Apple could make up to $3 billion from Pokemon Go
- 4
- 42
- MD3
- 21 Jul 2016
DenzJmba, 21 Jul 2016Jko? is that you? hahahaha! Is this Me?
- D
- AnonD-562968
- PiE
- 21 Jul 2016
Everything about this game is successful and not blame the site to show the stories, after all we are not oblivious to the world.
Suggested reporting POKEMON GO:
premium desin launches line of Samsung off guard about the game sensation of the moment.
Few devices have the gyroscopic sensor where the vast majority is restricted in S and Note line. Appliances (2016) not very cheap and 2 GHz RAM (lines A, C and On) mostly are disprovidos such sensor preventing a complete experience in Pokemon Go.
This game revolutionized the way we interact with the real world the mass level and may even cause many manufacturers to rethink their releases to also join the party and profits.
- J
- Jkonism
- Q5i
- 21 Jul 2016
DenzJmba, 21 Jul 2016Jko? is that you? hahahaha! Denzel?! hahahaha!
- l
- leaf
- prX
- 21 Jul 2016
I'm more interested in what the actual game developers are getting from this. Hopefully at least a secure job for a lifetime. They're generating tens of billions of dollars and are probably a not very large team.
- D
- DenzJmba
- Q5x
- 21 Jul 2016
Jkonism, 21 Jul 2016We've been waiting since the start of July. They said the o... moreJko? is that you? hahahaha!
- J
- Jkonism
- Q5x
- 21 Jul 2016
gsv619, 21 Jul 2016India as well.We've been waiting since the start of July. They said the official launch here in PH would be today however I've been checking on Facebook, Twitter and other social media apps about the release however there's still no news about it. Oh gaaaaaaaadd! I've been waiting forever for this game. :(
- g
- gsv619
- IaH
- 21 Jul 2016
Anonymous, 21 Jul 2016PH is still waiting for the official release of the game. Z... moreIndia as well.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Q5x
- 21 Jul 2016
PH is still waiting for the official release of the game. ZZZZZZZZZ!!!