T-Mobile Galaxy Note7 users can return their units and get full refunds

05 September, 2016
The carrier is also allowing customers to keep the free Netflix subscription and Gear Fit or SD card that they received when they pre-ordered the phone.

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AnonD-143211, 07 Sep 2016I have read it, you provided opinion with no facts or any c... moreyou have done it again..only partly reading through the link i sent...but no matter, this is not war just a discussion..
i was never a fan of sealed in batteries in the beginning..however a sealed battery provides for a slimmer profile, and better waterproof ratings.. i have an asus zenfone, and have used many phones with removable batteries..believe it or not, i had an n95 that used to shut off because the battery cover was loose..my n8 opens from below..it has fallen umpteen number of time(its built like a tank)..the hatch is partly open because a screw has rusted through..but it still hasnt let me down...one of those tiny knobs that hold the cover in place of my zenfone has broken off.. no one had a problem with iphone or sony having sealed batteries..
yeah like you said, samsung got rid of a choice among removable battery phones, i agree.. but imho, samsung is not the best phone out there, its just one of the many good companies....
btw i did run through my s7, got in 3hrs of marvel ff, and 2 movies..not bad huh..but i think mff uses burst of data rather than a continuous stream..phone battery life does shorten if the modem is running at full power all the time, its like the bottleneck for batteries.. btw what phone are u using?

    • D
    • AnonD-143211
    • qmQ
    • 07 Sep 2016

    viveksubhash, 07 Sep 2016please read my comment completely before replying...i said ... moreI have read it, you provided opinion with no facts or any constructive point(s) regarding my original post so what is your point? I own a connected multimedia powerhouse device not a portable movie player so my described use is nothing untypical or extraordinary. This also goes for your original statement of "heavy" use.

    CNET is hardly a good technical website(newspaper-like tech report level at best) for conversations like these but your own link said exactly what I have in my previous post, it is about looks and making it cheaper for them to produce and not longer battery life or any other benefit for the user.
    You won't find any studies, unless battery tech will differ between encased and removable batteries(no reason for them to be) there will be no difference. Capacity is capacity, mAh is mAh. No design will magically change battery chemistry or electrical principles.

    Like I said, if you like non-removable battery phones because of arguably better design in your taste then by all means buy them; I just want a phone I like and need where function comes over form and where replaceable battery is a bigger feature than "less seams" or some fancy glass cover. Having a choice is the sweet spot...which Samsung has taken away lately.

      AnonD-143211, 06 Sep 2016What studies? Post the link(s)... if it's some blurb from a... moreplease read my comment completely before replying...i said that if you use youtube then probably 3hrs sound right..thats how it works..running the radio and the screen will obviously wear it down faster..now i have to check on the games you have specified myself.
      this is just an article, not a study with a null hypothesis and all..i couldnt find the original article i wanted to show, but i think it was about nokia n8, the first one i had with a non removable battery. then switched to xperia z1 for its ombinbalance..boy was i wrong..the screen was like eggshells.. anyway i'll go through a battery run today and reply again

        • D
        • AnonD-143211
        • qmQ
        • 06 Sep 2016

        viveksubhash, 06 Sep 2016first of all, there has been studies(or rather OEMs claimin... moreWhat studies? Post the link(s)... if it's some blurb from a manufacturer of phones (not batteries) it means very little since they are just trying to justify and fool consumers why it "needs" to be sealed. AKA less costs for them for R&D for removable design and etc.
        Besides, explain to me how a battery with the same technology and capacity will last longer in a sealed body versus a removable battery cover phone? It makes no sense, if anything, it is the direct opposite since the heat of the phone will kill it faster since it is now more insulated and closer to the SOC (debatable on case by case basis, depending on design).

        Usage I was talking about was Iheart radio and some YouTube. Games were Invasion and Boom beach....all of which requires constant internet connection. Watching movies from local storage is not heavy use by any means. One of my buddies has S7 edge, it will not last longer than 1.5-3 hours (depending on screen brightness) in Invasion.

