New Vertu Constellation series
- A
- AceX
- 24 Aug 2006
Mmm.. i think i agree with Happy User. frm my point of view, its hardly to see Nokie brand with top notch quality. my only favourites frm nokia is 8000series business phone. If u talking abt cameras? I still not satisfied with current 3mp output. I preferable get the real Digital camera. Vertu really hav those good architecture, as i can see. :)
- d
- david_kinsella
- pp4
- 24 Aug 2006
i dont see why they cant add features, it dosent even have a camera.
if i was a celeb or rich i would get the N93 even tho its a huge brick
- G
- German Pimp
- PjC
- 24 Aug 2006
I liked the gold one. But for the price its going to be sold, I prefer to buy N93's to all my family :P
- H
- Happy User
- NG{
- 23 Aug 2006
As an owner of the Vertu Ascent, I have to say I'm extremely excited to see this new line. Anyone who has a vertu or has used or even held one knows how amazing they are. I cant wait to get one of these beauties in my hands!!!