Palm Pre Plus gets webOS 2.1 in Germany starting now

22 February, 2011
Now that's a surprise - HP officially confirmed that the Pre Plus won't get a chance to taste webOS 2 and yet here comes the update. As of today owners of the O2 Palm Pre Plus can get the over-the-air firmware...

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  • B
  • Bothr
  • u1F
  • 28 Mar 2011

Hey can any help to install call record facility in these phone..!!!1 please do help..

    • V
    • VynZ
    • 9Ii
    • 28 Mar 2011

    42knowsALL, 23 Feb 2011best phone, best os? Doesnt have the best screen; unspe... moreNo phone is perfect for everybody. In this case, it would make sense for HP to make the OS available in multiple form factors to alleviate many of the hardware issues you have with the phone. I am not sure if HP has the lust factor that apple has to survive with just two models out at any given time.

    WebOS combines the usability of the iphone with the power of android and this is why it wins for me. Incidentally, I also adore the slide form factor so for me, it is the perfect mobile.

    Hopefully HP will develop all the features (tethering, Bluetooth file transfer etc) into the OS as time goes on. I would never recommend buying a phone if it does not have a feature that you need, but I’m sure for many users the feature set would suffice and the OS would enhance the experience.

      • g
      • gaga
      • s3B
      • 26 Feb 2011

      i have update my pre+,on 2.1 and it works like never before.
      webos 2.1 is really great,better for business than my iPhone on 4.1
      good job,can't wait for touch pad to come out.

        • a
        • adi styn
        • wrp
        • 23 Feb 2011

        sale in indonesia with $250 i like it

          • 4
          • 42knowsALL
          • S35
          • 23 Feb 2011

          vynz, 23 Feb 2011How sad. The best phone with the best OS in the world still... morebest phone, best os?

          Doesnt have the best screen;
          unspectacular size, unspectacular resolution, vibrancy, colour rendiction or viewing angles,not even close.

          Doesnt have best capactive sensor density, not even close.

          Doesnt have best web loading performance, not even close.

          Doesnt have the best build quality, (palm pre and plus model), not even close, infact build is shocking. case, keypad, charging docks and exterior buttons, just poor.

          Doesnt have the best App support, checking week by week, month by month I see very little change, even on pre central its stagnant and quite frankly sparse of anything useful.

          its not a dreadful phone compared to some others, but its certainly not best by a long long long shot.

          As for web os I think sync option with outlook and other comparative clients could be better. its pretty much the only smartphone not to support sync of contacts/calendar entries and memos to pc. makes it a poor business option.

          No out of the box tethering. no file transfer bluetooth.

          I suppose any one factor is not so bad, but all of it together.

          Best phone? its the best phone/hockey puck.

            • T
            • The Great Spongo
            • S35
            • 23 Feb 2011

            My Palm Pre is near death. Numerous issues plagued me and my wonderful experience of WebOS. Once my handset refused my touch. I was hurt that it refused me so. After hours of therapy I returned to my device to find it now would not connect to the internet nor my email account - which incidentally - had several replies from my online dating site - Beaver Mange. This was horrendous and as a result I had missed several possible opertunities to find true love. I hate you palm pre and I am glad that webOS is not coming to older handsets!

            I am away to dance with the fairies! RAR!

              • v
              • vynz
              • 9Ii
              • 23 Feb 2011

              Anonymous, 22 Feb 2011Wots so special with web os? Is it also massively supported... moreThe user experience is phenomenal. But until HP start marketing this properly, nobody will write software for it. Who is the target market anyway? Does anybody even know that?

                • v
                • vynz
                • 9Ii
                • 23 Feb 2011

                How sad. The best phone with the best OS in the world still comes locked down to one provider and a long contract, two things I and many others will never accept. This OS could be so great but alas seems doomed to failure. Has anyone at HP done a course in marketing!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 7wp
                  • 23 Feb 2011

                  will get pre 4....5....

                  until hp get skype and mobile hotspot on unlocked phone

                    • D
                    • AnonD-2314
                    • wrp
                    • 23 Feb 2011

                    in my opinion a very nice gadget .... I guarantee you if the sale in Indonesia it will be many applicants as long as the public at affordable prices with Indonesia if the product is sold under the

                      • T
                      • TSH
                      • PFe
                      • 23 Feb 2011

                      It's a shame that there didn't seem room in the market for WebOS - it has some really appealing features which put it miles ahead of its competition (in particular Sym^3 and WP7).

                      Unfortunately it's up against S60, Sym^3, Blackberry, WP7, Android, iOS, and Bada and Palm felt the bite of a market that really relies on being backed by a company as large as MS, Apple, Nokia or Google.

                      I really hope that HP can maintain WebOS as a "second tier" option (as is Samsung's Bada and Nokia's S60). And super-mad props to HP for supporting the older, non-HP (strictly speaking) device.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 7wm
                        • 23 Feb 2011

                        what i miss on webos is skype

                          • D
                          • AnonD-751
                          • pK1
                          • 22 Feb 2011

                          I think this phone rocks!!! especially how it charges...I would like to buy it but I got the c7, still good though

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • v0X
                            • 22 Feb 2011

                            Wots so special with web os? Is it also massively supported by 3rd party softwares? And many treat games?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-843
                              • 2SR
                              • 22 Feb 2011

                              wow HP is cool

                                • A
                                • Aries.phills
                                • fsV
                                • 22 Feb 2011

                                Wow! this is good news. Though, I'm jumping into galaxy s 2.

                                  • m
                                  • mierah
                                  • 98q
                                  • 22 Feb 2011

                                  looks promising!