Pixels sold by Verizon will be unlocked, receive updates when Google pushes them
- z
- zodiacfml
- 3YH
- 13 Oct 2016
LOL at the last paragraph
- N
- Note7 owner
- qFr
- 13 Oct 2016
Only when there's an actual store to take my phone into for repairs than I'll be interested in paying $700 for the Pixel.
- H
- Huy
- bGu
- 13 Oct 2016
How about bootloader unlocking?
- F
- Fitbri
- gmx
- 13 Oct 2016
HTC and Google seem to be doing everything right with hardware, software and service. It is brilliant. They are certainly going over and above in service. They deserve to do well. After all the subject matter (model) is first class.
- R
- Rick
- qIf
- 13 Oct 2016
"Well, it turns out that all that outrage was for nothing."
The outrage probably helped change their mind. Maybe a shift in M.O. for Verizon? Too late - I just switched to project fi.
- D
- AnonD-397058
- kXx
- 13 Oct 2016
I'm pretty sure everyone that posted before me works for Verizon. Why would anyone be so relieved? Just buy it from Google.
- F
- Fitbri
- gmx
- 13 Oct 2016
Absolutely fantastic news. It is a can do kingdom. Very impressed with Pixel
- D
- AnonD-376211
- q@f
- 12 Oct 2016
This was a very good move by Verizon! Great job!
- ?
- Anonymous
- kDj
- 12 Oct 2016
First good deeds that I've seen coming from verizon, of all carriers.
- D
- AnonD-551566
- PH0
- 12 Oct 2016
phew, that's great news for google-device fans, the main focus of the pixel (besides the specs) were the fast updates and with Verizon behind it would've lost all around, so now they're on track and that's a great thing ^_^ also good news on the "bloatware" so it's still stock android as always :D
- D
- AnonD-563937
- T0t
- 12 Oct 2016
hhhhh they couldnt even sell the 4 million units and they think its because of that :
well , its that and the price :D