Google now lets you add app-like bookmarks on Android
- D
- AnonD-632062
- 3Yc
- 04 Feb 2017
This might actually be pretty good, since many free websites offer the same functionality as their paid app counterparts.
- ?
- Anonymous
- gLT
- 04 Feb 2017
So basically, what already Firefox OS had.
- R
- Rafaelinux
- 8xi
- 03 Feb 2017
Welcome to Symbian In 2010!
- D
- AnonD-39937
- ajP
- 03 Feb 2017
Like it's now on normal chrome, the bookmark just as a bookmark, not like a app and without notification, it's a lot faster than the chrome as it is, maybe it's a good idea.
- D
- AnonD-39937
- ajP
- 03 Feb 2017
Certainly something unique and useful for some...but a bit weird... first we must see how it works and after then say about it... This may be the future for sites who don't need apps for functionalities that a browser doesn't have...with al of that I think I will stick with the chrome without app-bookmarks
- DonAlduck
- myI
- 03 Feb 2017
Well, it basically converts a website into a webview like apk with no url bar, settings whatsoever. Pretty neat, but the lack of mobile/desktop view button could be annoying for some sites.
- H
- Herodroid
- 0xS
- 03 Feb 2017
I think this is the same with gsmarena bookmark. I noticed this about 2 weeks ago.