WP7 update for Samsung phones halted due to performance issues

23 February, 2011
It doesn't matter how minor an update is, something may always go wrong. On Monday Microsoft released the first update for their WP7 OS and today they are starting to pull it out due to bricking issues on some...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mq1
  • 23 Feb 2011

I just tried to update my HTC HD7 still saying the current software is up to date.
Has anybody actually updated their WP7 yet?

    • b
    • boosook
    • mx7
    • 23 Feb 2011

    For people that are blaming Samsung: the fact that it happened only on Samsung phones does not mean anything, because Samsung could have done some particular implementation that could be completely correct yet it could trigger a WP7 bug that is not seen in other implementations. So I would wait to know the reason of the problem before blaming Samsung or MS, anyway if there is an update procedure that bricks the phone IMHO it is likely that Microsoft did not design the update procedure correctly!

      • m
      • me
      • LhU
      • 23 Feb 2011

      lol samsung lol

        • b
        • boosook
        • mx7
        • 23 Feb 2011

        What did you expect from Microsoft? Things like this have always happened on Windows, so why shouldn't they happen on WP7? Sorry for those that bought a phone that has been bricked, but... you oughta know! :-)

          • s
          • stalker
          • vj1
          • 23 Feb 2011

          abhi, 23 Feb 2011This problem is only happening with samsung phones which sh... morei agree with you. Why is it that the problem happens only to samsung? If its Microsoft's OS fault, the same should also be encountered by other wp7 phone brands.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3sE
            • 23 Feb 2011

            Just get a Blackberry.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • n2n
              • 23 Feb 2011

              Same old microsoft. go for android on your cell and linux on your pc

                • T
                • Told u so...
                • q8r
                • 23 Feb 2011

                why should Microsoft do any better with Windows Phone 7 as it does with its PC software. I've learned my lesson and stay away from MS where I can.

                  • $
                  • $H@H
                  • vGk
                  • 23 Feb 2011

                  abhi, 23 Feb 2011This problem is only happening with samsung phones which sh... moreI totall agree with you yes the specs are anazing with samsung but when it comes to performance they fail its the same as nokia they have introduced N97 ,N97 mini,and now N8 which has some flaws like slow processor ,these companies are greedy they will do anything for MONEY !!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Ski
                    • 23 Feb 2011

                    why it happens on samsung phones? not on HTC? nor LG? DX

                      • a
                      • abhi
                      • TL5
                      • 23 Feb 2011

                      This problem is only happening with samsung phones which shows that samsung phones look good only on specs sheet but when it comes to real life performance THEY FAIL BADLY ... !!!

                        • t
                        • thor
                        • MFa
                        • 23 Feb 2011

                        typical windows. why bother? its crap. get android.

                          • D
                          • Dubz
                          • kgN
                          • 23 Feb 2011

                          That is awesome. It sucks for Microsoft, I do want to see this OS do something. It's just funny that the update to help make things better, totally killed peoples phones. The thing is though, at they're owning up too it, and not coming up with some BS. I would be pissed though, WP7 devices are packing some pretty big guns compared to most devices, and then an update comes around that kills them, I donno how I'd react to that. At least they're going to replace them which is a good thing. Still, its pretty funny.

                            • A
                            • Abhishek
                            • bJe
                            • 23 Feb 2011

                            Nokia just MAY wanna rethink their decision.......

                              • B
                              • Ballmer
                              • uQ5
                              • 23 Feb 2011

                              I wonder what will steve say if iOS update hang all the iphones. Hmmm...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • iAX
                                • 23 Feb 2011

                                Ha ha Haaaaaaa!! LooL

                                  • g
                                  • guy who commented
                                  • 390
                                  • 23 Feb 2011

                                  they WANT this, just another reason to push c/p major update even further... it's the M$ WAY :))

                                    • C
                                    • CGC
                                    • p3I
                                    • 23 Feb 2011

                                    Microsoft made just one good product: Win. XP. Rest of the software products are... @#%*. Nokia will suffer a lot because of this engage. To bad, because i dont like Androit to, and Maemo had a lot of potential.

                                      • m
                                      • moldo88
                                      • C%g
                                      • 23 Feb 2011

                                      jeez...some things never change...lol

                                        • f
                                        • first
                                        • PxM
                                        • 23 Feb 2011

                                        Microsoft at its best.