Samsung outs detailed info on its Galaxy Note7 iris scanner

04 August, 2016
Is it secure? Is it safe? How it works?

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  • D
  • AnonD-200220
  • KIB
  • 06 Aug 2016

Anonymous, 05 Aug 2016Kinda how Samsung copied this from Microsoft and you fanboy... moreMicrosoft always have good ideas but they can't carry it properly while Sammy and appy copies other ideas and make it better present it better. In short ms should just quit the business.

    • D
    • AnonD-568812
    • IDi
    • 05 Aug 2016

    Sounds cool, but I still prefer fingerprint scanner for payment since it feel more natural. By the way, does the iris scanner works in the dark and contact lense?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • U}}
      • 05 Aug 2016

      dara, 05 Aug 2016galaxy Note 4 is the real note King of all time. Trust me... morei had two note4 + three extra battery kit , for me n my wife... I definitely agree with u

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Ibx
        • 05 Aug 2016

        Anonymous, 04 Aug 2016Apple is going to copy this feature in 3 years. When they d... moreKinda how Samsung copied this from Microsoft and you fanboys are now calling it "innovation" too right?

          • D
          • AnonD-448945
          • MGx
          • 05 Aug 2016

          AnonD-237381, 04 Aug 2016No one said that they were the first, but it's the first po... moreso with your response I presume you have tried all the scanners you state, then you would know the results your promoting are actually correct. I presume you actually realise how big ZTE are in the mobile world. maybe you should check and then respond. just because you have not spotted ZTE in your local European high street store with millions of shoppers is by no way the same comparison as the ZTE phones being available online with huge online stores or available in stores across Asian and across the east for hundreds of millions (ZTE has a bigger audience than Europe alone compared to Samsung and Apple, check the figures). sorry for the facts but fanboys spoil this forum without actually ever trying products. don't believe all you read.

            dara, 05 Aug 2016galaxy Note 4 is the real note King of all time. Trust me... moreI disagree..i own a note 4 n910c, my wife owns a note5 n9208. Note 5 is better and faster, eventhough it lacks memory card expansion 64gb internal is enough.

              • J
              • Jarret
              • 25G
              • 05 Aug 2016

              That's prove Samsung is better than Apple

                • D
                • AnonD-369297
                • t7s
                • 05 Aug 2016

                to each to his own - it's so funny why people need to argue whether it's a feasible upgrade or not, if you think you

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • fDh
                  • 05 Aug 2016

                  always wear glasses after you use iris scanner. other long zoom dslr will capture your eyes and print to duplicate your iris. lol

                    • d
                    • dara
                    • u44
                    • 05 Aug 2016

                    galaxy Note 4 is the real note King of all time.
                    Trust me I own one here.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-367917
                      • i2s
                      • 05 Aug 2016

                      AnonD-491426, 04 Aug 2016Of Course, comparing this to the iPhone offerings would cer... moreMarkEdward,... you are spraying that same cut and paste around the place like you hope it will influence Samsung design for their next flagship.

                      Whilst it is cute to think a webpage on the internet holds true sway over huge corporations, and their next design, which is generally 'in the pipeline' for quite some time; you have a few things based on misunderstanding, and spec sheet shenanigans and 'boasting' going on, that make it a waste of time to promote.

                      Some could argue it was users the world over writing in forums about samsung removing micro sd card slots that got Sammy to reimplement them.
                      In reality it was more likely a tech hiatus due to technology changing around that time.
                      Eg 4k video record could require high speed storage,.. something most generic/cheap micro sd cards might not do well; combined with Android defaulting to outboard storage for media recording,.. could have led to a lot of issues and headaches for Samsung service departments/call centres and worst of all BAD PRESS.
                      Combined with the crazy cost, at the time, to implement high speed card access (again, not likley used by the average consumer who opts for bigger over faster cards), they made a decision; one we the users might not have been happy about, but probably better in the long run.

                      Adoption of 4k video record in smartphones became a reality without the hiccups it could have had. (Those first phones, without extra (dodgy) memory not giving consumers hassles).

