound like. i'll explain it one last time and hope it will get through your thick skull...

                                So again, the guy quoted that apple sold 50+ million phones and most of it was 6s (which cant be known unless apple releases details of their sales figures). Which is what i argued back at... what your yapping is about is how that number (50+ million) came to be, which was made pretty obvious with your first comment.
                                Here's the part you failed to understand (again). What you had to say had no relevance on the matter of what i wrote or to what the one i replied to wrote. We weren't debating on whether that sales figure is legit or how it came to be, infact it wasn't even about the number to be accurate, but rather if the 6s contributed the most to that number. It is a simple, short debate based on factual data. Your speech is rather a psychological discussion at first then into social psychology (which i think you are even less qualified then me to talk about). Had you posted your comment separately, its a different story...
                                P.S. Before posting again, learn the difference between posting a comment and replying to a comment (which is common sense for most).

                                  AnonD-114015, 21 Jun 2016lol nope, wrong again.... your little speech on perceived v... moreWell then i doubt your social circle then or should i say, how little you interact with 'actual people' in daily life (If you dont even meet people with different preferences then sorry i must say that). Ever heard of "Peer Pressure"? many people just go and buy a device because a dear friend recommended them or their whole class at uni got it or in the society they live in, having 'that' phone is considered high-class etc etc. Thats how peer pressure works and many people actually go for it because of peer pressure (Mostly iPhone users are victim of peer pressure).
                                  Now, there are two things i have lectured you about, perceived value and peer pressure. If you buy a product because of the perceived value and it actually delivers you that value then you are a genuine buyer who knows what he is buying but if you buy a product due to mere peer pressure then you are the reason these numbers and figures are rising shockingly.
                                  P.S. Now i hope you have got the connection between my earlier comments and my focus here.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-114015
                                    • P%L
                                    • 21 Jun 2016

                                    AadiRizvi, 20 Jun 2016No mate i did not reply to the wrong guy nor a wrong post. ... morelol nope, wrong again.... your little speech on perceived value and stuff was fairly good but has no relevance in the matter... sure perceived value should play an important role for anybody in buying something (it surely does for me), but the topic at hand is about the success of the iphone6s. In other words, whether the iphone6s is the best or not based on sales figures and not if its the best choice for me or anybody. Only a fool would buy a phone just because it is successful in the market (sold good amount) and frankly i've never met one....

                                    So mate, once again, the guy quoted numbers and stated that iphone 6s is the best phone, i argued back to both counts... simple as that...

                                      AnonD-114015, 18 Jun 2016lol i think you're replying to the wrong guy mate.... you s... moreNo mate i did not reply to the wrong guy nor a wrong post. By replying to you with this sort of comment is making you along with everyone else understand that these numbers should not matter to a customer. A customer should only see if the product he bought for $200 or $2000 is giving him the perceived value or not? If it is then who cares if the OEM sells 50 units or 50 million units of that model? Stop chasing numbers, believe in perceived value.
                                      P.S. Now my previous comment would make sense to you.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-114015
                                        • P%L
                                        • 18 Jun 2016

                                        AadiRizvi, 17 Jun 2016Toyota Corolla is the number 1 automobile seller and their ... morelol i think you're replying to the wrong guy mate.... you see, i quoted what the other guy said and he was talking about numbers.... still, comparing cars and phones??? dont see how thats relevant as the people here are talking about flagships and not all smartphones in general...