iPhone crosses 1 billion sales milestone

28 July, 2016
The milestone was achieved in less than 10 years.

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  • S
  • SweeteRevengePH
  • Q5x
  • 28 Jul 2016

Apple haters are those who can't afford it. Deny it or accept it those are your options. :)
Bet they always know it.

    • S
    • SweetRervengePH
    • Q5x
    • 28 Jul 2016

    Axl, 28 Jul 2016Samaung releases 3-4 phones every month and none of them wo... moreThat's the point! Bullseye! :)

      World changing products? So nasa had no part in creating the technology that mobile phones use today....and no one batted an eye lid then but now it seems that diarrhea from apple is world changing.

        Jessica rose, 28 Jul 2016Average samsung mobile cost 200 USD?lolz.then what about sa... moreDo you even know what 'average' means? They sell 10,000 Batman phones and 1,000,000 Galaxy J3's. Do the math, genius.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pdu
          • 28 Jul 2016

          Axl, 28 Jul 2016Samaung releases 3-4 phones every month and none of them wo... moreMy s3 worked till the day i threw it at the floor (chrome bugs and a lot of stress in general at the time don't mix well).

            Anonymous, 28 Jul 2016But that is not considered aggressive marketing... They're ... moreHow aggressively? let me tell you, do you watch movies? 90% of the movies show iPhones and other Apple devices, right? Thats movie sponsoring. Also, Apple does not market their iPhones conventionally, they do so via mobile operators (carriers), Accessories Vendors, then there is paid blogging, paid news etc. Thats why you get to know about the iPhones more than other OEMs. They spend less but get to position their devices in many places rightly.

              • D
              • AnonD-367917
              • i20
              • 28 Jul 2016

              Actually windows phone isn't such a bad OS (it is actually really hardware efficient from what I have seen, maybe older versions being a little aggressive with app closing),.. but is/was certainly held back by typicall M$ decisions.

              The whole google / ms war and intentional cripplings (to be fair goolge attempted on many occaisions to work with them,.. but,.. MS, you've done it again ; face palm) made their platform unusable to many.
              Less than 2% market share is on them...

              I just get sad cause Nokia should never have gone that way; it must have been an impressive sell on microsofts part to convince them to align with such an OS,.. or maybe android wasn't secure enough,.. I couldn't be stuffed to research it; what is done is done.

                • D
                • AnonD-367917
                • i20
                • 28 Jul 2016

                mir, 28 Jul 2016And where is Nokia now huh? Oh right. Their mobile division... moreNokia aligned with windows phone.
                Microsoft even made 'cheap' android phones with Nokia brand in an attempt to make windows phone seem like a premium OS.

                Charging for a bad phone OS... hahaha (I was sad to lose Nokia brilliance)
                Symbian wasnt bad, but when it was written bluetooth and wifi didn't exist, and there is only so much you can do add to an OS not designed for the future.

                iOS is in the same camp... whilst the unix backend/mac os(os10 desktop) is brilliant, and whilst they have added a lot to it as it has evolved, it has a few barriers holding it back..
                The file system on iOS is holding back evolution to multiuser. This is a barrier that will need to be crossed. When they get that sorted, much will be righted.
                (Itunes needs to offer an alternative interface for people who have cut their teeth on ANY other media player/OS; it is truly abysmal)

                But Apple do have a premium product with iOS, which the later version of it are revealing to all the haters who thought it basic (it was).
                Apple finally dropping support, with iOS 10, for devices 1/10 the speed of a phone from years ago (eg ipad 2) will allow some pretty cool stuff going forward.

                Apples control of all things hardware and software means the nokia/symbian thing won't happen, at least for awhile yet.
                Os X/mac os is one of the finest operating systems, for consumers, on the planet.
                Jobs did well in his time away from Apple to design such a product (or assemble the right team to make it happen), and truly gave the world a phenominal product that would work on just about any platform.

                It positions Apple well with freedom to move macbooks over to Arm chipsets (eg Apple 'A' series processors) without having to drop software compatibility... (like horrendous windows rt shenanigans).

                Apple deserve success, and those in the know, know why their platform (hardware and software) are superior.

