Google Assistant goes head to head with Siri in the latest MKBHD video

22 October 2016
With the Pixel, Google is also entering the world of virtual assistants. While Google Now was a clever search engine, Google Assistant is Google’s first real shot at a virtual engine along the same lines as Siri and Cortana.

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Where is pixel review waiting eagerly for google assistant in depth look

    • D
    • AnonD-456472
    • MVW
    • 22 Oct 2016

    how did they come close?
    siri doesnt have any follow up
    google did 99% of what he said, while siri was at like 50%
    I had to go up and check the article writer after i read the verdict

      In the launch and in person I like how Google assistant can follow on. When asking about certain events or whatever, if you continue the dialogue on the subject at hand. Google continues with you. It read my messages I wanted, read them back, delivered, chose my options. Seamlessly. Google is such an innovator in our lives and community generally. Nice.