Huawei's phone sales in Latin America hits 10 million milestone
- r
- rich watarious
- fsT
- 09 Dec 2016
Oh yes indeed the Chinese company Huawei will never relent until they reach their target of becoming number one. I have loved Huawei from day one when I owned Huawei phone 4 years ago. It was freezing so much after one year. Every body was condenming Huawei phones but something in me pushed me to buy Huawei phones the more. People insulted me for buying Huawei phones again and again. Now I am relieved and vindicated. Haha, the great news is Huawei now has the fastest phone on the market now and will stay fastest even after one year. Huawei I thank you for making my dream about you come true. I feel fulfilled. Thank u.
- K
- Kaku Diego
- PeP
- 30 Nov 2016
coolstan , 30 Nov 2016If you don't know how to update your phone ask. Dont sit th... morein XDA forums there is no firmware for C605, only the B131, the first firmware. for my device, sell in Bolivia C605 there is no manual update. and if you dont know about the other devices or if you dont have this device, pls dont reply!
- S
- Steve Max
- Fcn
- 30 Nov 2016
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2016Its better to use Samsung or Motorola than Huawei. No sup... moreI'd rather have more options. More options == lower prices for all brands.
- D
- AnonD-127292
- t7X
- 30 Nov 2016
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2016Its better to use Samsung or Motorola than Huawei. No sup... moremade me laugh. Either you dont know what to do or lack of initiative. Huawei changed a lot when we talk about updates. most of their phones updated to M. And flagship phones of corz get first N update. What is the use of google? in times you dont know, google it. and surely google will give you ....updated to...updates availble download it now? :-)
- c
- coolstan
- fsV
- 30 Nov 2016
Kaku Diego, 29 Nov 201610 million phones and no updates! my p9 plus has the same f... moreIf you don't know how to update your phone ask. Dont sit there complaining. Updates are released regionally so you may not always receive them OTA but manual installation always works.
Lastly FYI Huawei has one of the best if not the best update policy. Second only to Google devices.
They support their devices for much longer too.
My Mate 7 shipped with kitkat and it was updated to lollipop and again to Marshmallow. How many companies would do that for you?
Oh and just incase you don't know, people are already beta testing emui 5.0 Nougat on the P9. If you wish you can stay here and keep complaining instead of finding out how it's done. ✌
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD{
- 29 Nov 2016
Shawn , 29 Nov 2016Maybe they forgot to pay tax that's why. I bet your a$$ you have no idea what that tax issue he had in Spain and all you do is be a warrior on the keyboard :3
- D
- ytx
- 29 Nov 2016
I've had my Huawei P9 Plus for about a month now and I am so impressed with the build quality and the camera is absolutely phenomenal!!! I highly recommend giving Huawei a shot---you will not be disappointed. I have had all of the major brands I can get my hands on--I'm, a geek--but this is by far my most loved phone!!!Seriously the build quality is amazing. Pictures come out excellent --little known secret--the front facing camera has a flash--just hold down the fingerprint sensor and don't blink!!! Awesome!!! The Mate 9 looks amazing as well. Ringtones are loud, speaker sounds good, I get no complaints about sound quality at all. Huawei---you've done good, real good. Because I'm such a geek it's hard to impress me, and I must say that there is nothing about this phone that doesn't impress me!!! Keep up the good work!!!! #FAN4LYFE
- J
- Jack
- FvX
- 29 Nov 2016
Hell yeah huawei makes great phones
- D
- AnonD-137201
- Pf4
- 29 Nov 2016
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2016Its better to use Samsung or Motorola than Huawei.
No sup... moreYou have a point, but competition is always good and there's a lack of it here...
No HTC, Nexus/Pixel, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oneplus... neither of them...
- D
- AnonD-510098
- 9xX
- 29 Nov 2016
Killer APP, 29 Nov 2016And Brazil, when folks? At least a service that... moreSlowly but surely they are expanding.
- K
- Killer APP
- x$I
- 29 Nov 2016
And Brazil, when folks? At least a service that too much?
- ?
- Anonymous
- ypc
- 29 Nov 2016
AnonD-137201, 29 Nov 2016And in Brazil we're stuck with Apple, Samsung and Motorola.... moreIts better to use Samsung or Motorola than Huawei.
No support or updates according to the price we pay.
- D
- AnonD-137201
- Pf4
- 29 Nov 2016
And in Brazil we're stuck with Apple, Samsung and Motorola. The only 3 companies that brings real flagship devices here...
Not even LG and Sony, that now are bringing just "fake flagships" with the SD652 and the same body that the real deal...
- K
- Kaku Diego
- Jji
- 29 Nov 2016
10 million phones and no updates! my p9 plus has the same first firmware (b131)
- D
- AnonD-615186
- 3qW
- 29 Nov 2016
Shawn , 29 Nov 2016Maybe they forgot to pay tax that's why. This is pure gold.
- S
- Shawn
- IW9
- 29 Nov 2016
Maybe they forgot to pay tax that's why.