ZUK Edge packaging box leaks online
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 23 Nov 2016
AnonD-612915, 22 Nov 2016He clearly didn't understood you the moment he said you wer... moreI know. But sometimes you need to feed the trolls in order to educate them. Like I said, I didn't compare any but 1 brand. And the logic is there too. Then he goes out saying LG phones are battery hogs and me being biased and whatnot. That's not even the point. Point is, battery and processor is not the only factor. With my example and yours, he still continues to argue that battery is more important than processor. I dunno. Maybe he really is obtuse.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 23 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 22 Nov 2016How is it biased comparing two same branded phones? You rea... moreThe G4 has a 54h endurance rating and the V10 has 56h, equally crappy so I highly doubt you'll see a big boost in battery life. Like I said all LG phones are battery hogs, you'd think LG would have enough sense to put in large batteries in their specced out phones but they don't. They're on the right step with the V20 and its 3200 mAh battery but its endurance rating (63h) is less than my two year old phone with a 3100, which means their software optimizations suck too. Battery is the Achilles heel of smartphones so whenever I see a phone with < 3000 mAh I die a little inside. Logically speaking I'm sure the ZUK Edge won't fare any better but lets see if Lenovo's Nougat update for their ZUK lineup helps.
- D
- AnonD-612915
- 9Jg
- 22 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 22 Nov 2016How is it biased comparing two same branded phones? You rea... moreHe clearly didn't understood you the moment he said you were biased. I myself use Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro and Lenovo ZUK Z1. Both have same processor, but Z2 pro has bigger screen and only has 4000mah battery and Zuk Z1 has smaller screen but bigger 41000mah battery. BUT they both have like same battery life and surprisingly, my Z2 pro is a tad faster in performance (Chaos Rings 3) than Zuk Z1 which has some laggy parts in the game (Chaos Rings 3 in my iPad is faster and runs as smooth as my Z2 Pro considering only 2GB RAM but that's beside the point and it's IOS). Processor and battery is not the only factor or even screen size unlike what squareny would want you to believe. He's just trolling you. Don't even bother. Either that or he's obtuse.
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 22 Nov 2016
AnonD-312515, 22 Nov 2016LOL LG sucks when it comes to battery life since all their ... moreHow is it biased comparing two same branded phones? You really have no logic.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 22 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 22 Nov 2016Like I said, your battery argument is invalid. The bigger p... moreLOL LG sucks when it comes to battery life since all their phones have horrible endurance ratings, battery life should be paramount for rabid LG fans like you, no wonder they're the only OEM that still provides removable batteries. You're obviously under the the false impression that the 821 is leaps and bound better than the 820 even though it has the same exact GPU and a tad bit higher clock speed. You're beyond biased dude and just looking for ways to justify your purchase haha
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 22 Nov 2016
AnonD-312515, 22 Nov 2016Maybe the bigger and secondary screen has something to do w... moreLike I said, your battery argument is invalid. The bigger phone with secondary screen with the same battery capacity as my other phone with the same processor but with smaller screen and lesser RAM (which probably don't matter) and has a brand new battery, lasts longer than the phone with smaller screen and RAM albeit same processor and a newer battery. Both old and new battery (3000mah) of my LG G4 didn't match my LG V10's same 3000mah battery. I already spoon fed it to you. If you still don't get it, I can't help you anymore.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 22 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 21 Nov 2016I have a LG G4 and a V10, both SD 808, both have 3000mah ba... moreMaybe the bigger and secondary screen has something to do with it, generally speaking you won't notice a substantial performance difference between the 820 and 821.
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 21 Nov 2016
AnonD-312515, 19 Nov 2016The battery is the only limiting factor on a smartphone, yo... moreI have a LG G4 and a V10, both SD 808, both have 3000mah battery, V10 has a bigger screen and 4GB RAM while G4 has smaller screen and 3GB RAM not to mention V10 has that i-thought-useful-quick-nav-screen-above the phone. You'd guess V10 runs out faster right? Nope. G4 does. And to make things obvious, I recently changed my G4's battery to a new one after more than 1 year of use while V10 retains its original battery. That makes your argument invalid.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 19 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 19 Nov 2016Yeah 'cause all people care are bigger batteries and not fa... moreThe battery is the only limiting factor on a smartphone, you are not going to notice a big difference in day-to-day performance going from a 820 to 821.
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 19 Nov 2016
AnonD-312515, 18 Nov 2016The gain in slight CPU speed is insignificant compared to l... moreYeah 'cause all people care are bigger batteries and not faster processors. Some might. But definitely not all. Your argument is invalid.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 18 Nov 2016
AnonD-523768, 16 Nov 2016Just give it good softwareI just read on this site that Lenovo is working on an official Nougat update and the incremental followup to it too for the ZUK Z2.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 18 Nov 2016
AnonD-456831, 16 Nov 2016U-huh. How? Zuk Z2 has SD 820 while this has SD821. I don't... moreThe gain in slight CPU speed is insignificant compared to losing 500 mAH in battery capacity, you'll notice the latter more.
- D
- AnonD-523768
- 41t
- 16 Nov 2016
Just give it good software
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 16 Nov 2016
e-r, 16 Nov 2016So you judge the phone only from the battery ?Man are you mad?Relax. He's just finding flaws from the upgrade. Like iPhone 6s owners who can't afford another iPhone will say, "Non-pressable home button? Nah, i'll stick with my 6s"
- D
- AnonD-456831
- 9Jg
- 16 Nov 2016
AnonD-312515, 16 Nov 2016Slight downgrade from the ZUK Z2. U-huh. How? Zuk Z2 has SD 820 while this has SD821. I don't think downgrade means what you think it means.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 16 Nov 2016
Slight downgrade from the ZUK Z2.
- S
- Sacca
- arG
- 16 Nov 2016
They named it: zuk edge, so it seems to be borderless...but how can a 5.5 inch be borderless in 74.3mm(?)
- ?
- Anonymous
- X%e
- 16 Nov 2016
e-r, 16 Nov 2016So you judge the phone only from the battery ?Man are you mad?He's right tho. Z2 plus has 3500 mah in a 5 inch phone. There is no reason the bigger version should have less battery
- F
- Fabio
- Lmj
- 16 Nov 2016
Tenna images don't look dual curved display
- e
- e-r
- JEa
- 16 Nov 2016
AnonD-248589, 16 Nov 20163000mah... nah I will stick with my Z2 Pro.So you judge the phone only from the battery ?Man are you mad?