                      And I do speak from experience, having lost my daughters first day of school (that year) photos and much much more having purchased a 128Gb 'genuine' Samsung memory card (that wasn't).
                      I tried to save a few dollars on a micro sd, like many consumers do... and got burned.
                      Whlst I complained to no one, I did get an interesting story to share here ;-), enjoy!

                      Samsung have a clever team of people. Email them directly if you feel capable and have something important to share.
                      Btw 4k and 6Gb of RAM are not really necessary, in a phone presently,.. maybe for gear vr, assuming the video chips get a lot more grunty, and games get written to use them.
                      Sure remote playing from a desktop setup, might utilise the 4k ( wouldn't want a wifi chip pushing that much bandwidth an inch from my forehead..) but that wouldn't need the Ram...
                      And 4k does offer benefits in a pixel per inch scenario for vr headsets that have to split it to two eyes, and yes, even rendering the game at a lower buffer and upscaling the output would look better, so long as the text and overlays are rendered at native over the top (consoles have been doing this for a long time to hit full high def resolutions)..

                      Trying to compete with companies who don't know what they are doing isn't healthy for the market.

                      I live in a country where we had a pizza shop war.
                      Around fifteen-twenty years ago, every pizza shop wanted to sell a cheaper pizza.
                      Even the big dogs like pizza hut (a restaurant that you could get a glass of wine/beer in joined in). We now have twenty less pizza franchises and pizza hut iconic buildings dot the landscape, albeit, no longer selling pizzas.

                      Lets keep Samsung real, ay...

                        • D
                        • Dovice
                        • TkE
                        • 05 Aug 2016

                        I have an LG G5 (massively underrated phone BTW), and although I'm getting a Note7 (like the S Pen and wireless charging), I cannot get over what a game changer the finger print unlock etc is. I was sceptical when Apple launched Touch ID, but from my experience with both an iPad Pro 9.7 that has it and the LG G5, it's very useful. Most of my banking and other secure apps on my G5 use the finger print sensor to authenticate, saving on me inputting a PIN or password. So, I can imagine the iris scanner on the Note7 is going to be even faster being you don't have to faff around positioning your finger.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • b7}
                          • 04 Aug 2016

                          Apple is going to copy this feature in 3 years. When they do copy it, they will call it their "innovation."

                            • D
                            • AnonD-491426
                            • uST
                            • 04 Aug 2016

                            Of Course, comparing this to the iPhone offerings would certainly be a hell of a joke..., aside from the very fact, that it would certainly become a no-brainer to decide which one to get!
                            However, as an honest Samsung fan I would say, that this, is not a worthy upgrade. NOT AT ALL!, especially if you currently own a Galaxy S7-edge, or even a note 5 on that matter... Iris scanner is just an additional layer of security that can easily, and simply be
                            ignored at this very moment, if your only main concern really; is simply, security!
                            fingerprint scanner and KNOX security, are more than enough to greatly guard all of your personal, And even your corporate stuffs if need be. and High Dynamic Range (HDR content) these days,
                            is still on its infancy and developmental stage; and something, that you really cannot use, right out-of-the-box.
                            I simply am quite disappointed in this release of the note, having only small iterations…, just akin to the iPhones.
                            if they have just opted to put on either the SD821 or the Exynos 8893 on-board; coupled with 6GB of DDR4; perhaps, UFS 3.0 if it is already be available; a very loud and great sounding stereo speakers just like the Idle 4S; and a 4000mAh battery, regardless of the UFS1.0 storage technology and a 4K display; this, could have been a very worthy upgrade!
                            Not unless of course; you have all the moneys in the world to procure, currently just owning a technologically detestable iPhones; and FINALLY realize the very need to switch to the ultimately complete, and the greatest smartphone ever created; and the most technologically advanced Smartnote ever, or; you simply don't have a smartphone, and want to buy one.
                            But again to reiterate my point; as a big, if not one of the biggest Samsung fan allover the world, if you really want to upgrade just and only just, for the sake of having the latest and the greatest all-the-time, then by-all-means, upgrade! But, if what you want is to somehow, feel the utmost worthiness of the upgrade, and to possibly experience the very best upgrade of your techie-life, wait for the weight, of the Galaxy S8!
                            I fervently hope, that Samsung would be able to read this heartfelt comment of mine…, because I deeply, and sincerely love this company. I really do… from their very humble beginnings, and to their uttermost evolvement up to this very day, where they are now…
                            this post of mine, truly is a concern for the real, and genuine Samsung fans and the company itself; and with utmost certainty, not criticism...

