Pick up a Moto 360 Sport for only $120
12 November 2016
Daily Steals is offering a whopping $160 off the 45mm sport smartwatch.
- i
- ithehappy
- X%D
- 12 Nov 2016
This should have been the launching price and now it should sell for something like 80 bucks or something.
- D
- AnonD-187352
- 0B}
- 12 Nov 2016
how about battery life?....does it last just for 24 hours.
- A
- A Note 4 user
- 3QW
- 12 Nov 2016
This is how much it should cost.
if it were available in Europe, i'd buy it.
- D
- AnonD-258858
- vkW
- 12 Nov 2016
I would prefer Sony Smart watch 3.