        Like I always have said...I don't hate on specifically sealed phones; I hate on the fact that there is no possibility of choice and that Samsung took that option from me. I would take a plastic back/body(even that can be metal/glass or whatever) phone all other specs being the same but have replaceable battery rather than have a arguably more flashy glass back that will be hidden by a case (in my personal scenario) anyway.

          AnonD-143211, 06 Sep 2016No offense, but you have no idea what heavy use is. Even wi... morefirst of all, there has been studies(or rather OEMs claiming) that a sealed battery has better life. this may or may not be true, but if your phone runs for only 3hrs playing music maybe somethings wrong..of course unless you are streaming from youtube..then yeah 3hrs sounds about right on 4g. what i mean by a heavy use battery is that after a movie or 2, some music and about an hour of gaming(for reference is marvel future fight) the phone should still run through the day on stand by for that urgent phone call you may have to make....obviously you can't plough through the day with your phone playing games straight for 24hrs..there are so many other things to do..

            • D
            • AnonD-143211
            • IrE
            • 06 Sep 2016

            viveksubhash, 05 Sep 2016as an s7 edge user, i would never go back to removable batt... moreNo offense, but you have no idea what heavy use is. Even with moderate use, phone will realistically only last about 3-8 hours max, not whole day like you claim (unless you got a personal definition of a "day").
            Went today to the beach and 3220mAh battery only lasted 3 hours with occasional music streaming and light-medium use for games. I popped a new battery in and was ready to go. Very convenient.

              • K
              • Kritik
              • rKa
              • 06 Sep 2016

              LG V20

                • t
                • therock
                • k7n
                • 05 Sep 2016

                go LG g5!

                  as an s7 edge user, i would never go back to removable batteries..it is one of the reasons i didn;t go for g5...i get a day of battery life with really heavy use..including hd gaming and full hd movies..note 7 had a rotten tooth...samsung is removing it..this will also pass...antennagate and bendgates passed..so..

                    • D
                    • AnonD-551566
                    • PH0
                    • 05 Sep 2016

                    Anonymous, 05 Sep 2016See, this situation will never happen if it was about Note ... morethink about as a user then? if they had to remove the battery u would still have to go to the center and show ur device so they can accept the battery change (as a user is still a bother sometimes) and i don't think the company would've thought "oh let's have the removable battery in case is faulty"...now, there're pros and cons about the sealed battery but as a matter of the recall is a loss for samsung (already stated in another post)
                    about T-mobile, nice move offering refunds as well even when the damage is donde

                      • D
                      • AnonD-1385
                      • ri0
                      • 05 Sep 2016

                      Romie Lee, 05 Sep 2016removable battery means no water proofing.To ROMIE LEE:

                      The S5 has a removable battery and it's water resistant.

                        Anonymous, 05 Sep 2016See, this situation will never happen if it was about Note ... moreremovable battery means no water proofing.

                          • V
                          • Vhh
                          • 0cx
                          • 05 Sep 2016

                          My note 7 I bought from China dual Sims version it's ok

                            Anonymous, 05 Sep 2016See, this situation will never happen if it was about Note ... moreTrue

                              Anonymous, 05 Sep 2016See, this situation will never happen if it was about Note ... moreWell said.

                                • p
                                • panio
                                • pFI
                                • 05 Sep 2016

                                All people cry for strong battery ......... now here is your battery :D

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • wu4
                                  • 05 Sep 2016

                                  Definitely gonna do a RARE FULL REFUND and not going to buy any Samsung Phones in the future.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • XNa
                                    • 05 Sep 2016

                                    Thanks t mobile i will buy htc 10. no more samsung for me !

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • JEF
                                      • 05 Sep 2016

                                      AnonD-1385, 05 Sep 2016Very nice and generous move from T-Mobile.Actually, is not a "nice and generous move" from them, is just a Samsung requirement. The full refund is just the regular legal timeline for purchase returns...

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-576629
                                        • qFr
                                        • 05 Sep 2016

                                        I'll be first in line on Tuesday, have been using an old phone for the past few days.