Samsung Ultra - D830, X820 and D900
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 23 Jun 2006
Sansung clamshell only weights 80 grams!!!!!! is the max expression of tech in diminute size and weight, 2MP camera with autofocus, 80Mb of memory pool, QVGA screen, miniSD card support, bluetooth; all in only 9.9mm of phone thickness and 80 grams!!!
In comparison the nokia clamshell, the N90 with the same features weights 150 grams, is an ugly and heavy brick. This is the difference between companies.
Really a great surprise with these samsung models!
- t
- the analyser
- SkE
- 23 Jun 2006
Samsungs the in thing! Motorola's so run out of ideas - RAZR's like a dry oasis - that looked very attractive once! Sony Ericcson seems to have bored all users with the music phones - how much music will you listen to - this is a phone we are talkin' for heaven's sake! Nokia talks too much of Technology, Upgrades, etc - we are bored! Come - on we need style like the phones above!Samsung is getting really crafty with Vivid messaging, live scrensavers, amazing screen colors and their TV output!One more thing we gotta remember - the most imp - Samsung lasts unlike other manufacturers who's device life is a max 6 mnths!!
- J
- Johnny 1989
- iGU
- 23 Jun 2006
For a start no one can "rip-off" designs, to "rip-off" someone is for example charge £1000 for something only worth £50.
All manufacturers copy each other; Samsung, Nokia, LG, Sony Ericsson, Siemens, Motorola, etc.
I have used all of the above bar LG & have to say Samsung is the best, and I have had Nokia phones for 7 years
Alot of people rave about Motorola's & Sony Ericssons but I have to say the joysticks on SE's aren't that reliable, I know at least 5 people who's phones that joysticks stopped acting correctly.
As for Motorola's they have bad interfaces & limited bluetooth operation (especially on V3's)
Samsungs make the best looking phones now & black phones are the best mainly because the majority of them don't show the scratches that easily as the plastic is usually black not colour sprayed on white
- r
- radu
- Mve
- 23 Jun 2006
samsung are best phones ever, i had all makes of phones, samsung has best menu speed, great cameras, sexy looks.... best phones ever !
- N
- Not really something
- MZb
- 23 Jun 2006
Are these really new ideas? Yet again another manufacturer is not able to come up with something new and innovative for the consumer
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uib
- 23 Jun 2006
There is no such thing as rip offs really in mobile phones... everyone takes others ideas and innovates on them i guess to build product preference and target different markets. But if anyone, id say NOkia rips off other peoples idea. Lately, they are always the last to catch on to a good idea.. and their own ideas never suceed... they are ugly phones.. and the software sux... and they aint sexy
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uib
- 23 Jun 2006
Samsung doesnt rip off ideas from others, and if uthink that, u are a goose. Have u seenthe phones they have in Korea? Desgin and technology wise, they are exploring on a level which is practically unkown to the ordinary western mobile phone user. I'd say a quarter of the great phones in Korea are not available to international markets and people dont even know their existence. Go to the anycall website
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uib
- 23 Jun 2006
Will be useless within a year? What do you mean? All phones get outdated within 6months... Useless? I think that is the wrong choice of words. They will be still completely useful: making phone calls, practical and im sure it will serve its owner well. Tell me a phone that is not outdated (or as u say,useless) within one year????
- K
- K-phone
- Uib
- 23 Jun 2006
All the comments above is rubbish... These phones are freaking great. Just looka at them... and I'm sure they will be even more spectacular in real life. Who wouldn't want a sexy and slim as phone they ones above? Cheap? Design wise, that slider must be the most breath-taking out there. The folder one outclasses the slugish and ugly menu of the motorola razr... Im not so sure about the bar one though.. But these phones are great! No one makes phones like the Koreans
- J
- Joseph Mostarda
- kec
- 23 Jun 2006
I do like the look of the Samsung D900. It's so thin! The only Samsung phone I've ever used personally is the outdated X497.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4p5
- 23 Jun 2006
You are fogetting one thing...there are many more countries where 3G is still useless.
- M
- Mobileseller
- Fv4
- 23 Jun 2006
Great phones, but seriously why the h... not 3G???? Within a year they will be useless!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ygq
- 22 Jun 2006
Samsung phones look CHEAP!
- G
- Gagbag
- m25
- 22 Jun 2006
Pretty impressive phones.Good features to add to the stylish designs.But I have to agree with Niz.These phones are simply too thin for everyday use.As for N80 lover.You are caught between the line of being a retard and and a geniA**!!
- J
- JiggyFin
- mhS
- 22 Jun 2006
I think Samsung is really going for it now! These models are great. Phones that you can easily carry with you and now really easy to use with the Samsung OS...Wow
- G
- Gymo
- 4DZ
- 22 Jun 2006
Hey!!!!...Samsung doesnt rip designs off of anybody.Thats like saying that sanyo came out with a candy bar phone....then motorola came out with one too!Its a design concept...thin...slide...flip...its nobody's idea.Cellphone companies have been dreaming up these phones from day one and now the technology is here they can do it.It's just that moto comes out with them first,but i think samsung lets them do that because they know that all their phones that are meant to compete with moto are better.Like the razr...its just like every other damn moto...but the blade(a900)..had a 1.3 cam,mp3 player,qvga screen,and so many other things that the razr could only dream of....even the v3i doesnt compete with the a900!And the slvr...well this new candy bar slim phone from samsung has a mp3 player,2 mp cam,and way thinner.....its way better than the slvr.Also moto doesnt really make that many sliders...neither does nokia.So SAMSUNG DOES NOT RIP OFF DESIGNS!
- X
- Xqwzt
- PFy
- 22 Jun 2006
I'm a Nokia lover, and I must say that these Ultra-phones are very-very nice. The bar, the slider, and the calmshell are so thin and look fabulous. But then again, I'll stick to my Nokia. IMNSHO, preferences aren't arguable. Even if they built bricks. I'll always love my Nokia. Go Nokia, Go Samsung, Go to the he** SE. =)
- T
- TheGman
- S35
- 22 Jun 2006
N80 Lover... Your phone isn't exactly the pinnacle of original ideas either. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
These phones sound ok tech-wise, nothing hugely groundbreaking, but it's the weight of them that will make waves. Under 10mm AND under 100g?! With a 2Meg camera and memory slot? That 9.9 sounds a bit fancy, can't wait to see how it runs.
- N
- N80 Lover
- i2c
- 22 Jun 2006
I swear.. Samsung rips ideas off EVERY OTHER PHONE manufacturer there is in design and concepts.
Go to hell, Samsung phones..
- e
- ed
- 22 Jun 2006
How do you get a D900? Um, i think you just buy one when it's released, just like any other phone...