Antennagate 2: HTC responds to the HD7 antenna death grip

3 December, 2010
The iPhone 4 isn't the only smartphone suffering from bad reception indeed. We already reported, that the HTC HD7 is among the other affected too. And here's what HTC has to say about the issue: it's perfectly...

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  • M
  • Marius
  • 0U6
  • 03 Dec 2010

I just tested my Nokia 5230. I held it with both my palms and even though I tried my best not even 1 signal line went down and it still showed a full signal , indoors.
Apple and HTC should learn how to make phone instead of just cool gadgets for show-off.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nCi
    • 03 Dec 2010

    Stuntman, 03 Dec 2010None of the signal loss videos that I have seen on the HTC ... moreOh suddenly now people have to be rational, have to suddenly understand the issue perfectly. Funny I don't remember this being the case when every Tom Dick and Harry was too busy bashing the iPhone 4. Did anyone bother trying to understand the problem perfectly then? Not so nice to be onthe receiving end now is it?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • P%n
      • 03 Dec 2010

      tkolev, 03 Dec 2010HTC's phones loosing some bars of reception is nothing like... moreI've never had a dropped call on my iPhone 4 in four months of use, and it's not as if mobile phones haven't been dropping calls for years, ever since they were invented.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • P%n
        • 03 Dec 2010

        Asad, 03 Dec 2010GSMarena thanks for pointing out the issue which will make ... moreRubbish, to make a call you have to hold the phone from the top and who does that?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • P%n
          • 03 Dec 2010

          Is that the you-know-who who RESPONDED to claims like those made by you-know-who-too, when they said this was an Apple only issue.

          What goes around comes around, Apple was absolutely correct with their refutation of other companies claims.

          Too bad no-one cares about insignificant companies from the Republic of China or this would be hitting the mainstream news with an enormous song and dance about it's impact.

          GSM arena even try to play it down as it's NOT Apple.

            • A
            • Andrew
            • 0Bj
            • 03 Dec 2010

            Every phone, EVERY, loses a bar or more of signal. Even Nokia phones with their great antennas.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3pa
              • 03 Dec 2010

              well done HTC admitting to the problem but not brushing it off by saying other manufacturers have the same problem.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • n}b
                • 03 Dec 2010

                so HD7 and iphone4 bad phones... poor standards...

                  • d
                  • daniel
                  • 3J9
                  • 03 Dec 2010

                  Anonymous, 03 Dec 2010what people had not realise is that iphone4 antennagate was... moreoh wow! and that's actually every device they would of sold this year compared to Nokia's- 110million and
                  Apple's-14 million for Q3 of the 2010

                    • B
                    • BLUSHi
                    • 3Ea
                    • 03 Dec 2010

                    nokia n8 u r on song !
                    keep it up and we look
                    forward to nokia e7..

                      • B
                      • BLUSHi
                      • 3Ea
                      • 03 Dec 2010

                      never mind htc,

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • TqC
                        • 03 Dec 2010

                        Stuntman, 03 Dec 2010None of the signal loss videos that I have seen on the HTC ... morei grip so hard on my iph4 and still no complete loss of signal at least in /uk lol

                          • S
                          • Stuntman
                          • NGf
                          • 03 Dec 2010

                          None of the signal loss videos that I have seen on the HTC show the phone actually losing the signal completely. This is the main difference between the iPhone 4 and HTC. The iPhone 4 videos show the iPhone 4 losing the signal completely. Losing a couple of bars is nothing. Losing all bars and losing connection is severe. You can still make and receive calls if you have bars. You cannot when you lose the connection entirely.

                          GSM Arena should have known this difference before they lump HTC into the same group as the iPhone 4. GSM Arena clearly do not fully understand the iPhone 4 signal issue and are only writing this article just to make some headlines and draw interest. Now, every time they see the bars drop (which happens on every phone), they think there is an antenna issue which there clearly isn't. It would only be an issue if the phone completely loses signal from full bars like on the iPhone 4.

                          I'm glad HTC does not try to drag other manufacturers through the mud. I've used other phones and at times can cause some signal loss if I really try. Under normal conditions, I don't have any issues going from full bars to total signal loss. Even if I try, I cannot get the other phones I have used (none of them iPhones) to go from full bars to total signal loss.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TqC
                            • 03 Dec 2010

                            [deleted post]look what u using everyday and will find out 80% made by asians!! it is so 60's thinking everything made in asia is bad

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • TqC
                              • 03 Dec 2010

                              what people had not realise is that iphone4 antennagate was public stunt. wonder why iphone 4 sell more than any other iphone gen?? people realise iphone 4 after antennagate and bought over 14milliions and found out it is just gimmick and not true.

                                • A
                                • Ali
                                • Yc3
                                • 03 Dec 2010

                                Unbelievable that another company would release a phone with these reception issues again.Bad screen, poor reception, crippled OS = bad phone.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Mtr
                                  • 03 Dec 2010

                                  [deleted post]It's still only a touchscreen.

                                    • S
                                    • Samsung fan
                                    • kUW
                                    • 03 Dec 2010

                                    huh .. what happened to HTC !!! HTC desire hd fail . Samsung galaxy s won . and on windows 7 phone ~~~ HTC hd7 fail ---) Samsung omnia 7 won . Samsung youare great and we love you

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • j{9
                                      • 03 Dec 2010

                                      I just made the test, inside my house with 2 phones "AT&T" My Nokia N95 8gb and my Nokia N8 I place my hands all over them no problem at all!!
                                      My girl Iphone with cover no drop without the cover 4 bars down!!
                                      so may be thats why she dont have signal on the elevator while i have full bars!!!!

                                        • t
                                        • tvanna
                                        • kcN
                                        • 03 Dec 2010

                                        Htc the best in the world