BlackBerry to reveal more about its upcoming mid-range smartphones next month
- s
- sammy
- r3H
- 03 Jul 2016
Blackberry has a name that most Africans and Americans adore..Blackberry could easily be the Iphone of Africa... Invest in mid range phones, competitive RAM, ROM and Processor, agressive pricing and tactical PR and Marketing. The World Will come to you...oh and make sure you maintian The Blackberry U.I. feel on top of the Android OS. You will stand out like magic... Keep your pop-up Hub style (like in the Priv), your keyboard and typing experience makes you a god in mobile phone market...and keep the camera game tight. Waiting eagerly for the new BB devices.
- M
- Mughal
- Lb2
- 29 Jun 2016
Put android in bb classic with better processor and ram, and see the world coming to you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rej
- 28 Jun 2016
More competition is always a good thing. I'm a new Priv owner and the phone is pretty great, honestly. The physical keyboard also acts as a trackpad and lets you do some cool stuff. A lot more useful than you might think!
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0I
- 28 Jun 2016
Chen is completely clueless about how to turn this company around. RIP Blackberry.
- J
- Jafungsat Basumatary
- KAe
- 27 Jun 2016
Cool! I love blackberry!
I would like to have 1 next year........
- G
- Great News
- Isb
- 26 Jun 2016
Keep it up BlackBerry ! Why should the world only have Samsung And Apple and their extreme prices.. More competition more innovation..
- R
- RH
- TbF
- 26 Jun 2016
Both smart phone bussiness and technology reached to pick, price counts more to compete.
- D
- AnonD-553396
- 61N
- 26 Jun 2016
I hope next launch will success so Android phone who use pkb still exist, future that all smartphne became all touch is creep me out.
- g
- gl
- vGF
- 26 Jun 2016
same configuration (software/camera /battery/price) as one plus 3 and on bb andriod with priv style or one plus 3 + porsche design...u have a winner..
- H
- H M
- rr9
- 26 Jun 2016
AnonD-368648, 25 Jun 2016I just hope Chen prices these upcoming mid-range devices mu... moreYou're correct about BlackBerry and pricing.
They get it right, BlackBerry devices survive and recover. They get it wrong, BlackBerry devices becomes history
- R
- Reaper
- Hx2
- 26 Jun 2016
galaxyS7, 24 Jun 2016My last blackberry phone was Z30. A Blackberry with Pure BB... morethey need to give their classic keyboard with android OS, I forgot to mention the dual sim which is so popular these days and demandable. I believe BB is back then with solid sales or at least average sales at the beginning.
- R
- Reaper
- Hx2
- 26 Jun 2016
I can't wait to see the Rome which has fixed keyboard, specially the Porsche Design version. I think using Android with fixed keyboard would give us great experience. hope they get better camera than Priv this time, and I am in.
- D
- AnonD-526958
- tha
- 26 Jun 2016
If you haven't listen to music in HTC M8 and M9 then you haven't heard music at all. It trashes all smartphone and music player to date...
- R
- Roy
- f}K
- 26 Jun 2016
Anonymous, 25 Jun 2016If you ever heard the sound that comes out from a BlackBerr... moreTrue..
- A
- Aric
- v$F
- 25 Jun 2016
Still trust Blackberry for their security. Nowadays with the cheap phone and particularly from China, you really need to think about where is your info and data going to....
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95w
- 25 Jun 2016
dladz, 24 Jun 2016hahaha, blackberry, unless they release a beast of a 5 inch... moreIf you ever heard the sound that comes out from a BlackBerry Z30 then you will know about sound.The phone is over 2 years old and to date no phone beats it's sound.
- D
- AnonD-368648
- nxj
- 25 Jun 2016
I just hope Chen prices these upcoming mid-range devices much more aggressively, otherwise sales will falter. I'm interested in the full touch device. I love my z30 (BB10 OS) but I am interested in trying out a Berrydroid full touch device as long as the price is right. I don't need a top end, top spec phone so a mid-range device might be perfect, but Blackberry had better be aggressive on pricing otherwise hardware is done sadly.
- D
- AnonD-445968
- t7X
- 25 Jun 2016
Keep up the positivity Mr. CEO! I am with you and your projects. Good luck!
- 👍
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95w
- 25 Jun 2016
mir, 25 Jun 2016Those are massive losses. Even some car models have more un... moreIf you didn't know.They have other business units that are doing very well .They handset division is falling .
- 👍
- D
- AnonD-345191
- AeJ
- 25 Jun 2016
Am looking forward to their first android capacitive qwerty. Priv is the best android/ios device i've had, but still not good enough at being a BlackBerry; I need instant acces to their qwerty shortcuts to be satisfied. Going by the pictures it'll be taller than the q10/classic which makes it the same shape as most phones on the market. Hopefully the space key biometrics are more than just a rumour and BlackBerry releases an android version of their bb10 browser and file manager.
- 👍