BlackBerry Classic’s discontinuation confirmed by the company

05 July, 2016
The much loved, BlackBerry Classic, will no longer be produced. BlackBerry will update its portfolio with newer devices.

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  • H
  • Harry
  • jeE
  • 07 Jul 2016

Hi, I have been using Blackberry since 4 yrs..(I Have 2 BB handsets & I never these phones to anyone in the family) and also meantime I am using windows and android (Nexus 5)... But comparatively BB is the best phone. The only draw back is app updates. But the phone i.e., OS is really good and no lags compare to android. Mails, messages etc., Syncs very fast than android.. I support BB and now am planning to buy iPhone though am already using iPad (rarely) but still I want to experience iOS live. I support BB to continue its production & updates to compete the other manufacturers. Good Luck.

    • s
    • smott
    • 428
    • 07 Jul 2016

    ithehappy, 06 Jul 2016Another death of a great brand after Nokia. R.I.P blackberry. Nokia is alive and well.

      • j
      • jithin kb
      • tUd
      • 06 Jul 2016

      Hi I am a blackberry user last two years,

      1) Application availability very poor in Blackberry store
      2) Software updations very lately, compare to android Phones
      3) Many of the installed apps expired, not getting the new updation in BB store, disappointing BB customers, in daily user
      4) Compare to play-store apps availability
      Android S/W 90 %
      BB S/W 20 %
      This is the main difference Android & Blackberry Phones....

      If blackberry solve the issues get priority for blackberry phones, Like Samsung phones

      1) BB phones & apps working fast
      2) Secure to use

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3@A
        • 06 Jul 2016

        galaxyS7, 06 Jul 2016Blackberry with sailfish OS. That is my dream... Sailfish ... moreI have the same dream !
        I loved my MeeGo's N9 so much I bought the BB10's Z10 and Z30 hoping for similar experience (though not quite) ... wholesome swipe-based,100% pure touchscreen UI with tapping/double tapping and minimum buttons (actually in the N9 they were ALL not needed, unnecessary and totally redundant but there were there ! ).
        Yes, a Blackberry device with sailfish OS, or a well sorted blend of the best of both Sailfish and BB10 would be great.
        And there are actually no more than a 1000 apps in the spheres of Android and iOS that are actually prerequisite for most people. Just focus on those.

          • i
          • ithehappy
          • t}L
          • 06 Jul 2016

          Another death of a great brand after Nokia. R.I.P blackberry.

            • D
            • AnonD-398950
            • 83c
            • 06 Jul 2016

            It make sense. If they got new android models coming. As I understand it WhatsApp and others soon will stop supporting BB 10 with apps. So put all resources on android with BlackBerry security stuff on top.

              Its a sad news.
              But good news is that another one with physical keyboard is onway.

              Blackberry stands out in terms of design and user experience.
              I still have Q5 and curve 9220.with updates on way, I am sure that I'll be using q5 for next 2 years.

              By the way, just wait and watch, remaining classic will go out of stock quickly. Have seen same case with q5.

                • A
                • AdamBoy64
                • Fv4
                • 06 Jul 2016

                The Classic is a great device. Not perfect, there are a few software things that irk me.
                But overall, it's great.

                Looking forward to seeing how 'Mercury' turns out.

                  • w
                  • wow
                  • 39x
                  • 06 Jul 2016

                  Anonymous, 05 Jul 2016The BB Classic paid little to know homage to BB's legacy ha... moreYou're right things have just got messy.

                  Either you chose Apple one company making the same phone..... Or you chose ANY one if the many companies making Android.

                  Android is the only option for me, but it is like Apple dying there is choice between the iPhone 6S and 6S plus

                  The Classic will plummet in price so a bargain can be picked up for those who want a standalone smartphone

                  Blackberry ironically have joined the overpopulated Android pool so will have to convince people to invest their Android as opposed to Samsung, LG etc

                  What would have made more sense is to use its monopoly and make Blackberry phones also
                  Point in question is the PRIV overpriced I accept in Android, un-justifying not launched in BB....
                  Take a hint Apple went grand with bigger iPhones, but the released the 4 inch "standard size" iPhone SE

                  The world already knows where to get Android, now where are Blackberry

                    Blackberry with sailfish OS. That is my dream... Sailfish OS never get a good hardware. Jolla phone hardware was great when they announced. Finally when its released it was so outdated.... Their other half thing was just an unnecessary thing. Hope they will release next phone in this century....

                      AnonD-523662, 05 Jul 2016In US, Canada and all Latin America, Black Berry had a smas... moreWhen..? Now..?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-523662
                        • pqC
                        • 05 Jul 2016

                        BRad666, 05 Jul 2016Just accept it that nobody wants ur phone :)In US, Canada and all Latin America, Black Berry had a smashing success.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 46q
                          • 05 Jul 2016

                          Prices...that's all I have to say

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • YP9
                            • 05 Jul 2016

                            The BB Classic paid little to know homage to BB's legacy handsets and philosophy. It was a budget phone with bulky dimensions in a premium market. Might have been different if they listened and released a spiritual successor to the Bold, a compact, long lasting and ergoninic handset with an undeniably premium finish. There are still people out there that want an alternative to Android and Apple.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kDj
                              • 05 Jul 2016

                              It's amazing how they have capitalized on making the same phone for about a decade in the climate of ever changing hardwares every 6mos. Kudos for them to pulling that off.

                                Loyal fans will be sad about this news, but let's face it. They did not embrace change in the first place that's why they were left out.

                                  • B
                                  • BRad666
                                  • 2Au
                                  • 05 Jul 2016

                                  Just accept it that nobody wants ur phone :)