Huawei Mate 8 Nougat update leaks ahead of release
16 November 2016
The files are hosted on Huawei servers, but official rollout is yet to happen.
- n
- naap51d
- 4e}
- 02 Dec 2016
Huawei has spoiled me. My Mate2 was STABLE. My Mate8 on MM is STABLE.
It's beta, I'm not moving...seen too many people having issues so far. I'll wait til
the OFFICIAL release, then give it a week or two to see if it's stable.
- D
- AnonD-413292
- 0TY
- 16 Nov 2016
It would be a blast if Mate 7 gottit.
- N
- Nleft47
- v0q
- 16 Nov 2016
How about the P8 will it be updated also to nougat? It was released last year so i hope that it will also be updated, otherwise i will be considering to try other brands, probably One plus 3 or axon 7
- S
- Sdk
- tTd
- 16 Nov 2016
What about Honor 7.It seems both Huawei /Honor both have forgotten Honor 7.
- D
- AnonD-573368
- 0{N
- 16 Nov 2016
Does the Nougat update allows Youtube to work in dual-window mode ? This should be brought along the EMUI 5
I wonder when is the Noughay going to roll out for the P9 and P9 Plus as well!