Not-blurry photos of Samsung Galaxy S 4G for T-Mobile appear

27 January, 2011
New photos of T-Mobile's Samsung Galaxy S 4G give us a better look at the phone - and you shouldn't be surprised to hear it looks almost exactly like the Vibrant. It's similar on the inside too, save for...

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  • K
  • Kristijan
  • 4D%
  • 27 Jan 2011

No flash again, I can't believe Tmobile really sucks and I am fed up with them, all the other carriers are getting bad ass phones and the only company that brings out junk is Tmobile.

    • K
    • Keeks
    • fkg
    • 27 Jan 2011

    Y do I see some JELIOUS people out there.......Android is getting the top ...letting IOS in the MUD......and Galaxy S wrecked Iphone 4..and if u r really serious abt cheap hardware ...go chech the manufacturer of the Processor(A4) of the iphone 4 ,and its screen too......Guys don't fool urselves......:)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • LpI
      • 27 Jan 2011

      Pathetic phone. iPhone copy with cheap build quality, cheap camera and high-price, I would be embarassed to use such a thing.
      Android made the manufacters so damn pathetic, they don't take their time to work on phone hardware anymore, they just build anything and put the beloved Android there.
      Go for iPhone or Nokia, Android is killing the smartphone market.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • k2n
        • 27 Jan 2011

        No flashlight for the camera or when you are recording.
        what are you paying this higher price for when you could buy a Nokia N8 and stick your simcard and will be able to get 3.5G, and the NOKIA N8 have better technology.

          • $
          • $
          • LHf
          • 27 Jan 2011

          Galaxy S, the phone that was out about 4 months ago was perfect for me, it only missed the LED flash (I'm not the only one) and I was hoping the better alternatives, but nothing...
          Samsung just can't hear us (the future customers).

          Not buying this (if it's not tegra 2 platform, dual-core CPU, flash and redesigned a bit) or any other phone before Android 3.0 is out (and then we'll see)...

          P.S. Can you all together rid of the Search button, there's no need for a hardware button to search for something, it's already everywhere in apps!;)

            • M
            • Mike
            • nDW
            • 27 Jan 2011

            Damn, another good phone from Samsung, but without led flash ... sad!

              • O
              • Original
              • j9I
              • 27 Jan 2011

              I expected something ORIGINAL from Samsung. I can't belive they are making the Galaxy phone look like an iPhone!!! I sooo hope this is not the final product from Samsung!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • njB
                • 27 Jan 2011

                another iphone copy
                why samsung?
                please make something that looks special not iphone copy like xperia arc

                  • F
                  • Fred
                  • 4@6
                  • 27 Jan 2011

                  I hate T-Mobile's plans on ways to get money from customer's by releasing things bit by bit. Why not just go all out and give the Nexus S 21+ Mbps speeds? it would be the ultimate android phone available on the market. At least until the dual-core ones come out...just my $.02