                              • D
                              • AnonD-367917
                              • i2s
                              • 04 Aug 2016

                              AnonD-1825, 04 Aug 2016Just saw the video and didnt knew how this really works, no... moreMultiple unlocks unlocking multiple things,..

                              This might be more suggestion than how it presently works, but from what I have read by Samsung on this feature so far, they are suggesting that it is like having a ladder of differing security levels than can unlock different folders... in a way I think a video on the link shows it too,...

                              Business folders (Private) seperate to Personal folders (Private),.. so two sets of private folders unlockable in differing ways,.. if the user wishes.

                              I won't be using; call me overly health conscious, I did spent a few hours reading about the IEC guidelines for health on light emissions and bio sensitivity. (Which were intimidating once as before the 60000 series guidelines, LEDs were lumped in with 'lasers')

                              Presently a little freaked out (by a few factors such as potential for 'glare' and a range of 'untestable' parameters with regards to diverse 'real world' usage idealisations); I appreciate they say the feature won't work if the face is too close,.. but knowing how competitive manufacturers can get, reducing the 'face proximity check' even by a fraction, which might reduce its accuracy might become a frontier to achieving a 'faster scan'.

                              It seems of the three infrareds, ,b+c cease at the cornea, but 'a' makes it to the photoreceptors,.. the health guidelines can be heavy reading.. I got tired and took a few hours nap,.. and not ever trusting just one source, have been reading very widely on this..
                              The time of exposure needs to be small, as well as the power level, but distance from the eye surface is a metric Samsung, and all phone companies, won't have a say over.
                              IEC guidelines seem to work off the notion that users will not be within 20cm of the emitting source... And to ensure that... (pretty easy as my 3DS, years ago, could estimate with some accuracy), some measuring needs take place (size of mouth, distance between eyes were methods used, in part, by the 3DS)...

                              Anyhow, I am the kind of person who opted not to have nintendo wii's on with a row of ir's bouncing around a room, and the idea of a kinect permanently on whilst gaming is just nuts to me... but I come from an alternative health background, so no doubt, an overly paranoid 'hippy'.
                              Never used the features on my samsungs for 'screen stay' etc, because I assumed they would have been 'spraying me' with infrared as well...though I did consider it could have just been the camera,.. didn't care to research, sounded like a reason for 'battery drain' ,.. but I do think Samsung have some cool ideas (and yes to the whingers/educators here shouting Sammy didn't do this first! -I don't care who does something first, just who implements it well)

                                • D
                                • AnonD-411799
                                • XNa
                                • 04 Aug 2016

                                AnonD-1825, 04 Aug 2016Just saw the video and didnt knew how this really works, no... morehaven't you heard of gimmicky features? dig the past. i am pretty sure they will remove this tech in their new iteration. reminds me of the useless "smart pause" feature on my old s4 which uses the camera.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-82281
                                  • rfg
                                  • 04 Aug 2016

                                  Definitely the most secure method currently available, but after a while it's just inconvenient. It's like taking a selfie every time, albeit a quick one. Thankfully there's a regular fingerprint reader too on this one.

                                    • T
                                    • Tcool
                                    • 3r5
                                    • 04 Aug 2016

                                    This is amazing!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-355558
                                      • rs5
                                      • 04 Aug 2016

                                      AnonD-448945, 04 Aug 2016zte elite brought the iris scanner in 2015 in its smartphon... more"Microsoft used this already on its Lumia 950 series" ... read will you

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-355558
                                        • rs5
                                        • 04 Aug 2016

                                        rrhyme, 04 Aug 2016Samsung isn't the first....just saying..Everyone knows...