Gresso Luxor is a cheaper Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot alternative

30 November, 2010
Back in August Gresso launched its extremely overpriced Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot luxury phone priced at 1 million US dollars and now the company is announcing its way more affordable alternative...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • jtq
  • 01 Dec 2010

whats the deal can it not be hacked into I just seen a new spy technology that says it can work on any phone has any body seen this
I found it at it says it works in real time and can even read all sms messages, and supposed to have real time gps if anybody has seen or knows about this I would like to hear about before I buy it thanks I mean its no where near 1 mil for the luxor by the way can the luxor cook or clean (lolol)

    • R
    • RM
    • 2G4
    • 01 Dec 2010

    looks like a Nokia with timber

      • C
      • CorbyLover
      • RJd
      • 01 Dec 2010

      i dont like this at all

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • RJd
        • 01 Dec 2010

        Thats so cheap i might get one becuase Im loaded

          • D
          • D79_
          • n5P
          • 01 Dec 2010

          Haha it looks like an old sonyericsson in a dodgy case.

          Is it possible to plant these phones back in the ground to regrow our trees we need bk from idiots choppin them down

          i mean come on this world has lost the plot, theres poor ppl diein out there and then rich ppl rather spend on a sonyericsson lookin fone with a peace of wood molded round it. Wooo the wood is 200 yrs old. Omg sort it out haha

            • P
            • PINCHILO
            • Ia9
            • 30 Nov 2010

            its dont make it sent this kind of phones men.. its a sheat

              • M
              • Mr Normal
              • 390
              • 30 Nov 2010

              Is that a phone inside a phone? I mean... really?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 0Zs
                • 30 Nov 2010

                I don't care about the exotic materials that it is made of. It's a ugly phone

                  • K
                  • KEVIN
                  • 8yU
                  • 30 Nov 2010

                  does anyone have this already.....

                    • A
                    • AppleBoy
                    • 4d{
                    • 30 Nov 2010

                    1 million dollar my ash; iphone is the best!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PBR
                      • 30 Nov 2010

                      Waiting for Gresso phone with recycled plastic materials. 50 times less than this one's price.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Y7A
                        • 30 Nov 2010

                        the person that will buy that phone is not human at all!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3S4
                          • 30 Nov 2010

                          i'd hit that.
                          seriously WTF?! there are people who don't have money to eat and rich folks go waste millions of money on useless stuff like that and other things that they call "art"

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P$u
                            • 30 Nov 2010

                            i want 10 of these phones

                              • D
                              • David, Stockholm
                              • M8T
                              • 30 Nov 2010

                              [deleted post]You just made it clear that money can't by taste or class.

                                • m
                                • mj
                                • YQB
                                • 30 Nov 2010

                                Martin Caballero, 30 Nov 2010"The back is covered with 200-year old African blackwo... moreYou are damm right bro...

                                  • M
                                  • Martin Caballero
                                  • LEG
                                  • 30 Nov 2010

                                  "The back is covered with 200-year old African blackwood"

                                  Great! Now you can feed your rich ego while destroying 200 years worth of nature work and some third-world country's natural resources. I don't think the materials are well paid when it comes to poor contries. And the lumberjacks are surely almost slaves.

                                  What's next? A phone made of genuine ivory so some stupid company kills thousands of elephants for some rich folks to talk and text?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • MVg
                                    • 30 Nov 2010

                                    why would u buy this?

                                      • l
                                      • lewis
                                      • ix1
                                      • 30 Nov 2010

                                      with the spec of a £30 nokia, splendid. Seriously, are there really people out there with the requisite lack of taste to buy this stuff?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • utw
                                        • 30 Nov 2010

                                        i ll buy a dozen of these wooden phones n burn them in winters to use them as a source of heat n make some nice sucks.....