Google is working on a group photo editing app
- A
- Alex
- pJn
- 26 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 25 Mar 2017Future 'abandoned' product/service?Or maybe it will go the Google Camera way: make an app and if people like it pull it out of the app store and make it Google Pixel exclusive
- G
- Grubba
- JCr
- 25 Mar 2017
Everytime Google alters something it causes problem's elsewhere.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibm
- 25 Mar 2017
Why is Google trying to change everything just leave it the way it is everyone is happy
- ?
- Anonymous
- nbr
- 25 Mar 2017
Every year Android and iOS keep turning into the same OS by getting closer and closer. They started at different end, but they are slowly merging in the middle. iOS started completely as a lockdown os that is slowly opening up and Android started as a wild wild west but slowly adopting some of the iOS lockdown (although not completely) restriction nature to better handle things.
- D
- AnonD-560664
- 3qC
- 25 Mar 2017
"Naturally, we can also expect the new service to leverage Google's groundbreaking machine learning algorithms for recognizing people and objects, automatic categorization and almost magic-like search capabilities."
Is your day job writing press releases for Google?
- ?
- Anonymous
- tNw
- 25 Mar 2017
Future 'abandoned' product/service?