Q2 market share results show Apple slowly losing market share

18 August, 2016
Q2 results show Apple's numbers slipping while Samsung remains at #1 with a higher market share.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • AIC
  • 19 Aug 2016

I am apple user, this article is beyond my intelligence, Gsmarena could please make it simpler for apple users. Q1, market share- what are these words?

    • D
    • AnonD-397942
    • tug
    • 19 Aug 2016

    Bye bye Apple......when iphone 7 release Apple share market will go down drastically because people will think before buy iphone 7 because iphone 7 didn't have 3.5 jack port....people not dumb...how you want to listen music while charging...very limited offer of "Innovation"(?)....

      • D
      • AnonD-500075
      • uvm
      • 19 Aug 2016

      R.I.P. Apple-iphone.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • jGC
        • 19 Aug 2016

        AnonD-387282, 19 Aug 2016This is so unfair post. You should know that apple's newest... moreThen why don't they? Because they rely on the fact that their brand will be a major selling point. After all, Apple always designs their products with a fashion statement in mind, something the mainstream media will eat up like hot cakes. If at any moment Apple tries to take on the mid to low-range market, they will get eaten alive for two reasons.

        1) They are in unknown territory: Apple only knows how to make a high-end phone. That's all they know: high-end hardware. Their only two attempts, the iPhone 5c and SE is still too expensive for what they're worth. Why would people settle for something like an SE when the newly announced Axon 7, Idol 4S, or even the Oneplus 3 are even better contenders? Not because they run Android, but because they offer more bang for your buck.

        2) The smartphone market is saturated: Like I said, there are a whole plethora of phones out in the market right now. As other OEMs improve on their offerings, Apple is barely pacing along; their "innovations" are either stale or copied. While the other OEMs are investing heavily in other quirks like modularity (Moto Z family, LG G5) or VR (Galaxy line), what is Apple doing? Stuffing more RAM? More colors? The A10 chip? Boooorrring! At this point, benchmarks mean less and less. We've hit a performance plateau, and it's beginning to show with the overall smartphone market.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • k2G
          • 19 Aug 2016

          Apple 🍎 still rules, other makers can only wish they could be half as good as Apple.

            • D
            • AnonD-387282
            • t7X
            • 19 Aug 2016

            This is so unfair post. You should know that apple's newest phone are priced for more than 700 us dollars at first release while android can sell at any price segment from 4 us dollar phone from india to high end phones from samsung, sony and lg that are priced for more than 700 us dollars. if apple can sell new released phone for 100-200 us dollars then their share will go up. their new phones are always for the rich people only. -_-

              • D
              • AnonD-78566
              • r3H
              • 19 Aug 2016

              Wow. Windows is still losing market share. It'll eventually get obsolete.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 7uC
                • 19 Aug 2016

                The Chinese companies are doing better and better...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • qKg
                  • 19 Aug 2016

                  Could the sheeps finally be catching on??

                    I am no Apple hater at all but I am not surprised. Intelligent savvy and discerning adults are no longer going to buy false and quite he reverse status symbols as it only shows economic idiocy to buy over the top greedy mark-up's on their phones. Quality has nothing to do with it as frankly they have lacked in that department in some areas or on par with our flagships for the most part. You cannot whinge about $399 and $599 phones when the capitalists at the top of apples chain are laughing all the way to the bank with charges for $1400.00 plus in Australia for the 6S. Love that phone I almost bought, so I was thrilled to pieces when HTC came out with the stunning and very beautiful A9 which felt the same but with the freedom of Android and is stunning and an in-between size for almost $900 less. no brainer and quality all the was. Some people have woken up. A lot of my friends charge there apples twice a day. this years models are not all that different really. there saving it for there anniversary. gotta love technology. Changes so fast. The other manufacturers will be even more advanced at the same time. All the best.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-85415
                      • KAu
                      • 19 Aug 2016

                      After reading this article don't think any iFan would come here and start his crap about innovation and technology used by Apple.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 7Xr
                        • 19 Aug 2016

                        With an "Open Eye" Apple must still be thankful for their high market share despite it losing, considering their Overly priced hyped-Phones, with specs similar to that of cheaper mid range quality droid phones. Real talk.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-573944
                          • Aha
                          • 19 Aug 2016

                          12.9 percent lol .waiting for 1 percent in the next few years

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wYG
                            • 19 Aug 2016

                            what else is new... same damn experience every single iteration

                              • D
                              • DadSammy
                              • 2Au
                              • 19 Aug 2016

                              Ayush01, 19 Aug 2016They are slowly crawling back into their caves now. >_Nope your wrong . They are slowly digging their GRAVES now. ./.

                                DadSammy, 19 Aug 2016Where are you now A for Apple FANBOYS?. Is this not enough? They are slowly crawling back into their caves now. >_

                                  • P
                                  • Pritam Hazra(india)
                                  • bJ2
                                  • 19 Aug 2016

                                  Apple you will go to Hell soon like Blackberry

                                    • D
                                    • DadSammy
                                    • 2Au
                                    • 19 Aug 2016

                                    Where are you now A for Apple FANBOYS?. Is this not enough?