LG adopts Tegra 2, dual-core smartphones on the way

7 September, 2010
LG announced it's preparing a new lineup of smartphones based on the NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform. Dual core 1GHz processor, low-power NVIDIA graphics and seamless fullHD playback will be the key features ...

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LG Optimus 2x

    • R
    • Rakshit
    • P}v
    • 10 Sep 2010

    Anonymous, 08 Sep 2010LG is back, its about time somebody woke the sleeping giant... moreYes, thats true and LG is on its track of providing huge range of Smart & Premium Phones. Time has changed now and We have changed everything :-)

      • e
      • ed
      • xc%
      • 08 Sep 2010

      Goose, 08 Sep 2010Wow. I would love to see this on windows 7 with a 4.7inch ... morewhy 10mp?? we have 12mp now with the old additions of the pixon 12, saito and the newly released n8.

        • L
        • Lhon0901
        • tWi
        • 08 Sep 2010

        Like I said with thesmsung dual-core CPU that will be coming out, I hope they break the 1GHZ barrier soon... And maybe agree with all the guys here and hope that this processor does not eat the battery life that fast...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • QSc
          • 08 Sep 2010

          LG is back, its about time somebody woke the sleeping giant.
          I want the old inovative, exciting, and forward company that LG used to be.

            • M
            • Mobil1
            • IAu
            • 08 Sep 2010

            iPhone4guy....you're a complete douche bag. You sound just like the atypical Apple fan, as if you are some pre-programmed robot, that only knows what has been told to him.

            Nobody cares that you happen to be in an area of strong signal reception, & don't suffer from attenuation of the signal. It's an issue moron.

            I too, owned the iPhone4....(for exactly 27 hrs.) In that time, I dropped 11 calls, & the proximity sensor didn't work. At least I go to sell it to another myopic Apple apologist like yourself for $870.00.

            My only regret is that I had but only one iPhone4 to sell, cause there is no shortage of Apple douche bags like yourself.


              • a
              • annony
              • P%X
              • 08 Sep 2010

              Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010I agree with general centiment here. Battery life is becomi... morecould it be at all possible that you "accidentally" turn your phone off?

                • A
                • Ajax9000
                • xw7
                • 08 Sep 2010

                HD decode and output to an external monitor ... hmmm ... nice ... I suppose
                Better 3D games on a smartphone ... hmmm ... nice ... I suppose

                Where I see Tegra as having far more interesting potential is for leveraging the next leap in convergence -- integrating serious camera capabilities. Phones have merged with PDAs, but in most cases their cameras are still junk.

                Damian (the Nokia N8 camera designer) has made the point that things like fast autofocus take a fair bit of compute power. Also, even before Adobe announced Photoshop Express there was discussion (e.g. on the DPReview forums) about the potential for using Tegra-like technologies for "embedded Photoshop" in cameras.

                There is a distinct trend for many people to not bother with entry-level cameras anymore, they just use their phone camera (usually because it is handy, not because it is good). Tegra, and the like, will just accelerate this move.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • ucR
                  • 08 Sep 2010

                  Anonymous, 07 Sep 2010I agree with general centiment here. Battery life is becomi... morewhy not get an extra battery for emergency.

                    • G
                    • Goose
                    • qT@
                    • 08 Sep 2010

                    I wonder what HTC has in the works. I can't wait.

                      • G
                      • Goose
                      • qT@
                      • 08 Sep 2010

                      Wow. I would love to see this on windows 7 with a 4.7inch amo led screen an a 10megapixel camera. I just hope they get a good battery for it. What an exciting time for cellphones. So much technology so fast.

                        • g
                        • gardyxon
                        • 4Dv
                        • 07 Sep 2010

                        Instead of inventing all this shit, why dont you focus on making better batteries.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • j2K
                          • 07 Sep 2010

                          I guess LG knew Samsung was going to come up with Orion. This must be their answer to this.

                          Although Tegra may look ok at the surface, I'm not sure if it will be enough to compete with Orion.

                          Look at this chart:


                          It is already lagging Galaxy S phones in Quadrant results. Mind you, Quadrant probably doesn't use multi-cores, but both running at 1GHz, Samsung's Galaxy S is still beating Tegra 2 as of today (see the result for Toshiba AC100). I hope Tegra 2 eventually delivers better results - competition is always good! :)

                            • b
                            • brynn
                            • nFw
                            • 07 Sep 2010

                            5ushi, 07 Sep 2010Tegra (gen 1) has been around for a while. You see them on ... moreAbsolutly wholeheartedly agree with all your comment and yes s/e w900i was a good fone for that year.Thats my comment..

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sya
                              • 07 Sep 2010

                              elez, 07 Sep 2010best solution is phones with solar plate !!!best solution is phones with solar plate !!!

                              i hope thats a joke lol

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • sya
                                • 07 Sep 2010

                                Shiro-kun, 07 Sep 2010why not power phones with those isotope batteries that last... more1. most isotopes are radio active and unstablle so putting it in your pocket next to your nuts probably isnt a good idea lol
                                2. but more reasonably, a limitless battery would kill a whole industry. One which makes money and one which most manufacturers have a stake it.
                                3. the costs of a limitless battery would be astronomical. Things that youu have to buy once and never again usually have super high costs. e.g cars, fridges, even dinner plates.

                                  • S
                                  • Shiro-kun
                                  • fvx
                                  • 07 Sep 2010

                                  why not power phones with those isotope batteries that last ur life time?
                                  i haven't read that deep into it, but y not try?

                                    • x
                                    • xxx
                                    • 0Bx
                                    • 07 Sep 2010

                                    Windows 7? gehehehehe

                                    quantcast (OS Share of Mobile Web Consumption)
                                    IMG: http://g1.idg.pl/news/2/0/207455

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • vGF
                                      • 07 Sep 2010

                                      when are we going to come over the battery technology. we have comeup up with almost every thing in technology besides battery life. however i like the wwwww.pomegranatephone.com battery. check it out. dun know if the technology that they mention actulay exists. if so then hoping that soon on our phones

                                        • e
                                        • elez
                                        • iD1
                                        • 07 Sep 2010

                                        best solution is phones with solar plate !!!