                The concept of cloning their hardware then running an alternative OS is amusing to say the least.
                If microsoft do have a wrapper to allow iOS on windows, it is pretty obvious what software developers should write for to garner as much market share as possible...

                Anyhow, iphone and ipad sales declining in any given year or quarter isn't as dramatic as the market makes out,... when they release something truly new, people who generally don't upgrade will; and phenominal sales will follow.
                The truth is their products have such long legs, and are built to last; most users rotating on some excellent hardware to family and friends... who in turn may themselves one day upgrade to a new device.

                Anyow, it is a significant landmark, and if it wasnt for people jumping in pools with idevices, it is scary to think one person in seven would carry 'one brand' of device....

                  • D
                  • Dre
                  • tV4
                  • 28 Jul 2016

                  All of you guys can argue about apple or Samsung being the best but in reality ANDROID IS NO.1 AND IOS WALL ALWAYS BE NO. 2

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3SI
                    • 28 Jul 2016

                    AnonD-404954, 28 Jul 2016so true s7 already outsell ibend6s crapFrom where do u know the numbers of S7 and iPhone 6s. And I bet 10 dollars you aren't able to bend an iPhone 6s (which is 2 times better against bends) with your little 9 years old arms. Go and play in ur sandbox kid.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3SI
                      • 28 Jul 2016

                      AnonD-146024, 28 Jul 2016iPhone 6S is atleast twice as strong as S7. Yes, there are ... moreThis is wrong. in fact, S7 is a little better than iPhone 6s. The reason for that is because it's newer. But when iPhone 7 releases, it will take out the then older S7 once again. Next spring, S8 comes and will be better than iPhone 7 and so on....

                        • D
                        • AnonD-9000
                        • ITE
                        • 28 Jul 2016

                        gsmarena forgot to mention despite the Q3 yoy sales down APPL stocks is manage to soar today :P

                          • A
                          • Axl
                          • U$j
                          • 28 Jul 2016

                          Jarret, 28 Jul 2016Who cares? Samsung sold 1 billion smartphones for every 3 yearsSamaung releases 3-4 phones every month and none of them works properly. Apple releases 2-3 iPhones in a year and they can last for a lifetime without lagging.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1825
                            • p77
                            • 28 Jul 2016

                            Anonymous, 28 Jul 2016I live in Europe, Croatia. I live in Europe too, don't remember last time when i saw iPhone ad or anything and yet iPhone is best selling phone almost every month for last 3-4 years.

                            You dont need that much of marketing because those iPhones are great marketing tools by themself and we users do most of the marketing by recommending these phones for people.

                              • h
                              • hoooki3
                              • m}0
                              • 28 Jul 2016

                              AnonD-404954, 28 Jul 2016so true s7 already outsell ibend6s crapthe bend scandal was about Iphone 6 and not IPhone 6s...for your own info the metal used on iphone 6s and 6s plus is 7 times stronger than the on used on Iphone 6 #justsaying

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • SXm
                                • 28 Jul 2016

                                AnonD-442781, 28 Jul 2016What country is that? I still see ads everywhere, most rece... moreI live in Europe, Croatia.

                                  • B
                                  • Bailey
                                  • p%4
                                  • 28 Jul 2016

                                  Haris, 28 Jul 2016Apple doesn't succumb to hiccups no matter how intensive yo... moreThat simply is not true and i love their products

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-442781
                                    • HD8
                                    • 28 Jul 2016

                                    AnonD-146024, 28 Jul 2016iPhone 6S is atleast twice as strong as S7. Yes, there are ... moreWhat do you mean by twice as strong? Its slighly slower, has a much worse camera, much worse display, worse GPU, etc. So what part of it is twice as strong?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • SXm
                                      • 28 Jul 2016

                                      AadiRizvi, 28 Jul 2016They dont do marketing like this. Thats old school. How do ... moreBut that is not considered aggressive marketing... They're not Samsung to go around Russia building giant building sized smartphones...

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-442781
                                        • HD8
                                        • 28 Jul 2016

                                        Anonymous, 28 Jul 2016I'm my country Apple has the best selling phones and the la... moreWhat country is that? I still see ads everywhere, most recently the 'shot on iPhone 6s' one. Do you live in this middle of Africa or something?